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Everything posted by kyeesha

  1. We are moving to Portland Vic next week and will be looking for a new vet for our gang my Kirra my 2yr old gsd girl who will need to be desexed asap and Max n Meg hubby's two jrts who are totally healthy atm but we wanna be prepared for any emergencies. Is there anyone from down that way who can recommend a good vet pls
  2. K that's for that "we" are playing the "who is the stronger"at the atm, tonight I am winning çause she has put herself to bed with the "sulks, a bowl of uneaten food and an empty belly Cut the meal to about a 1/4 put that in her bowl tonight of whatever time you choose for dinner and offer that to her. Give her about 15 minutes and if she hasn't eaten it all put it away until the next meal. Do not feel sorry for her and do not give her any treats at all between meals. Unless she has a medical condition ( get her checked by your vet if you haven't already ) then there is no reason why she should not eat. Stick with it, you will win in the end. ETA: I have also found that some dogs will not eat out of a bowl, I've taken to tipping their dinner on the kennel floor and it's gone in seconds. She is very healthy ( no probs at all ) just VERY stubborn me thinks :p
  3. Thanks Clover, guess I just needed to support, felt a bit bad
  4. K that's for that "we" are playing the "who is the stronger"at the atm, tonight I am winning çause she has put herself to bed with the "sulks, a bowl of uneaten food and an empty belly :p
  5. So far she won't eat chicken mince or any type dry food I have offered her, she WILL eat chicken necks, wings, frames etc and not much else. Am worried that she is not getting enough nutrition or even enough to eat although she has gained around 1.5kg in three 3 weeks I have had her. She is around two and I have no idea what she was fed in the past
  6. ((((( hugs to you ))))) I feelforyou I really do, rip Mary
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