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Posts posted by Sayreovi

  1. If rescues can attempt to recoup some cost why not? Some dogs need a fair amount of vet work, not all require the basics, so should a rescue always run at a loss or can they try and get ahead by charging a little more if people are willing to pay?

    Why is it a ridiculous price? Because it's a rescue dog?

    I very much doubt there are many rescues who break even let alone profit.

  2. Good luck, and may you come home with a "virgin quallie". They are rare. (Quallie at your first trial) Whatever happens, make it fun.


    LOL I've never heard that expression before!

    I have Jovi's first trial in two weeks, I had entered one about a month or so ago but it got cancelled due to rain, so looking forward to this trial. Should be exciting, I am trying not to put any pressure at all and not go with any expectations but it's hard as she is extremely capable of kicking butt :p and she has had such an amazing start to flyball (only 4 comps with 4 firsts including a National) so she has spoilt me. I know I will be very proud of her regardless so just really want to go and have fun!

    Regarding collars, for some reason I run my boy naked but Jovi with a collar....I will probably eventually remove the collar as well on her

  3. I didn't go looking for the posts so haven't quoted them, but to the people in WA the AFA have tried to organise seminars for at least the last 4 years, possibly longer, to try and get the sport up and running over there but nobody has taken up the offer. There was a DOLer who had trained dogs already (I think she had previously lived in SA or Vic) and had since moved to Esperance who was prepared to get involved too and was prepared to travel to Perth to get the sport running but there just wasn't enough interest. Lots of talk, but nobody really keen enough when push came to shove.

    Perhaps now is the time to revisit it? There would be plenty of people happy to help out if need be.

    She moved to a town 200kms from Esperance and stayed around 6 to 8 months then has moved back east again.

    This sounds like me? :laugh:

  4. I disagree with the riding crop. It's not the dog's fault that it's off lead, I understand whacking for aggressive behaviour but a friendly dog approaching, that could make it aggressive...

    May not be the dog's fault but why take the risk of it turning into an ugly encounter?

    My two boys have been attacked by larger aggressive off lead dogs while out walking and it was only by sheer luck (and a few people helping) that there wasn't more damage done. Too bad they are now a bit wary of larger dogs and one boy despises a certain breed because of it. I wished at the time I was carrying something like a riding crop, maybe my dogs wouldn't have been harmed?

    I now carry a stick around as there is no way in hell a dog is getting close enough to mine to do damage, especially seeing as my girl hates dogs rushing up into her space. My job as their owner is too protect them and while I love dogs I love my dogs more and will do anything possible to protect them from damage :)


    I think you'd be safer to get one of those walking/hiking poles that people take on the kokoda track or whatever - then at least you'd have a lawful excuse for carrying it. And you'd have a much longer reach for blocking or fending off an approaching dog.

    That's a good idea actually, I've been carrying around a stick.....you know to throw for the dogs ;)

  5. Must be different in Victoria then TigerJack or the person doing it didn't really care :laugh:

    I've never applied for a title with the AFA even though I have the points, and I can't remember now what I put on the ANKC title application as proof but it was accepted :shrug: :laugh:

    ETA: Actually thinking back, I think I put the points that I can see when I log in to my account for each dog.

  6. so are the titles different then?


    I had applied for two of mine to get the same title as they were listed in the AFA. Both got approved even though the titles were the 3rd and 4th ones along and I hadn't applied for previous titles with Dogs Vic. I don't know how Dogs Vic got clarification on whether that title was correct.

  7. That makes me feel better! Maybe you can be my cheer squad in August Megan :).

    He certainly seems to have chilled out the past few months.

    That's for Action dogs yeah?

    I am nearly finished the foundation levels and I've loved it! We have several older dogs in the class, mine was I think the youngest one and she was about 11 months.

    If anything starting later is better as your dog will be more mature mentally and physically.

  8. Personally my experience with fly ballers have not been that good- I enquired with 2 clubs about starting and was

    told that they were only after small, fast dogs or border collies. Perhaps unlucky and I have met other people who do fly ball who are very nice. I've never been to an agility club that discriminated by breed.... If anything they tend to really support people with more unusual breeds

    That's a disgusting attitude from the club and certainly not shared by 95% of flyballers, so I am sorry that you got told them. Sure it's exciting watching the faster dogs, but I love watching all the different breeds especially those not usually seen like Sibes!

    Besides you don't need a BC to have a fast dog, there are alot of other pure breds and mixes competing at the moment that outrun the Borders :D

  9. Victoria is similar. Most of our comps are also in conjunction with agricultural shows, so we get heaps of spectators and there is usually someone commentating as well so the public know what the hell is going on :p

    There are also several demo's held throughout the year at smaller shows and events, this includes the Royal and Pet Expo.

    This year there will be a competition held at the Royal for the first time and I expect the crowd to be huge, agility usually draws a crowd but flyball has a competition aspect where people can cheer on individual dogs or the team.

    As Jumabaar said, our Nationals are held with other big events. Dandenong show (for the Nationals next year) is a pretty big show and always get a massive crowd!

    I know SA, do alot of demo's throughout the year to gain more interest and have increased to several teams. Same as Tasmania who got enough people involved to send across I think 2? teams last year, it was their first ever comp :D

  10. I've got a question for the agility people! I'm learning very slowly how to run a manic, hyperspeed dog in agility at present and have been reading alot about handling and also spending hours watching videos. But I'm stumped on the use of arms! I understand the need for giving direction and my dog has no trouble with that but my agility club keeps telling me I need to keep my hand raised up in the air or my dog will jump lower or drop bars? Now my dog has never been taught anything in relation to my arm being up in air so I'm confused about how having my arm up will affect her jump. I understand if I start with my arm up in the air and then drop it while she's jumping that affects her jump as I've changed my body language. Surely I can train her to jump with my arm held level or not even having my arm out and only use the arm for directional cues or crosses etc? What do others think about arms? I know alot of this comes down to the handling system that my club teaches but I want to know the reasons WHY we do certain things!

    How do they teach a dog to remain away from you?

    I have learnt the same as Sheena, my arm can be in 3 positions and they all mean different things to my dog. If I want my dog in close I drop my arm so it's nearly at my side, if I want to push her out I have my arm straight out and for everything else I pretty much have it about 45 degrees.

  11. It was posted by Dogs NSW on their FB page. There is some clarification happening regarding the date that you earned the points vs the date that the AFA issues your certificate needing to be before July 1st (due to the backlog of points being processed). But any certificate dated prior to the 1st July SHOULD be honoured since it was earned while the sport was still officially sanctioned.

    Thanks for that, I went and had a look and will print Dogs NSW comments out in case I need them if Dogs Vic doesn't honour it.

    The AFA has added a few comps points to my dogs (as we had an issue of wrong CRN at comps), so she has enough points so I will send it off tomorrow :)

    Thanks Jumabaar

  12. I don't mind either way, having the AFA and ANKC tied hasn't done anything for me.

    I've barely given it a second thought until now as I would have liked my girl to have at least one title officially recognized so they could have given us warning and time to send in applications. That being said I still list her everywhere as having the title and even put in on entries (show and performance) and it does show up in the catalogue.

    Must be extremely disappointing for those who worked hard to get the ANKC to recognize titles to begin with though :(

    Titles earned before July 1 will be (should be) recognised according to DogsNSW so send them in.

    Does it say that anywhere?

    From what I've read on the website, it comes across as titles that have been applied for and granted will remain but no further titles (regardless of when the dog received them) will be issued.

    Adding the titles to a pedigree ensures that everyone who is coming behind and considering a dog for breeding into the future can see the qualification and take that into account when deciding on which dog to use.

    Fact is you can go out and get any qualification you want but only those which the ANKC recognise will be added to the pedigree system

    At the moment they are not recogising these ones so the only way you can do anything about that is to play by their rules and do as they say - because they wont change the rules just for you. Or you can use another registry to enable others who want to access the info into the future to add the qualifications which doesn't have the same criteria for the info to be added.

    Not sure the purpose of this post Steve?

    Not asking them to change the rules for me? :confused:

  13. I don't mind either way, having the AFA and ANKC tied hasn't done anything for me.

    I've barely given it a second thought until now as I would have liked my girl to have at least one title officially recognized so they could have given us warning and time to send in applications. That being said I still list her everywhere as having the title and even put in on entries (show and performance) and it does show up in the catalogue.

    Must be extremely disappointing for those who worked hard to get the ANKC to recognize titles to begin with though :(

  14. Sorry to hear that rotts4ever :(

    Hopefully it's just a bad batch and not a permanant change (even though there apparantly hasn't been) as there have been too many dogs that have previously done well now starting to have side affects.

    I am another who got a slightly different sort of BH recently, lighter in colour and different size, so far no negative changes here though I have been feeding more bones than BH lately so maybe hasn't affected my guys as much?

    My girl though now has a lovely shine to her coat which she didn't have before :)

  15. Is there a dress code in terms of colour co-ordinating with your dog? are there specific colours i should not wear and why?

    You want to wear something that makes your dog stand out when you stand behind him and not blend in, for a Dally I would stay about from black bottoms as depending on where his spots are it could give the effect of having a dippy topline. Same might go with white I guess too, I dunno maybe grey will be OK until you really get into and get a coloured suit :p

    I quite like red as well as blue with black and white dogs :)

  16. Club discretion really. When there are joggers and cyclists, the joggers are usually placed up the front of the line, or down the back, but always together.

    Some clubs arrange the dogs by breed, or size. There is no rule. It can be done anyway.

    Next ET is Canberra this coming weekend. Good luck to all entered.

    Tollersowned, I know the people running this ET. If you want me to, I can enquire to see if they can accommodate a late entry for you.

    just let me know.


    Thanks for the offer but a trip to Canberra isn't viable at the moment unfortunately :(

    Thanks for the info, I just curious as she may get a bit upset about a larger dog 'following' her around and if they do it by size we would be near the small dogs, but plenty of time to work on it :D

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