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Posts posted by Sayreovi

  1. I grew up with a cross breed and then eventually got my first Toller when I was 15. I now have 3 and will be getting getting another soon.

    I adore the breed and will always have one (or two, or three!) but there are still other breeds I would like to own.

  2. :rofl: TO - sounds like it was "one of those days" ... but at least you got a nice Q and place along the line. My feral Kirra says she's going to start a "Dogs needing new/younger/smarter handlers society." :D

    Was most definately one of those days! I had heaps of fun though and she did too, every time I stuffed up, I swear she was laughing at me as she would stop and come up with her tail wagging :laugh:


    Well done Dogs4Fun!

  3. Well done on your qually TO :thumbsup: Masters courses today were an interesting combination of tight with lots of "choices", run hard, then tight again. I liked them but it's not hard to get lost! It does get easier I promise :D

    I think I swore every time I sent Em into the tunnel on her 2nd JDX run....I had to quickly relocate to give the next positional cue and I could see madly flapping Springer ears bearing down on me :laugh: So glad I have some private group lessons starting on Tuesday - I need all the help I can get!!!

    Are those the lessons at awesome paws? Lucy and I are doing them this month too.

    Small world, I shall see you there! :laugh:


    I think my main problem is my mind wanders very easily, so I concentrate on the hard parts and then forget where I am at for the easy part haha, one day it will all come together :laugh:

  4. Well done TSD! I didn't know it was her title! Congrats :D

    We had, shall we say and interesting day! We ended up with one pass and a 3rd place in excellent agility, nearly had a second and her title if not for a silly handler getting lost on the easy part of the course! LMAO All good, I don't particulary want to go up to masters just yet for agility :)

    We had heaps of fun, and I was thrilled with our runs even if they were a little (ok alot!) messy, but she thought I was funny when I stuffed up :laugh: Lucky for me, otherwise I think she will be looking for handler with better memory skills :p

  5. Jovi and I achieved our 4th excellent agility pass today, only one more to go :/ Not looking forward to masters lol

    We had a fun, though slightly out of control day where we demolished the courses, to the point a judge was standing there hand over mouth and shaking his head :laugh:

    Luckily we pulled it together for his next course and we got 3rd as well.....then I got lost on the easiest (and last!) part of his next course after doing everything else correctly! LOL That was after getting utterly lost on a masters jumping course.

    My dog is about to disown me :rofl:

  6. Just a little flyball brag, my tiny little Toller pulled off an amazing 4.6s today!!

    Her dad also did very well, and did his best time for quite some time and did a 5.0, not bad for a 9 year old with a crappy box turn.

    Awesome first comp of the season and they (and I) enjoyed racing again :D

  7. No news from us, we were entered in a trial on Saturday that I was really looking forward to as they always have nice grounds and it's been awhile since our last one. Plus we have had a few private lessons and been working on a few things so wanted to test them out.

    Unfortunately a little bitch who shall remain nameless not only waited until I had driven to the grounds, set up, walked a course and ready to go decide that that very moment was the best time to come into season!! (Yup I checked the night before as well as before leaving and no indication)

    I wouldn't have even known if I didn't give her a quick brush before our go, and she was being squirmy so I put my hand between her back legs to steady her and....awesome.....blood!

    A whole month early, for a bitch who has been so consistent and spot on with being due it was a tad annoying at the time.

    Now to cross fingers she has a normal season and is finished in a couple of weeks so we can do the state trials!

    Bloody bitches who'd have 'em? :p

  8. Don't do what I did and call your dog Nova. One day in I realised I will NEVER be able to use the word No.

    I will one up you and also call another dog Jovi who regulary gets called Jove and I call Nova 'Nove'......my poor confused dogs :rofl:

    I have a Jovi, and I am bias but I adore her name. It's unique and easy to say in a hurry!

  9. I got my second choice. The first one I put in I put it in by itself, so I wouldn't get one I didn't really like, took me a few months to think of a new one when that got rejected. When I did I put that in by itself again and I got it :)

    I really like more now it's mine, I chose Sayreovi :D

  10. Dusted off the old boy today and had him entered in a Rally trial. Damn dog blew me away and got a pass with a score of 94!!! Ended up 5th out of nearly 40 dogs, I am so proud of him, all his points lost were for slowish not perfect straight sits but if that's all the judge could find faulty in his performance than I am thrilled with that!

    I was feeling a bit ill before taking him in and had too keep talking myself into giving him a go, as he is the reason why I freak out in an obedience ring but glad I gave him a shot as he really surprised me.

    Not bad for a dog who hasn't trialled for nearly 8 years, and turns 11 this year :D

    The other two well, Darcy had his first go at Advance, went the usual with a pass of 87. At least he is consistent! We tend to lose alot of points as he heels so close if he looses focus (which he does often) and forgets what we were doing I bump into him.

    Jovi, I wasn't impressed with how she went as I know we can do so much better, she also managed a pass of 86 in Advance. Not often that she is the dud :p

  11. That would really shit me at flyball comps, people would run their dogs and just grab them when they got back no praise, treat or reward of any sort :/. Is it really that hard to interact for just a moment.

    Agree with this, I find it always leads to problems in time. I know one person who is really proud that they don't 'have' to reward their dog at flyball

    Yup and I see it in agility as well, people get to the end and just walk out without appearing happy or praising their dog. I just don't get that, my dogs are always so happy when they finish either a flyball or agility run, they try their heart out for me the least I can do is give them a reward they deserve.

    With my dogs/breed if you don't reward them they will think they did it wrong and slowly shut down......or in my old boys case give me the finger and wander off LOL So I don't have the 'luxury' of ever not rewarding, luckily I can also reward my youngest with a stick/twig to rip up...or a leaf...or a bit of grass :p

    I would love to know what I do now what I did when my first two were young, I have a brilliant little girl at the moment who I can reward with anything as I worked on that when she was young. Makes it much easier to switch it up and keep her guessing on what she will get this time, and all rewards have similar value.

  12. We had a good weekend of trialling, another 2 passes in excellent agility both second places so pretty happy with that :) It's taken a little while to get there though it was the same with novice always one fault wonders but she did run beautifully on the weekend.

    Not as crazy as the previous trial but that was my fault due to entering too many things/sports in one day with two dogs, so she didn't get to sit and watch. Still thrilled with her runs though!

    Had another go at masters jumping and she would have easily made time if I had gotten my handling right oops! Bit annoyed at myself as it was her type of course as well, the tight twist and turns that got a lot of the bigger dogs, she did do exactly as I told her with my body language :laugh:

    We will get that elusive first pass eventually!

  13. Darcy got his RN today, pretty happy with the old boy :D It was bit of an ugly pass with 87 but he did try his best even though he was a bit distracted. Like his daughter, he got it in 3 goes.

    Jovi got 2 passes in excellent agility today as well, both of them 2nd places (pipped at the post both times!), I am really happy with how she is travelling. We seem to have gotten out of the rut, hopefully onwards and upwards!

    Though if I even think about entering both dogs in a double agility/double rally trial again, all in different classes, please shoot me! Very hectic LOL

  14. I got mine made by Zandona Trailers.....still in Victoria but I like them better than the PB ones I see. Mine are 100% made for my specific car, they were also heaps cheaper and only took a month from start to finish.

    Mine are also black as they are made in the guys workshop from scratch they can be powdercoated in any colour.

    If you have a new Xtrail, a 2 door isn't really suitable due to back ends "pear" shape. I wanted a two door originally with the option for a divider if I need one, but after measuring them up the guys showed me how much room I would have and it wasn't much....and my dogs are pretty slim!

    I stuck with a single door and couldn't be happier :)

    Definately recommend Zandona, if I remember I will take a photo and post it :)

    Do you have a false floor also?

    Nope, I looked into that as well, but I didn't want a cargo barrier so having a false floor would have put the floor up to a height where the dogs could just step over the back seats and wouldn't be safe.

    The new Xtrails have a 'false floor' anyway with drawers so you couldn't secure anything to them as they themselves aren't secure.

    I am curious if anyone with xtrails with double doors what size is each door?

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