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Posts posted by Sayly

  1. Our pup (5 months currently) could go the whole night (10ish until 7am) without toileting from about 3 months I think. She has newspaper in there just in case.

    Our other dog was terrible. She pooped and peed inside overnight until about 6months.

  2. rastus_froggy you use real coconuts? Your dogs enjoy them? They are safe? Not something I would have thought of but it sounds great for my three.

    My three (well mainly the puppy) will pull any bedding out of their kennel durning the day. We take the bedding out during the day and put it back at night, they leave it alone then.

  3. Ruby licks gently, unlike Poppy who does big quick sloppy ones!

    Ruby will gently chew on the tip of my nails with her front teeth similar to the way people chew on their nails. She starts by licking my fingers then starts gently chewing. It's different to normal puppy mouthyness, its quite gentle. She's wierd! Haha.

  4. Our newest (5 months now) is a Terrier (Irish) and she won't piddle inside for the whole night unless we get up late. She has her dinner and a bit after we take her out the front on the leash for a piddle. We don't have grass out there just lots of leaves from our gum trees around the plants out there.

    She has learnt that when she gets taken out the front it means piddle time and she goes almost straight away now, before heading back inside. Her reward is a "good girl!" and getting to go inside. She will piddle outside when either my mum or I take her but won't for Dad. The difference is Dad lets her wander around where she wants, Mum and I won't let her move very far from the one spot. She takes advantage of Dad, the softy!

    Your baby is a terrier right? They are smart but mostly at getting their own way! I know you won't give up but it can only get easier, he will get it eventually. Best of luck and in a couple of months you will forget how hard it was.

  5. Thank you. Have had a look and we don't have any cammomile tea so we are using normal tea bags as isaviz directed.

    Everyone is at school/work tomorrow and there is no way Mum can stay home (she has two specialist appointments which are fairly important) and I can't stay home because of a couple of summative things at school tomorrow (doing year 12). Dad might be able to leave work early but the earliest we can get to the vets is about 4pm. :mad I feel terrible that I can't do more for them.

  6. I am looking at entering an Endurance Test next winter with my dog, and was just wondering what is required in the obedience part?

    SACA's website only states:

    Prior to the Test and at the completion of the Test, after the final 15 minute rest period, a short obedience test is conducted on and off lead to include a recall.

    Is there much to it?

    My girl is obedient but she wouldn't gain any obedience titles at the moment! She is only just over a year old and we are working on it. I would love to know what to expect though.


  7. Yesterday Ruby (5month old Irish Terrier) had a little bit of green gunk in one of her eyes. She's happy enough and bouncing around still but the eye looks a little red around the usually white parts. We opted to not take her to the show today and keep her home. We got up this morning and Poppy (1year old Bull Terrier or Amstaff cross Collie or JRT :mad ) had a gunky eye too. She has the green gunk in it and the white inner eyelid thingo is up a bit too. :laugh:

    Obviously it is something catchy so I expect our Border Terrier will get it too, so all three are off to the vet tomorrow (it would have been today had it not been a Sunday) but what can we do for them today to help ease any discomfort?

    Poppy went to the vet Friday night for her vaccinations so we think she may have picked it up from there. They also had a walk Friday night so that's another possibility. Ruby had a show last weekend but it wouldn't take a week to show up would it?

    Ruby is still bouncing around being a puppy and her eye doesn't look any worse than last night, but Poppy doesn't seem very happy at all (but then it is cold and she doensn't like this weather) and her eye seems worse than Ruby's. I feel so terrible for my girls. :D Poor puppers.

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