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Posts posted by RachelleBuck

  1. As someone that has trained with a "private" dog training business and now at Werribee Obedience Dog Club I give Werribee a HUGE :laugh:

    The amount of knowledge there is amazing and there is always someone that is able to help you no matter what your problem is. And not only that it is HEAPS cheaper to train there. That makes a huge differance when you are training 3 dogs.

  2. Can I add my brag too!!??!???

    We trialled at Ballaarat in obedience yesterday. Kelli was entered in novice both AM & PM. We had a shocking time in the morning but in the afternoon we got a 177 pass and third in the ring!!!!! Only one more pass to go now. Not bad for a dog that was never going to trial!!!!!

    Also Dad got his final pass in CCD with a score of 85.

    Although not great scores a pass is still a pass!!!


  3. Please don't be put off trialling by this horrible person, LucyCharzie :)

    People sometimes forget that we all started out as a begginer at some stage. I have only been in the trialling ring for 2 years now and I have meet some horrible people in that time. But for every horrible person there are 20 more great people offering you advise and support.

    I am still a nervous wreck everytime I enter the ring but I just remind myself to smile, what is the very worse that can happen?? We can only fail, the world wont end because of it!!!

    Just keep up the training and it will all come together for you. :(

    People that scare their dogs into working for them are not trainers at all. You and your dog should work at as a team and I always find kindness is a better way to get that result.

    Hope to see your entry for Werribee!!!


  4. They changed the rules at the start of last year. Your dog is meant to have been with stock before they do the test. But please come and have a look. Their will be people there that can give you some more information and you can also see what you need to do.

    The test is not hard but best to know what you are up to first i think.

  5. They are trialing levels. You start by doing an instinct test (this is a certificate not a title). You don't have to do this level but most people do. Then you move on to herding test. Once you gain two passes you get your HT title then onto pre trial where to need two passes to get your PT title. You need each of your passes by a differant judge to gain your title and most people can get the title in one day (that is why there is two judges for all three levels)

    Hope that all makes some sense.

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