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Posts posted by Kajtek

  1. just when you thought arhhhh a break ...no MORE photo's laugh.gif

    he had a play with Ruby today for the first time


    Luka is DIVINE of course..... but

    OMG, OMG, OMG here is my Love aka Ruby

    Thank you Frodo's Mum

  2. Thank You for asking

    I guess the most memorable was when baby Honbun saw OH for the first time. When the airport crate opened she ran straight into his arms. Her body language was screaming...

    "Oh my! You are the one! You are gorgeous! I love you! Where have you been all my life! I've been waiting for the whole 9 weeks!"

    Honbun's breeder and I were having serious laughing fits watching her reaction.

    Needless to say papa & Honbun have been in love ever since that day.

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