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Posts posted by Law

  1. I used to do alot of heal work with Trix but nowadays she is older, she is very good in lead, I prefer to let her sniff around etc after all I am taking HER for a walk.

    I remember one of my NDTF trainers saying that when a dogs sniffs around on a walk it is like them reading the newspaper how would you like it if you where half way through the paper and someone yanked it off you.

    I also have Trix off alot on her walks so she gets to wander around and sniff things.

  2. We get a tube of sunscreen for Boodzey from Mega Pet Warehouse. It works fine its just getting it on him! :) not his favourite thing. We just put it on his nose, muzzle, ears and belly as he likes to sunbake on his back (all the pink bits)

  3. Zero knows that when I come out of the house in tracksuit pants with my running shoes on that it's time for walkies. All i have to do is pick up his leash and say "off you go" and he runs to the gate and waits for me there. When i come around the corner he comes running back to me, then back to the gate and touches his nose to it. I once said "shake" while i was near it during this time so now he lifts his foot and points at it too before coming running back to me to have his collar and leash put on.

    :laugh: Trixie does this too.

    Its funny though because some days I will put my runners on and she knows and starts going crazy but other times I put the same runners on (with no intention of taking her for a walk) and she doesn't do anything! Its weird I swear she can read my mind!

  4. Trix knows the word move, if she is in my way I say move and she will take a few steps back. They know what dinner and walkies mean.

    Trix jumps into my arms when I call her with my arms spread (cant even remember how that started)

    When I was training Trix when we first got her (I was 12) I didn't realise that when going through commands you should break them up. So whenever I would ask Trix to sit she would automatically sit, then shake, then drop, then roll onto her back :(

  5. I've got a Fuji film Finepix z which is supossed to be 10 mexapixels. But I find the image quality pretty crappy too.

    Some of the photos on my phone (which is 5 megapixels) are better.

    But I bought it in Thailand so I cant exactly take it back.

    Dont know if that relates to you at all :D but thought maybe as a brand they are not so good....

  6. In my experience this is a common problem- that either exists on its own OR is a residual problem that remains after other aggression issues have been worked through.

    Impossible to be certain without seeing but a few things that could be happening-

    - If you used to be nervous and/ or shorten/ tighten lead when passing/ seeing other dogs, the dog may now connect the lead tension with prior feelings of nervousness/ fear/ aggressive responses and it acts as a cue for the aggressive behaviour

    - Dog feels trapped when lead tension is felt- see this most often when dog agro dogs pull on the lead and behave aggressively but off lead okay.

    - Dog is confused about what happens next/ no clear command as to when to move on away from other dog. May feel as though she is being corrected if she is a very soft dog and doesn't understand why she can sometimes sniff and is then pulled away.

    Thanks for everyones advice.

    I think it is most likely the bolded scenario....and it seems to be a residual problem as most of the other issues have diminished.

  7. Thanks Ruthless, I had a quick read but it sounds a bit different to what Trix does. Also I try to pay attention to what body language I am giving her so I know she is not feeding any anxiety off me.

    She is not aggressive at all while approaching or sniffing its only if I put any tension on the lead. If I wait and let her walk off at her own pace she is fine.

  8. Just wanting peoples thoughts on this.

    Trix used to have alot of dog aggression issues which started after she was attacked by 3 JRTxs. She is much better now and although this isn't really too much of an issue nowadays I am still curious as to why she does this.

    When I have her on lead and she approches another dog/dog approaches her, she will have a sniff and all will seem fine until I call her away or tug on the lead even only slightly. As soon as there is any tension on the lead she will growl and put a paw over the other dog showing her dominance and sometime snap at it.

    This doesn't happen much these days as she is much better but mostly because I take her to off lead areas.

    She is perfectly fine off lead, she mostly ignores other dogs but will have a sniff and then keep trotting along. It is only when I have her on lead.

    I have thought that it could be her being possessive of me but she doesn't seem to mind the dog being close until I go to call her away.

    Anyway just wondering what others thought of this...

  9. This is my little man

    Name: Mistral, meaning, well a Mistral is a kind of wind storm in Europe. It's also the name of a character in a book series i like.

    Sex: Male

    Date of Birth: 9th March 2008

    Age: 10 weeks

    Colour: White

    Breed: Samoyed

    Hobbies: Geting into any kind of poo he can find, playing with Lestat (our 3 yr old Lab), playing withg mouse toy, standing and digging in his water.

    Loves: Lestat, sleeping in front of the front door so we can't go anywhere without him, cheese, having his belly rubbed, sleeping in the middle of the kitchen floor.

    Hates: His crate, being left alone and when Lestat won't play with him.

    Such a little model







    Too cute! Love the second last pic

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