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Posts posted by White_Shadow

  1. Thankyou Love ASD! I didn't understand the titre testing before, but now I do!

    Pup has just had her 6wk vacc the other day, and I guess she gets the 2nd vacc at 10weeks old which makes her good to go in terms of meeting other dogs in parks etc, no worries etc.. do I still get next year's vaccination done, and then get her titre tested? Or just get her titre tested later this year and maybe avoid next years booster? I guess I'll ask my vet

    Definately something I never knew about! Before this forum I thought vaccinating yearly was not a questionable thing. I would definately prefer not injecting my precious dog with the stuff every year if its not entirely necessary. will definately look into this

    I haven't got it done yet, but you can find more info here : http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...l=titre+testing

    And surely those that had it done could answer more of your question about it.


  2. I just use the daily heartworm pills from Woolies! They cost about $3.50 for 100 tablets.

    You just have to remember to give them daily though! Have been using them for ages,always give them with their breakfast then it's easy to remember :(

    I wouldn't trust any of those supermarket wormer. Apparently they don't do a great job.

    What do you mean "apparently" :)

    There's nothing wrong with Dimmitrol, you just have to remember to give it every day.

    To get your dog vaccinated against heartworm & do the spectrum every 3 months instead of doing it every month?

    What do you mean by Spectrum? if you mean Sentinel Spectrum, it does heartworm so why would consider the needle as well? I don't know of anyone who uses the needle anymore, too many risks.

    I don't consider it anymore.

    as for this: if you mean Sentinel Spectrum, it does heartworm so why would consider the needle as well?

    Thats what the vet was recommending if I was to vaccinate, BUT I'm not going too.(It would still have worked for everything else but the heartworm as it would not have been given every month). The only reason I was considering the hw vacc. was that I had never heard about it before & thought it would have been good, but now I know better thanks to lots of infos regarding the risk in this thread. :)

  3. For those who don't vaccinate yearly - how often do you? How do you explain to your eager-to-vaccinate-yearly-vet that you don't want to?

    We vaccinate our 3 cats yearly but they are indoor only cats, maybe we shouldn't?


    About the cats, I have spoken to my vet & if they never have access to the outdoors all you really need to do is your worming every 3 months.

    Most here on DOL, have done a titre test on their dog, which indicate how much immunity their dogs have agaisnt some specific 'disease', and only vaccinate if the levels are too low to protect the dog, otherwise they don't, also titre testing apparently only need to be done once from what I read, correct me if I'm wrong experienced one. :)

  4. I just use the daily heartworm pills from Woolies! They cost about $3.50 for 100 tablets.

    You just have to remember to give them daily though! Have been using them for ages,always give them with their breakfast then it's easy to remember :)

    I wouldn't trust any of those supermarket wormer. Apparently they don't do a great job.

  5. Do you mean the annual injection when you say 'vaccinating'?


    I would never vaccinate my dogs against heart worm (and definitely not with an ivermictin sensitive breed like aussies). For aussies the only heartworm recommended is Sentinel Interceptor or Spectrum. I think there also some daily pills that don't contain any -ictin but I don't remember the name.

    Just do a search about heartworm 'vaccine' and you will find a lot of threads about it.

    Yes I know Laffi I will inquire about my vet to see if its safe, mine 'ours' used to be wormed with something totally different, can't recall the name, will have to ask Belinda, they had shown no sensitivity in particular apparently.

    A lot of vets don't consider heartworm 'vaccine' unsafe. A lot of vets would also advise to vaccinate (C5) yearly :) .

    Not my new one, my last one yes, I had book for a normal booster but the vet decided to give C5 which I only realize once I paid & saw the detailed invoice last time I went there!

    I meant any yearly boosters (not just C5). I don't think dogs should be vaccinated yearly.

    Mine aren't - I couldn't find that particular ingredient, will do a thorough search later cant remember its name & will ask the ingredient of the heartworming vacc. to my vet in the morning.

  6. Do you mean the annual injection when you say 'vaccinating'?


    I would never vaccinate my dogs against heart worm (and definitely not with an ivermictin sensitive breed like aussies). For aussies the only heartworm recommended is Sentinel Interceptor or Spectrum. I think there also some daily pills that don't contain any -ictin but I don't remember the name.

    Just do a search about heartworm 'vaccine' and you will find a lot of threads about it.

    Yes I know Laffi I will inquire about my vet to see if its safe, mine 'ours' used to be wormed with something totally different, can't recall the name, will have to ask Belinda, they had shown no sensitivity in particular apparently.

    A lot of vets don't consider heartworm 'vaccine' unsafe. A lot of vets would also advise to vaccinate (C5) yearly :) .

    Not my new one, my last one yes, I had book for a normal booster but the vet decided to give C5 which I only realize once I paid & saw the detailed invoice last time I went there!

  7. Do you mean the annual injection when you say 'vaccinating'?


    I would never vaccinate my dogs against heart worm (and definitely not with an ivermictin sensitive breed like aussies). For aussies the only heartworm recommended is Sentinel Interceptor or Spectrum. I think there also some daily pills that don't contain any -ictin but I don't remember the name.

    Just do a search about heartworm 'vaccine' and you will find a lot of threads about it.

    Yes I know Laffi I will inquire about my vet to see if its safe, mine 'ours' used to be wormed with something totally different, can't recall the name, will have to ask Belinda, they had shown no sensitivity in particular apparently.

  8. 1 thing I have tried with Axle as he thought of himself as a hottie at some stage was to grab a bit of the 'skin' behind his neck(not hurting him obviously) and gave him the command to sit, with my hand still holding up onto some of his skin, than tell him to leave it. It didn't take long that the hottie left him & he became well behave in that type of situation :)

    All the best.

  9. :) that is awesome, awwww my big boy, I love it. Is it in Photoshop or is it a different program?? I am just editing mine from today to post but I have so many I dont know which one to post, I might have to start a new thread.

    I use Corel Paint Shop Pro 12

  10. Oh I love it, what did you do to get that effect??

    It also just dawned on me a day or so ago, that we have been missing some people from this thread, PPS, Lea, Bindi, Huga, where are you guys, come on we need your pics, Im sure there is more that started and havent posted any for a while?? PC, Im missing my Darcy fix...LOL and Clover what about Harri??


    The effect is called Hot Wax Coating :)

  11. I was hoping to take shot of Axle & Roxy when they were getting their stitches out but had no one else with me that could have help to watch one of them while I took photos, but might be able to get a shot of my kitten getting vaccinated, if they let me :laugh:

  12. Thank you to all of you who replied with constructive suggestions. We've been keeping at the crate thing during the night, and it is great now. Pup knows when I warm up the wheat pack that it is time for bed and puts himself in the crate. Most nights he gets through to 4am before he needs to pee, and he settles himself well afterwards. We've been putting the crate in the lounge room during the day with the door open. Sometimes he chooses to sleep there, sometimes on the floor, sometimes on top of the cat in the cat bed. We've had a few accidents on the carpet but they are becoming less frequent and if we leave the back door open a bit he takes himself outside.

    So, the moral of this story is that crate training sucks, but if you persist for a few days it does work out.

    Also, to those people who are against crate training or don't understand why we are doing it - we haven't had a puppy for 15 years. We did some internet research and came across some articles and online books by Dr Ian Dunbar, who's methods also seem to be highly regarded on this forum. We decided to follow his methods, which is why we were doing what we were doing. Not having had a puppy for a long time, this seemed like the best way to approach it - follow a reputable and highly regarded method recommended by others.

    ;) :o Great news :D I personally have nothing agaisnt crate training but i was worried that pup* was left in there most of the time that's all.

    Would LOVE to see a pic of your pup!! I secretly LOVE Labs! :)

  13. Heres my quick shot from tonight, I want daylight savings back again, not enough light in the day!!


    same pic with a different back ground, Im experimenting!!


    couldnt figure out what to do with the scary flash eyes??

    When the reflection is red it's quite easy to fix using the red eye remover when its white, then its a different story ;)

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