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Posts posted by giraffez

  1. My dog refuses to sleep in its bed. He rather jumps onto the sofa and sleep there . How can i encourage him to go back to his bed?? I tired fencing the area to his bed so he can't get out but he starts making noises at night - barking, whimpering, scratching... anything to get our attention.... at 3am in the morning, its hard not to give in!

    Is he allowed on the couch at other times? Its hard to police it if the rules change at different times.

    I used to put a bar stool on my couches when I went to bed. After a while they gave up and moved back to their beds........ or mine ;)

    haha i may try that too and put something there. I doubt he will care, he'll find his space and squat there.

    yes he is allowed there at other times... i guess he feels that the leather sofa is much comfy than his bed! Could also be he has overgrown his bed..... at one point i took the pillow out and threw away the bed but he still doesn't sleep there.

  2. My dog refuses to sleep in its bed. He rather jumps onto the sofa and sleep there . How can i encourage him to go back to his bed?? I tired fencing the area to his bed so he can't get out but he starts making noises at night - barking, whimpering, scratching... anything to get our attention.... at 3am in the morning, its hard not to give in!

  3. my dog is 1 now, and i feed it on artemis puppy range. When i place my next order, should i put it on the adult range? i'm not sure why they seperate into puppy and adult categories, is it more fat in the puppy version so it will help with the growing?

  4. wrapped in oiled kitchen paper to keep moisture away from any blades not in use.

    becks, can i just clarify that you are referring to clipper oil? Is constant exposure to too much oil also a problem and would i have to wipe it off before i use it - otherwise the hair will just stick to the teeth wouldn't it?

  5. I know that occasionally feeding sardines is good, I was wondering how about tuna? Does it have the same effect. I don't eat tuna myself so i don't know whether there is too much flavour and salt in it. If tuna is also good for the dog, could you recommend which type - the ones in oil or spring water?


  6. Kick it, if there is no owner in sight and a dog was attacking one of mine I would kick it until it backed off. This is why you see people walking their dogs carrying sticks or poles, sad, but unfortunately if people don't keep their dogs on lead, necessary.

    I don't want to resort to force, i may hurt the other dog or aggravate it even more. And if the owner is in sight, then kicking may make the issue worst. Is it illegal to walk the dog without a leash on the street?

  7. I can't see any fleas on my dog and he is on flea control anyways. However, there seems to be some sensitive spots that when i touch, his back legs starts scratching like crazy (almost like an on button that triggers movement). I wash him with Aloveen. I've tried rubbing soaked oatmeal on his skin but the sensitivity won't go away, any ideas?

  8. How do you deal with this kind of think? I walk my dog all the time on a leash and once in a while there are owners with unleashed dogs who rushes over. My poor dog is cautious of new dogs he hasn't seen before and gets quite nervous. I'm sure some of the dogs are quite friendly and offer no harm but because my dog is sensitive, i'm not sure how the unleashed dogs will react to a nervous dog.

    What do i do if one day there is an unleash dog that rushes over and attacks? I can only pull my dog so far but the unleash dog may come chasing.

  9. thanks all. I'm not too worried about he climbing on me, more about if i leave it unattended now, it could get worst. I'll check with the vet next time. As for the paw paw ointment, i think its not a bad idea to get a tube and keep it in the house just in case.

  10. My dog has very rough paws. It feels cracked but not to the point where it exposes flesh and he is not irritated by it. Just that everytime he climbs onto me, i feel it being very rough.

    I was browsing through some dog books today and it was recommending paw wax. Is this necessary? Would it become problematic if i don't treat it now?

  11. I've been told that blade wash can damage blades (and more importantly, it's expensive! :rofl:)...

    really? so does that mean no blade wash. :thumbsup:

    So its okay to dip the blade into the liquid and turn the clipper on? would i get electrocuted? :rofl:

    giraffez I have been using blade wash for years and all my blades are in excellent condition, my 15 blade is 25 years old and still cutting well. Why would Oster have a product on the market to clean and lubricate blades if it damages them? I don't agree that it's expensive either, I pay $14 for mine and it lasts for ages.

    Yes it's fine to dip the blade into the liquid and no you won't get electrocuted LOL. You just put the blade in not the body of the clipper and there are no electrical components anywhere near the blade. There are clear instructions on the container, just follow them, it's easy :rofl:

    Ok thanks, i'll order them online

  12. I've been told that blade wash can damage blades (and more importantly, it's expensive! :mad)...

    Baby Dragon - I'd probably get them done once a year just to keep them fresh. Most places will only charge you about $5-$10 per blade, so it's not a very expensive exercise.

    really? so does that mean no blade wash. :eek:

    So its okay to dip the blade into the liquid and turn the clipper on? would i get electrocuted? :mad

  13. giraffez- it is possible, that when clipping his ear hair short bits of hair fall into his ear canal- and yes, it would be very annoying/irritating :)

    Dogs have ear hair to STOP foreign bodies getting way down in the ear canal (..in some cases tho it can grow too thickly.. yes, I know people pluck it out .. :D )

    This is probably the case. Does it eventually go away or do i need to take him to the vet. I've tried ear cleaners but he just shakes his head now and then

  14. We generally use a #7 for backs in winter or some people like a #5 (I hate it personally) and mostly we do #10 in summer but we do have multiple ones who have #15 who love it! coats are fine and havent grown back badly and they have had that done for years. I think the pic ofhim looks sleek.

    As far as groins we use a #10 or #15 whichever is most needed.

    on a last note... thats one hell of a handsome schnauzer :laugh:

    haha thanks, he will be thrilled!

    I think its more personal preference, as long as it doesn't irritate him or cause him harm, it really doesn't matter as I don't use him as a show dog. Winter is coming, i think there is only 1 or 2 more shaves before i am going to let him get all scruffy looking so the fur keeps him warm. :thumbsup: Thanks all.

  15. We all must have a different definition of 'quite some fur'

    I'm another who would never use a 30 on the body, there is just no need.

    how often do you trim him?

    With the 10 blade, every 6 weeks, with the 30 about 9-10 weeks.

    I found a photo of him a while ago :laugh: . That was the first time I used a 30 on the body. It actually doesn't look to bad on him... it doesn't take very long before his fur grow out and i don't think it is skunk looking - i dunno, what do you think?

    Edit: I also just noticed that my icon in my profile is also like a day after a 30 clip... my icon photo is more recent than the one i uploaded


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