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Posts posted by smooch

  1. I think I have been pretty lucky with Smooch after reading all the posts. The worst thing he has actually eaten is nice scourery poo from calves :eek: When he was younger anything that had sponge rubber in it would be fair game, but he never ate it just wrecked it. My new kelpie working dog who is very much like Smooch in behavior is also a sponge rubber chewer.

  2. The product I used was Uric Acid Neutralizer from Advantage, its the one they use in the local hospitals. I was getting smells in the lounge room on the tiles when we had a humid day but after using this I no longer get the smells.

    I think we might be winning as yesterday Jimmy only tried to mark in the shed once, and that was after Diesal got into the shed because the gate wasn't closed properly, sneaky little shit always tries to push on the gate to see if he can open it.

    I think I also need to find some other brand of dog food because boy does he let off some stink bombs lol. Smoochies meals are cooked for him due to his medical issues and I have never had the smell from him. ES is getting me a different brand whilst she is in town today, hope this will fix the problem. Jimmy seems happy enough to be in the crate whilst inside as I guess we spend a lot of time outside, when we come in he goes straight to the crate which is good as I don't want him going to Smoochies food bowl. Smooch is a nightmare to get to eat at the best of times.

  3. QUOTE

    You are doing ok so far, it does take time and it will be easier in the weeks after the operation.

    The only good long term solution to this is to tackle both dogs, because as long as the older one does this, the younger is likely to continue.

    You have chosen to use a positive method so far, I would suggest that this problem would be better dealt with negative reinforcement. Slow down your walk through the house and give a correction if the dog sniffs and goes to take the position on the way out. Don't wait for the leg lift, you will be half a second too late. Luckily kelpies are large enough dog that you will get time to put in the correction before it's too late. Dogs always sniff and shuffle before leg lifting, so you need to watch very closely so you don't miss it.

    Use white vinegar to clean up any old smells, as it breaks down the enzymes.

    The older dog that cocks his leg is kept outside, the two only come together when they all are let out for a run. Smoochie has never cocked his leg probably as he was desexed at a very young age. When we go out we walk through the shed (door between shed and living area) this is where I also have Smoochies toilet as he can't go through the night without having to go, he just opens the screen door between the two and goes than opens the door to come back. so I guess this would cause a problem even though I spray the toilet with a uritic spray and than wash it, this is supposed to get rid of the smell, might try the white vinegar ans see if that works better. Jimmy hasn't tried to cock his leg on the way out this afternoon so hopefully winning there. He is also quite happy to go back in the crate, haven't had to tell him to go in.

  4. A week ago I bought a new 3yr old Kelpie Working dog Jimmy, he is a entire male who will be getting the snip next week. I want him to be a inside dog but atm I have to crate him as he wants to cock his leg on everything. When I take him outside I have to be quick as he tries to mark his territory on the way out. There are probably smells on the tile/concrete floor which I have treated but possible he can still smell it. He is outside with the other dogs when they are let out of the dog run, Diesal my daughters dog was desexed as a older dog a couple of years ago and he still goes and cock's his leg on everything so I have to make sure he can't get in the shed before I let him out. I don't want to keep Jimmy crated all the time he is inside so any suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. Oh Smooch, that's terrible, you definatley know where I'm coming from then with the shock of the whole incident. my mum had said to me tonight she wondered if Tully had a stroke and I said I thought it was unlikely as she had recovered so quickly afterwards, I thought there would be other signs if that was the case.

    It just confirms how precious every minute is with them and how quickly things can change. Think Miss Tully will be wrapped in cotton wool at least for the next few days!

    Yes sure do. Smoochie is still raped in cotton wool lol. He sleeps in bed with the elect blanket and I sleep on the opposite side I hate elect blankets.I think smooch did have it happen a second time, he went to block up a cow (when I took my eye off him for a sec.)fell in front of the cow, cow tried to miss him but knocked him and Smooch lay motionless on the ground, rushed him to the vet and by the time we got there Smooch was fine.

  6. Smooch done something similar, ran and pounced on the ball and came down in a screaming heap, couldn't move, was paralyzed from the shoulder back. Rushed him to the vet who than transferred him to specialist hospital in Sydney. He had a fibrocartiligenous embolish (plain english a spinal stroke. I was told some dogs get over it in minuets,days or months, and some never. It took about 6 months for Smooch but he never fully recovered, still slightly drags one back leg.

    tic glad Tulley is ok.

  7. I am a pensioner without pet insurance Smooch wouldn't been here with me today. A month after taking out pet insurance Smooch got a nasty gash over his eye lid that needed vet attention, few weeks later he got kicked in the shoulder by a horse and a few months later suffered a spinal stroke, this ended up in nearly $10,000 vet bill as he had to spend 2 months at a specialist vet. All this money had to be paid before Smooch could come home and without pet insurance I just couldn't do it. With pet insurance I now have peace of mind and never have to think twice about whether I can take Smooch to the vet or not. I also have a fantastic vet who allows me to pay Smoochies bills when the money comes back from the insurance co.

  8. For PC:

    On your internet browser - go to Tools>Internet Options. From this screen under the General tab, there should be something on browsing history and you should either have a 'delete cookies' button or 'delete' (which will lead you to another screen to choose what you want to delete, including 'cookies').

    Thank you, voted a few times now.

  9. I mentioned a Electric fence last week end when spoke to owners

    how much do they cost ?

    will metnion it again to owner to check it out

    they are trying everything to keep her in

    and is baffled as to why the last few weeks only she is getting out

    after last nights episode she ended up with a cut on her leg

    she will be speaking with her regular vet also to see if there is a problem with her dog

    is it possible she may have a maternal instint to hearing the puppy barking ? even though it isnt her own pup

    Thanks for the replies

    much appreciated all neighbours involved what to keep her safe

    Have a look on Ebay. here is one for $106. as a buy it now. You might get one cheaper in the auctions on Ebay though. You would also need insulators and wire. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-2km-MAINS-Powered-Electric-Fence-ENERGISER-RRP-159-/250647855777?pt=AU_Business_Industrial_Farming_Agriculture_Farming_Agriculture_Equipment&hash=item3a5bc6c2a1

  10. How do you run a live wire on the top of a fence? We have an elec fence and an escaping dog and as of yesterday a council note from the ranger so we need ideas to keep her in. If we could use our existing electric fence that would be beneficial to us than having to fork out more money in extending the fence somehow- We are only in this place for 12 months then hopefully buying so whatever we dog needs to be somewhat temporary.

    I have used fiberglass elect fence posts (the 1/2inch round) tied or wired to the existing fence, run the wire on this so its not touching anything else and run a length of underground cable from the closest hot wire to the above wire. Have also run elect wire above gates this way. I have also done the duck yard with these posts with chicken wire attached to it. Keeps the foxes and dogs out.

  11. You could always look into an electric fence placed just above the exhisting one.

    Certainly one of the more cheaper methods of keeping a dog in.

    Best check the status of your state first about electric fences.

    Agree with this. A friend of mine has a dog that is a climber, was getting out on 7ft fences. I had him at our place for a month and kept him in with a 4.5ft fence which has the top wire electric. He only got zapped once, now he won't touch the fence at all. Climbing cured.

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