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Everything posted by epi

  1. Does anyone have Chihuahua entries? I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks in advance
  2. her stomach gets really hard and she'll close her eyes until it passes but there's no pushing.
  3. does anyone have any experience with a pregnant bitch having braxton hicks?
  4. she'd be a lot less stressful than diva!!! the vet told me i was over reacting all he could feel was a belly full of babies and intestines LOL thank you everyone for replying and helping me out even if the problem was in my head!!
  5. the "mass" or whatever isn't at her belly button.. it's a little lower but not the groin area. does that make sense?
  6. yes i definitely think i am probably over reacting, especially considering i just went to check her and i couldn't find a lump or any kind of mass. but this is my first litter and this bitch was my first show dog so anything that seems abnormal to me i'd rather be safe than sorry
  7. we haven't got a confirmed ultrasound but considering her temperament change/change in appetite/hair loss/nipple development we are fairly certain that she's pregnant. i considered pyo too but i don't think so
  8. i googled pictures of an inguinal hernia and they all seem to be in the groin and they protrude from the dog. my bitch's "lump" or whatever it is is right in the center of her 4 lower nipples, and you can't see it you can have to feel around to be able to feel it. do you still think it could be an inguinal hernia? my vet suggested it may just be her carrying the embryos low in her horns??
  9. don't think it is a hernia, because when she's relaxed you can't really feel it. it's very soft and hard to find when she's just on her back relaxed. you can only feel it/notice it when she's tensed all the muscles in her stomach. the hernias i have experienced in the past have all been very firm lumps. thank you for your replies!
  10. hi all- i've booked an appointment with my vet tomorrow but i thought dol would have some ideas too. i have a pregnant bitch at home, she's about 4 1/2 weeks along and the last couple of days i've noticed she had a golf ball sized lump in the middle of her abodmen, right between 4 of her nipples. she's her normal self and perfectly healthy she's just developed a hard mass.
  11. does anyone have toy results??
  12. There's nothing cute about her!!!!!!!!
  13. Hahahah, I don't think Holle is capable of feeling shy. That's lucky for you!! Congrats, Tazer is just gorgeous. Thanks so mcuh for your reply, I will definitely try that. errr .... most puppies will not come trained and especially in a new home without guidence they will just do what they think is the right thing to do cheeky sods dont think of training as what you see in obedience. Training is manners. Just like kids YOU have to show them what is right and wrong. If you say NO say it in a very low growly voice, loudly as well. Chis are tiny things you dont need to bop them on the nose, a little gentle pinch of the scruff can help her understand. Maybe you should be speaking to her breeder if you are having so many issues and about the show training. I'm sure they would be glad to help as it is their kennel name going out in the ring. LOL hehe I know that. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it! I feel bad now, letting all the big dogs out and poor Holle has to sit at the door watching them all play without her! Yes I'm taking her with me for a little while and would really love it if you helped me with her. I was hoping I'd catch all of her bad habits (well, MY bad habits haha) wheil she was still young so she doesn't make a routine out of her naughtiness. Thanks for replying!!
  14. When is the time to start training a puppy? I have a 10 week old Chi pup who bites, chews, isn't toilet trained and has no manners whatsoever. Am I right to wait until she's had all of her shots to start teaching her to toilet outside in the backyard?? Or is it okay if she's outside on the grass for a few minutes until she goes? When you're eating something Holle will be jumping all over you, biting your hair, digging at you, anything she can to get attention and a piece of your food. She's never gotten anything out of this method and when you say "NO" in a firm voice and tap her nose she thinks you're playing with her and she gets all excited. How can I make her realise that "No" is a negative term and not another word for play? Holle also runs away when you try to pick her up, and she lets you chase her for about 3 minutes before finally getting tired/or getting caught. How can I stop her from doing this? Holle's going to be hitting the ring in early March, when's the right time to show train her?? We have lessons in a couple of weeks and we'll have a few before the show but I've been told to start as early as possible so it becomes like second nature to them. Is this true or should I just wait until we go to handling lessons? And finally, Holle is a very mouthy and bitey puppy. She chews on fingers, hair, and the other dogs' tails. I know it won't be very good if a judge comes over to look her over and she's chewing at their fingers. How can I train her not to do this? Thanks for reading.
  15. Thanks for your reply! It's made me feel a little better. His wound now looks like a small bullet hole, just like it did when it ruptured but smaller.
  16. I hope this is in the right place. Last Thursday my six year old Chihuahua had an anal abscess that ruptured. He was given treatment and anti-biotics (no stitches, no drain) and made an appointment for a check up five days later like asked. When we took Pepi (the Chihuahua) to the vet, his backside had healed up really nicely. It had scabbed up, no weepiness, no puss, no moisture whatsoever and the itchiness had gone away. He had healed up so well that I thought the vet would just have to glance at his wound and then the consultation would be over. When we got to the vet, the vet removed the scab and Pepi SCREAMED and he started to bleed. She said it was to check if the wound had closed. Then she emptied his anal glands (is that necessary??) and he's had them emptied before so it was a shock when he screamed and I've never heard him ever make a noise like that ever before. Then we left the vet and got home, Pepi's wound is now open once again and he's bleeding from it and he's bottom is itchy again. Did this vet do the right thing? Did she really need to remove the scab and open a wound that had healed over really nicely? Was it right that he was in SO MUCH pain? He's still sore now and won't let you touch his bottom. He has had a lot of problems with his anal glands (still saving up to fork out $1500 for surgery to remove them) and not once has he ever been in pain before, and he has also had his anal glands emptied before without any fuss. I know I didn't go to university for a few years to learn veterinary science like she has, but how he reacted and what she did to him was a little off to me.
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