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Everything posted by leah_da_legendWOTWOT

  1. Hi there, I'm urgently seeking any tips or hints in treating flea allergy dermatitis. Poor Molly, my beagle x is suffering badly. She's been with me now for just over 12 months and has never been this bad. See attatched photos. Since the weather been heating up BOOM her FAD has flared 1000x worse than its ever been. I've been to the vet, who got her an injection, prescribed antibiotics and ilium cream, while they have helped, she started clearing up the skin was healing, she has flared up again. This is what I am doing at the moment: The dogs are outside dogs not by choice. (live at home with mum in a nearly completey cream carpet house) - that and Molly does not get along with cats. We have a two storey house, downstairs is just the garage, a concrete area for the dogs and a laundry. The rest is dirt. However, I have since gravelled a large area under the house 2m x 5m and have changed their beds from hession bags to shadecloth. I have limed all under the house (powdered white stuff) aswell as sprayed all areas, beds etc with Malaban. The dogs have sentinel spectrum every month aswell as Molly having frontline every fortnight - now changing to advantix as soon as i arrives from pp. Harvey is not affected. Nothing seems to be working??!??!!! and I am getting distressed for this poor girl, nay tips or hints greatly appreciated
  2. Harvey had a slight reaction to optimum (we think - that or the strassburg stuff he got for training instead of his liver treats). I ended up buying a bag of purina one and mixed it with his nutrience for dinner (having a slack night as didn't realise I was out of chicken mince) He didn't have any reactions to that. I might keep Molly on Optimum as she wasn't fussed with the purina one at all and Harvey on purina one. I worked out it will save me about $350 a year compared to what he was on before and when he is handling it ok and its still ok food for him, I don't see the problem. I must pick up a can of natures gift incase I run out of chicken mince again. Sounds like its worked pretty well for you guys. Well better go look out for his droopy eyes its been 30 ins since he has eaten so if he reacts to it, it should show by now. edited to add: Harvey has passed the allergy test, his eyes are fine!!! Purina one it is for him.
  3. Well I ended up trying them on the bag I bought anyways and Molly loves it, she didn't like nutrience vey much. Harvey will eat it, made a mixture of nutrience and optimum and he picked out the nutrience first though. Haven't checked him for allergies yet, just about to now. I've had to cut back a bit on what I am spending at the moment as tafe is taking its toll. I'm deciding between Purina One and Optimum at the moment. I guess I will see what the dogs like the most. Or is there another brand around the same price that is better. probably around $4 a kilo is the limit atm. Thanks for the tip weeacre.
  4. I think I will stick to nutrience. I didn't realise it was exactly the same, the packaging did make it sound like it was going to be alright.
  5. thanks Nadia, I didn't realise it was replacing principle. I've tried principle before with no success with Harves, didn't work as good as his nutrience. I'll give this one a go just incase it has changed. Thanks also Amie, I saw natures gift to and wasn't sure if I should try it or not. I think it would go far to quickly in our house but would be good if we have to go out, being in those satchels.
  6. I was getting cat food at the supermarket today and came across a dog food that I hadn't seen before. It called OPTIMUM - nutrition for life made by Waltham, I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and what it is like? It comes in puppy, active, overweight, mature and adult - large breeds or small medium breeds. Made with real beef or chicken with rice and vegetables. contains antioxidants No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added. goes on with more...can detail if you like? sounded alright so thought I might try it, bought a small bag but thought I'd check with everyone else first to see if they had used it and what they found it to be like.
  7. I tried Harvey on roo peices here and he just gags at the smell of it lol. He gets pet mince from a hormone free, steroid free, all natural chicken shop, is that ok? Contains no offal etc.
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