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Everything posted by newfiesrus

  1. [ attachment=218593:boy.gif]Sorry for lack of posts I dropped my laptop and smashed the screen and only got it back today!! The pups are growing fast and ar 3 weeks old now hope you like the pics
  2. Sad to report that our little chocolate boy has died today Poppys milk has dried up due to the surgery so we are handfeeding the babies which makes the loss even harder because you build up a stronger bond I think, with the luttle ones when you hand feed
  3. They are usually born around 1KG so three are little bruisers
  4. What a 24 hours ........ Poppy started contractions at a typical newfie speed SLOW she safely delivered a buatifil Black boy (with one white toe) - weight 1.4 kg two hours later and she starts again and we had a stunning chocolate boy weight 780 gramms two hours later and nothing but just feeling her abdomen i knew she had not finished, spoke to the vet he said as she was not in distress and no obvious obstruction in the canal leave her a bit longer ...... still nothing, so off to the vet with the two puppies in tow, as poppy would not go without them .......... vet agreed utures not empty so we went down the oxytocin route but nothing so a c section .......... a pure black girl weight 1.5kg , a further black girl with white on chest 1.4kg and sadly a dead black boy but the dead puppy was attached to the uturus, which had become like tissue paper by the puppy and it was going rotton, so the vet had to spay her very sad but she is home now and doing well and looking after her new family. What a day!!
  5. we are fine ........ no action here, just playing the waiting game ;) Amother update ...... I guess I am in for a busy few hours but I think we will make the June list, Poppy now panting and digging, so fingers crossed
  6. we are fine ........ no action here, just playing the waiting game :D
  7. I am fed up ..... poppy is day 63 from first mating and is really well. No sign of any puppies arriving If any more prospective puppy owners phone me for an update I will scream
  8. I think we are all trying for the last litter to qualify for this threas - puppies due in June
  9. Congratulations Newfiesrus, that is quite a story! Did they ultrasound or blood test at day 35 out of interest. We had her ultrasounded[/size]
  10. Sorry that I have not been in touch I thought I would update you all ....... we took our bitch back to the vets on day 35 and it was negative, we were really fed up!! she is now day 56 and when grooming her today commented on what an excellent phantom she is having ...... anyway something told me things were not right so i managed to get a scan arranged at a local farmers for this afternoon and guess what ..... she is in whelp !!!!! Panic now as we have treated her as non pregnant and now she is 8 weeks. Heart beats were seen so pups are OK I guess they may just be small? So the moral of this tale ... science can be wrong and we should trust our gut instincts Congatulations on all your wonderfull puppies adn we should be joining you next weekend
  11. Tomorrow is the 7th. Are you going for another scan newfiesrus? Yes all booked and I am scared because if not in whelp she must be ill .... all she does is eat and sleep, she has even given up chasung birds around the garden!
  12. Yes she is really extra soppy and trying to be a lap dog ...you should try a newfie sitting on your lap nipples are more prominant and had a week or so when she was off her food and being sick!! she does not look brorder but she is wide to start with!! I have boojed another scan for 7 June, dread to think how I will wait that long
  13. Had our girl scanned on day 28 from 1st mating, no pups The stud dog owner has told me i am mad having a scan at this time as she was mated 4 times over 8 days so the scan was too early if she took at a last mating! What do you all think have I gone too ealy, should I go back next week? :D
  14. Hopeful for a Litter of newfies due on 26th June
  15. Help I had my newfie scanned at 4 weeks (last week) only to be told he could see no pups but he did see 5 pieces of excrement. I was really fed up. She has had all the right symptoms from morning sickness to getting bigger nipples etc. I am wondering if vet could be wrong? Has anyone had a false negative scan? They would be due christmas eve.
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