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Everything posted by willis08

  1. I would be peeved about that as well, this is why i asked this question to begin with, about what brand of vaccs other people use? do you have a preference? since reading everyones responses it seems as though most people trust their vet to do what is right for the dog, after all he/she is qualified to administer health treatment to animals. But then i notice the people that have had a bad experience with vaccs or medications, like myself, go in search of their own answers and information. Ninahartland experience with a vet just jabbing the dog with a C8 and not consulting about the whys or fors beforehand ,then expect you to pay the bill, is so wrong. But unfortunately common practice with so many vets. I am aware that proheart12 is not a vaccination, my point was the vet gave it at the same time as the C5, gave it to a dog that was 7 years old, and did not inform me of the risks beforehand. I can't see why the proheart12 in oz would be different than proheart6 in the U.S except the one used here is triple the dose. If the Proheart12 is safer to use because it is different, or safer than Proheart6 , than why didn't fort dodge introduce what we get to the U.S market ? In regards to vaccinating i'm thankful to all the people on DOL that have shared their knowledge.
  2. You need to double check though, as I suspect she did not articulate the situation very well to you (and I find it occurs frequently enough unless you specifically clarify with them whether they are saying your dog would be covered for nothing at all, regardless of whether the issue was, say, a car accident wound - heaven forbid - or some other completely unrelated veterinary event). I would be highly surprised if it is as you understand it. Hi Erny, I was told this a while ago too. I was just looking at the policy disclosure for "Petplan" on their website and it says they do not pay for: "Any dog not vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, kennel cough, leptospirosis (in areas where it is prevalent and Vets recommend vaccination) and parvovirus. " It doesnt appear that they are saying they wont cover for certain things, its saying they wont insure these dogs at all (further up the list it says they wont insure APBT's, any of the restricted breeds or any crosses of them or dingo's either ) Not sure which plan willis08 was looking at or if there are some plans that do cover, Petplan was just the first one I came across It was 'Petplan' that i was considering KBZ, at first glance it seems like good cover, but when I read through the product disclosure statement there are a few things that i wanted answers too, in there policy it states " YOU must arrange for your pet to be kept vaccinated against the following; DOGS: distemper, hepatitis, kennel cough, leptospirosis ( in areas where it is prevelent and vets recommend vaccination ) and parvovirus and any other vaccination recommended to you by a vet". So my question to the woman i spoke to at ' petplan' was, once initial vaccs are done on my dog, would 'petplan' accept titre results as proof of immunity instead of the dog being vaccs yearly. Her answer was NO!. What about the bit in there that states, 'and any other vaccination recommended to you by a vet '. It was a VET that recommended my last dog have PROHEART12 !
  3. I don't think that's quite true, Willis08. I think you'll find that they will insure, but you would not be covered if your dog was afflicted by any one of the diseases for which vaccinations are routinely given but which you haven't given. Thanks for the advise erny, it was only one pet insurance company that i asked these questions of, i didn't wish to imply it was all insurance companies. I did specify when i rang them that i only wanted to give C3 vacc, but the woman that i spoke to was quite adamant that if the dog was not vaccinated yearly then my dog would not be covered. If there are other insurance companies that accept titres i would really appreciate knowing.
  4. Boarding establishments insist on C5 cover. Don't know why - even many of the Vets I am speaking to suggest C5 not necessary. To vaccinate C5 just for the sake of observing rules set by the Kennel Board is IMO mere bureacracy and it is high time they caught up with the times. That will include, of course, speaking with their insurance companies, who also have to agree. Insurance companies ! I considered getting pet insurance for the new pup that i have, since the vet bill for my last dog Batey, from diagnosis to death, which was 3 weeks, was $3000.00. I looked at what i thought was a really good plan but i had a couple of questions so i rang them and asked after the new pup had 3 vaccinations would they accept a titre test in lieu of vaccs certificate annually, the woman asked me why i didn't want to vaccs yearly, i told her that i thought it was un-necessary and that i was concerned about vaccinosis, she said she had been a vet nurse for 10 years and had never heard of, or seen a dog with vaccinosis, basically a load of crap. I wanted to ask if she'd spent 10 years treating gold fish ? anyway the answer was NO ! if you don't vacc yearly they WILL NOT INSURE the dog .
  5. That would be great kirra bomber zues, I can give a copy to alot of vets here in backwaterlaide, and tell them that titre testing is becoming the latest technique. not jamming as many vaccs as they've got into your dog, that to me, is all about the money. My new pup had a C3 and C2 before he left the breeder, my vet was really annoyed when he seen the vacc certificate, he didn't understand why you would vaccs a puppy for corona virus & lepto in this area. We both agreed the only 2nd vacc needed was a C3. He doesn't vaccs his own dogs yearly, and has agreed to titre for me when needed. But i suppose the difference between him and alot of other vets here is his willingness to listen, and true concern for the animals that he treats.
  6. That is terrible. Whether the Proheart12 caused the tumor or not, the package had clear instructions that the vet did not follow. That really makes me angry. I have seen and heard of dogs being vaccinated when they are ill as well - the manufacturers clearly state that a sick dog is NOT to be vaccinated. You know, no vet has ever voluntarily advised me of the risks of vaccinations. Even when I asked, before I started doing my own research, I was fobbed off with a 'reactions are so rare and you are endangering your dog if you dont do it'. After my girl had a severe reaction I joined a group of people in Australia whos dogs had also suffered reactions and found there were many more cases than I had imagined. To say i'm angry at the vet that gave Batey proheart12 without telling me the risks beforehand is an understatement! How many people would give this crap to their dog if the vet told you the risks? And even after all the adverse reactions that it has caused vets ( not all ) are still advising people to use it. I just finished a puppy school with my new boxer pup, they had a pop quiz on what to give for heartworm prevention. I said daily or monthly tabs, instructor said OR ? I said, or that shit from the U.S that has killed hundreds, maybe thousands of dogs and has been banned for the past 4 years, but is still being used here, so that must make our dogs lab rats ! Not the answer the instructor wanted to hear I am sure, but if i just saved the life of someone else's dog by making them question what they give their dog, well it was worth the outburst !
  7. I'm glad people are being more involved, and educating themselves about which vaccines their dogs get and how often. Gotta love google! That's how i found DOL. Last may we moved to backwaterlaide, and because we came from interstate and I did't know what diseases were around here, parvo etc, i thought it would be a good idea to vacc my 8 year old boxer, he hadn't been vaccinated since he was 14 months old. Took him to a vet, and said i wanted them to also test for heartworm, he had never had heartworm meds in his life, the vet gave him the all clear for heartworm, then gave one injection, a C5, followed by a second injection, proheart12. Six months later, the dog is dead. He died from mediastinal lymphoma, which is the rarest form of Lymphoma. The vet ,new and current great vet, said judging by the size of the tumour, which was about the size of a fist, he had it for at least 6 months. Was it the proheart that caused the cancer? Well since hearing so many tragic stories about the deaths that it caused in dogs in the u.s and here, and the warnings that are written on the packet for proheart12, as in ,do NOT administer within 1 month of any other vacc, not recommended for geriatric dogs ( over 7 years old ), only to be used on dogs if NO other treatment suitable e.g daily or monthly tabs, i'll let everyone else be their own judge, but i will never be convinced that it didn't cause my dogs cancer, and is why i ask the vet questions about whats being pumped into my dog, cause you obviously can't trust ALL vets to inform you of the risks/ benefits of what they are giving your dogs.
  8. personally I only use c3, just had my 12 week old pup given his 2nd vacc. But i did ask the vet what brand c3 he was going to use, i told him i'm not a fan of fort dodge's vaccs, due to BAD experience with proheart12. Anyway he was cool with my views, and even agreed to titre when the need arises. But he did mention that not many clients question what vacc their dogs get, which i find interesting, i think too many people put blind faith in their vet. I did this last june and again in december, didn't question the vet cause i thought he'd know best, and now the dog that he treated for me is dead. since then i've found a fantastic vet, one that actually listens to you, not treat you like an idiot cause you don't have a degree.
  9. I'm curious to know if people have a preference as to what brand of vaccs they give their dogs ?,e.g the company that makes it. Or do you just leave it up to the vet as to what brand of vaccs they give your dog? Are there any brands that you would not use?
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