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Everything posted by Candycane

  1. Hey Myf, good to see you again Give your 2 pooches a big hug from me xoxo
  2. Hi, Just wondering if there are any other BullArab owners out there in DOL? Love to see some pics
  3. I have always waited untill 2 weeks after the 16 week vac. Better to be safe
  4. I have 2 titles in AD...and have always thought the dog must touch the certain colours on both sides
  5. I have no problem with a balanced view been given - as long as the science is solid and the message is not alarmist. I'm also trying to look at this wrt the bigger picture. This isn't about my dog and your dog - it is about an issue we have in our society whereby we have a glut of dogs, and people (real world, not DOLers) talk happily about the "oopsie" litters and the $$$ they got for them. One way to stop this - the easiest way to stop this - is for desexing to become socially acceptable unless someone has a good reason not to (health, great example of breed to be bred ethically etc). Comming from just a reg family owning a pet dog......I absolutly agree with the above
  6. Hi , the best place to start would be at a club. I did agility with my obedience club, but there is also seperate agility clubs too. It depends on where you are located. Your dog has to be 18months plus before they are allowed to do all the activities ...mainly the jumping. However you can still do the weaving, tunnel, A frame and the board walk just to get started
  7. This is true. I am just an average, everyday dog owner and I was scared into getting my girl desexed @ 6 months. I wanted to wait untill she was about 18 months and had finnished growing, but I was told that a male dog would get to her anyway possible when she's on heat. I didn't want to be fending off all these boys for 3 weeks, not be able to walk her ect, so I got her desexed @ 6months.
  8. How exciting I LOVE agility and got x2 AD titles with my last dog (RIP). I hope my new girl will enjoy it also ..oneday in the future
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