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Everything posted by Tiara

  1. :p Amazing! I especially love the first one.
  2. Tiara

    Outside Puppy

    You must be kidding? Next you'll suggest i keep a horse in my bedroom! No. Rabbits are usually kept in barren hutches by themselves with no interaction other than to have a kid pick them up every now and then. This fulfills none of their needs. They are not stupid and do not spend their lives sitting there without moving, as most people think. They are naturally curious and like to interact with you once they trust you, however they rarely get the chance. They NATURALLY live in large warrens with constant interaction and activity - you cannot provide this outside in a hutch. Being a prey animal, they have subtle body language and communication - things that cannot be picked up outside and with minimal interaction. They hide their illnesses - learning what is natural and normal in their behaviour requires them to be near you for more than 10 minutes a day. They do not naturally trust humans like dogs do, not having been bred or wired this way - so they take a long time to trust you. However most people don't give them a chance and just pick them up, pat them, put them down, and that's all they get. They also require hours of exercise that they rarely get. They are fairly intelligent and responsive if given the chance. are you kidding? with that comment i assume you would suggest that my rabbit isnt happy and isnt kept well and i know nothing about rabbits even though he lives outside? he lives in a 3x4m pen with a roof and an insulated house inside the pen. the pen is always lines in thick straw. we play every day and he has hours of run around time and play time each day... but he doesnt live inside! rabbits do brilliantly in the cold - its the heat they have trouble with. true rabbits need love and attention - every single animal does! dog, rabbit, cat, rat, snake... whatever. rabbits may live in large warrens in the wild, but they are outside. to the OP... if i were you i wouldnt get a rabbit either... although rabbits dont leave mud on the carpet, they, like all animals require a LOT of love, time, patience and attention. dogs do too... i just dont see why u would want a dog when he/she cant be with its pack/family. i understand that u want ur kids to grow up with dogs, but maybe start slow? maybe find a family member/fiend with a dog and take ur kids over a few times a week to play with the dogs... that way they can have the animal interaction without having to have a dog stuck outside in your yard... Nope not kidding I've had a house rabbit, and let me tell you, they are bloody smart, and also trainable. they can use a little tray, do tricks and are really affectionate. just thought i'd add
  3. :p I think it's beautiful love the idea
  4. Is it true that a dog that is trained in Sch. is considered a Dangerous dog by the government?? I can't seem to find much info at the moment. thanks.
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