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Posts posted by Pete.the.dog

  1. I agree with all who had said not to clip the coats. I'd rather rack up a massive aircon bill, than clip their gorgeous coats.

    I'd suggest cool water, iceblocks, cool coats/mats and if you can, hose them down regularly. I hose my two dogs down regularly on hot days to keep them cool [they generally then go roll on my bed, evil buggers! :thumbsup:]

    Just make sure you take the excess water off their coats. Leaving coats soaking wet actually encourages the water to retain heat. Same with racehorses - which is why you see them slicked off after a hose down.

    Yes should have mentioned that! I drop a towel over their backs and run my hands up and down their backs and sides to soak up most of the water.

    oh shi%* - I hosdd pete down this morning but didn't realise I had to towel up the excess!! :laugh:

    It was still coolish then so hopefully dried off before heated up :S

  2. Bear in mind Pete that I clip my poodles entire bodies :laugh: I think a well groomed long haired dog doesn't need clipping unless it doesn't shed. Regular grooming to remove dead undercoat is all most double coated breeds need and single coated long haired breeds need their coat for protection.

    Peter doesn't shed. I kept waiting for him to lose his coat in the heat, but as yet I'm still waiting...

    Does the length of his coat just keep growing PTD?

    Yup, It was really long about 4 months ago and I clipped it because was just too hard for me to maintain! It's wavy, thick and wooly

    It looks wirey in your avatar. Have you got a close up shot. "Wavy, thick and wooly" sounds like poodle coat.

    He had/has a few wirey hairs along his back, but I'd say he's about 97% wooly, sorry I'm at work, these are probably the best I've got - all are him clipped




    this one shows what I mean about the wiry at the top:


    (p.s. sorry for overtaking the topic :laugh: )

    Any opinions on the pics poodlefan??

  3. Bear in mind Pete that I clip my poodles entire bodies :laugh: I think a well groomed long haired dog doesn't need clipping unless it doesn't shed. Regular grooming to remove dead undercoat is all most double coated breeds need and single coated long haired breeds need their coat for protection.

    Peter doesn't shed. I kept waiting for him to lose his coat in the heat, but as yet I'm still waiting...

    Does the length of his coat just keep growing PTD?

    Yup, It was really long about 4 months ago and I clipped it because was just too hard for me to maintain! It's wavy, thick and wooly

    It looks wirey in your avatar. Have you got a close up shot. "Wavy, thick and wooly" sounds like poodle coat.

    He had/has a few wirey hairs along his back, but I'd say he's about 97% wooly, sorry I'm at work, these are probably the best I've got - all are him clipped




    this one shows what I mean about the wiry at the top:


    (p.s. sorry for overtaking the topic :laugh: )

  4. Bear in mind Pete that I clip my poodles entire bodies :laugh: I think a well groomed long haired dog doesn't need clipping unless it doesn't shed. Regular grooming to remove dead undercoat is all most double coated breeds need and single coated long haired breeds need their coat for protection.

    Peter doesn't shed. I kept waiting for him to lose his coat in the heat, but as yet I'm still waiting...

    Does the length of his coat just keep growing PTD?

    Yup, It was really long about 4 months ago and I clipped it because was just too hard for me to maintain! It's wavy, thick and wooly

  5. Bear in mind Pete that I clip my poodles entire bodies :laugh: I think a well groomed long haired dog doesn't need clipping unless it doesn't shed. Regular grooming to remove dead undercoat is all most double coated breeds need and single coated long haired breeds need their coat for protection.

    Peter doesn't shed. I kept waiting for him to lose his coat in the heat, but as yet I'm still waiting...

  6. I live in Adelaide, and the heat is out of control.

    From all I've read, you need to weigh up these two things: how important it is to you that you will know exactly how your pups fur will grow back, and how important it is to you that they are cool and comfortable right now.

    You also need to look at whether clipping WILL make the dog cooler. You dont' see people running around in extreme heat with no clothes on. You don't see desert mammals with no fur. Why do people assume that denuding a dog of natural coat will automatically make them cooler?

    Dogs do not generally lose much heat through their body skin. They loose it through panting and to a lesser degree through their hairless areas.

    A coat protects from sun and can keep the heat from penetrating to the skin. Frankly many pet dogs I've seen could do with losing weight, not fur to stay cooler.

    Well I'd be listening to poodlefan over me anyday :rofl: She has a million years more experience than me :laugh:

    Pete has a beautiful figure - I just wish he'd teach me his secrets :laugh:

  7. I live in Adelaide, and the heat is out of control.

    From all I've read, you need to weigh up these two things: how important it is to you that you will know exactly how your pups fur will grow back, and how important it is to you that they are cool and comfortable right now.

    For me, there was no debate, and Pete got a full clip, but I will point out he's a mut so his coat never really had a 'type'

    Thinning out the fur is a possibility, I had that done at the groomers, not the cheapest thing either - and it offered pete essentially no relief - just my experience

    EDIT: I can't spell.

    EDIT 2: The spoilt dog is great, she will really talk to you about your dog and help you decide your options. The truth is they do look a little funny with the clip, but IMO that's not a good enough excuse to make them suffer in the heat

  8. This Brag is almost as pitiful as my 2010 goals post but I was very proud. Pete has always had issues of over excitement around other dogs, always wanting to play, and I would lose his attention as soon as he saw one. It's still an ongoing issue, but this morning on our walk, there was a little dog (his favourite kind :cry:) on the other side of the road yapping at Pete from behind it's fence. I got him to do a sit stay and he did it! Admittedly I only asked 15 seconds of him, but still, big steps forward!! :(

  9. I too am having problems with a possum at the moment. They are a real pain

    Pete's a quiet boy, apart from the occasional bark at the neighbours dog - but that's another story.

    The only time I have heard him bark continually was when I got home at 2am and found him barking at a tree :( - poor neighbours!

  10. I think we are in for a long, hot and horrible summer :D I left the fan on for the dogs yesterday while I was at work, then spent most of the day worrying about it overheating and catching fire with the dogs trapped in the house.

    I used to allow indoor/outdoor access on hot days and let them choose where to lie until I came home and found my very elderly Kelpie fast asleep in the middle of the cement driveway on a 40 degree day :)

    At least most people try to keep their pets cool, however I despair for the animals owned by ignorant cruel owners this weather.

    Some people just really don't get it! I was at a friends (beautiifully airconditioned house) and I was talking about how worried I was about Pete in the weather, had just explained to this person about my house being well about 30 degrees inside and not cooling down overnight etc and after all this she says "Oh I think he'll be fine, look Sandy is fine she just lies around panting all day" (points to her dog who is lying in airconditioned comfort panting away) - really reassuring.

  11. Hi guys,

    I feed Pete a diet of dry food and raw bones. I have tried a quite a few different brands of dry and find that purina works best for us. Supercoat is expensive and I see Bonnie as a cheaper (probably better) alternative. From what I have read, Bonnie Working Dog has better ingredients than Adult Complete as it contains roo meat - and this all sounds good to me. My question is, Pete gets adequate excercise (which at the moment - Adelaide heatwave - means I'm getting up at 6am :thumbsup: ) but he is by no means a 'working dog' - I'm assuming this would mean he'd eat a bit less than the feeding guide, but would he receive all his nutrients if I fed him less of the stuff that is suggested?

  12. I'm very concerned about Grumpy for this summer. He actually coped very well in the hideous heat of last summer. I can't leave he and Mini in the house together as they'd not behave at all and the house gets the afternoon sun. I've cut his hair right down, which I didn't do last summer and should have.

    I cut Petes hair right down as well two nights ago and I feel better since having done that - he's such a skinny bean though :rainbowbridge:

    Edit: My brain is mush

  13. I wouldn't leave any animal out in this, its horrendous

    Better to be cramped & make a bit of a mess & be safe & cooler.

    totally agree , even the air was stifling

    Sorry guys, you must never have had to deal with a double brick no air-con house in a heatwave :love: I got home yesterday about 6pm - which is only 2 hours after the temperature peaks - and the house was hotter than outside, I just simply don't agree that leaving a dog in a small hallway in that environment would be better for them. Each to their own I guess - hope you're all managing to stay cool - I play in the clamshell to keep myself cool :rainbowbridge:

  14. Poor bugger :) Peggie is definitely feeling much better with her coat stripped. You could also get the hair thinned out. Thinning scissors work well for this.

    Maybe you should freeze him inside a ice cube for the summer :D

    yeah I'll see if the puppy cut makes a difference, if not ill try thinning - I've got a 'Polar Collar' in the post :) hopefully that will help

  15. If Pete has 'wirey' terrier fur, he could possibly have his coat stripped instead of cut. I'm in the process of doing Peggie. She has gone from long grey and white fur to short brindle and white fur. I am thinking about leaving her tail long [because I love it so much]

    Hey Ravy,

    he did have his coat stripped :D about a month ago, he had 'a few' wirey furs on top but hardly any, he is 97% fluff - stripping just didnt really make enough difference, he is still panting like mad!!

  16. With my concerns about the continuing Adelaide heat wave and the summer to come, I just spent 20 minutes giving pete a puppy cut - fur about 1-2inches all around body - except his head cause I was scared of cutting him! He looks like a real scruffer but I don't mind about that.

    He has beautiful long straight tail fur, and I'm not sure what to do with that, my instincts tell me to leave it, i can't imagine it would add a lot of heat to him, but if I'm told otherwise I'll trim it off, any feedback would be great!

    EDIT: He's a mystery mutt with thick woolly fur who was trimmed in the past by the shelter - so no need to worry about his coat going funny - it already was :D

  17. Yep, it's HOT in SA!! 40+ all week where I am :rofl: We have to get up at 6am for walks if we dont want to fry :love:

    If you have no airconditioning and have to close everything up then outside is probably safer for Pete.

    Soaking the ground is a great idea, dogs will naturally seek out the cool areas. The other thing you could try is a cool mat (or collar). They're fantastic and will stay cool for days even in the heat outside so if you give it a soak each morning you wont have to worry about it drying out :whip:

    Have a read here: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=179815

    Pools are great if you can get your dog to use one, but not all will. Otherwise, and I might get flamed for this (water restrictions :( ), but could you leave a sprinkler running for him for part of the afternoon ie. set it on a timer?..

    Good luck with your exam. Tin shed :) hope there is a fan at least!

    Thanks for that - cool collars sound great!

    I hope there is a fan too :o

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