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Posts posted by shapeshifter

  1. 'The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. And this ability suggests a rethinking of how we treat dogs.'


    I feel like saying "urr dur".

    I'm sure it's not an amazing conclusion for majority of animal owners.

  2. I think the council rules and local government acts vary from place to place. I've never heard of "mediation" for dog barking or anything else.

    Council rules DO vary from place to place, here in Newcastle, NSW we do have mediation for dog barking.

    This is on the council website under the title 'Complaints about dogs':

    "Council encourages negotiation between neighbours in an attempt to resolve the problem. Such negotiations can be conducted between each party or with the assistance of an independent mediator through a forum such as a Community Justice Centre"

    "If all else fails contact the Community Justice Centre to assist you with mediation or the Chamber Magistrate to discuss a noise abatement order."

    I was hoping to not have to go down this path with the dog owners across the road, luckily approaching them once and then putting some 'barking dog' info from K9pro in their letterbox seems to have fixed the problem for the most part.

  3. I have no idea either, it drives me insane to listen to a dog bark for hours, non stop like the over the road still does, even when it is inside I can still hear it. At least my complaints to them seem to have stopped them just shoving it outside and letting it go on for hours and ignoring it.

    I don't know how the rest of the people around here put up with it, I'm positive its been going on for quite some time, before I went and said something it was until 2am after 5 hours of baking incessantly and I do mean non stop no breaks almost every night and yes they were home the whole time.

  4. Rosetta I have figured out that they bought the house in 2007 and the dog isn't a puppy so how long has this been going on, I haven't got friendly with the other neighbours yet to know but either nothing has been said before or they are just ignoring complaints.

    I wasn't suggesting an e-collar, I did actually say a citronella collar, but if it comes down to it that they try all the other collars first and they don't work then maybe that is where they have to go with it if it's a behaviour modification that is needed.

    It doesn't actually bark at anything moving, it just stands there and barks and barks and barks.

    I really do want to be nice about it, I told her that I'm not against dogs and that I only lost my dog last year.

    I can even put up with the barking during the evenings, when the TV is on, it can drown out the noise but not at midnight and 2am when I'm trying to sleep.

    huski thank you, I think your PM box is full as it's not accepting any more PMs :)

  5. I've recently moved and have a barking dog issue with a dog across the road. The way the house next door to the dog is built means that when it barks it bounces straight off it and up to us as we sit about 5 metres higher.

    I went to see them at midnight tonight after at least 2 hours of incessant barking and I really do mean absolutely non stop.

    The dog, looks like a maltese of sorts, is out the front of the house in a fenced area that includes the front door, so as I approached the house it went crazy and off it's nut so the lady turned the light on and opened the door to tell it off (finally) and then saw me standing there. The dog took off into another doorway further down the house, so it does have access to inside the house.

    I had a quick conversation and she stated that she doesn't know what to do about it and that if she's home she puts it inside, ummm lady you are at home and it's been barking for 2 hours at least.

    Two weeks ago it was still barking at 2am!!! it had been barking for at least 4 hours non stop, at which time I went outside with a torch and shone it down there to see what was going on, suddenly there was quiet talking and doors opening and closing and the dog was quiet.

    They definitely have a problem with it as even when it's inside it barks non stop, yes I can hear it even then.

    I suggested a collar of some sort and she said 'yes I'll do that'.

    So I'm wondering if anyone has any links to brochures or leaflets they have done themselves that I could print out and give her.

    I want to at least try to help before I start reporting them to the council.

  6. My OHs parents use the local vets home feeding system. They have 3 big GSPs who all have their quirks, they feel more comfortable leaving them at home and having one of the vet nurses come in morning and night to feed and check on them. They go overseas once or twice a year for three weeks. We were going over once or twice a week to let them out of their enclosure to have a good run around the property but that's about it, they seemed to cope really well.

    Thought I should add that the person doesn't have access to the house, just the garage with all internal doors locked.

  7. I used to work for a guy that trained liberty horses, he used/uses a version of e-collars. They are brilliant and work quickly and efficiently. He has/had some of the best liberty horses in the world.

    He was against all forms of animal violence in filming.

    A small 'shock' in a 600kg animal is not going to do damage, it's an attention getter (yes not a word) for an immediate reaction rather than standing on the other side of the paddock and expecting them to obey a hand and voice command when they have no idea what you want.

    The collar was used the first few times, some of the really smart horses got it the first time and never had to have it used again, others would take a few times. I remember one really really smart horse that didn't need it at all.

    I liken it to an electric fence, when you touch one does it do you any damage - no it doesn't, the e-collars and others work exactly the same way, no damage just a 'oh shit it's on, I won't do that again', most animals will react the same way.

  8. I'd love a black parti whippet :)

    wow look at the difference in Australia of what the fawn used to be compared to what it is after 2000.

    Merrirose in Sydney breeds them and they crop up occasionally in other litters.

    website says 'last litter indefinitely' after announcing the ones born in May.

    I'll get one from NZ if I have to :D

  9. 'Fights break out occasionally, but this is not a real issue, because eventually, the dogs learn to get along. Every now and then some dogs gang up and kill and then eat another dog, but this is just natural, and it's okay for it to happen now and then, but normally this is not the case.'

    got to laugh :laugh:

  10. Yep I've stopped looking too, came across staffies the other day and it's amazing how many ads there are for blue ones, and unbelievably they want $2500 for a pet, yes they are registered though. I stopped and looked because they are really nice looking staffies but shit $2500 just because they are blue.

    When it's time I've decided that I'm going to drag OH to the dog shows, which will now only be 15 minutes down the road at the most, we will talk to breeders and use word of mouth.

    I saw the most gorgeous group of whippet pups at the last show so I know the breeders bring them to the shows and OH can have a look in person. I did also see a beautiful looking silky as well, don't know if he wants another little dog though, he wants something he can rough up and play with :)

    River, that is the worst of all the ads, the oldies, I just couldn't do it and have never done it and I don't ever think much of others that do it.

  11. Yvonne yes the compost fencing is what I am talking about :thumbsup: the good thing about it is that you can start small and increase the size as he gets better at knowing outside is the place to now pee. It's also big enough that he doesn't have to have access to the rest of the house and still feel like he's part of the family, as Haredown said he'll now have to earn the rest of the house, most dogs aren't stupid, he'll get it :)

  12. I was going to suggest the pen idea as well, get the fencing from bunnings in the garden section that clip together, set it up around the door and that way he will have more of an idea that he goes outside to pee, hopefully :)

    I like the idea of the pen over the crate as it gives a little more room for him to play while you aren't at home but the crate will work just as well :)

  13. Same with me, I just had a flat bed that took up half the crate and put newspaper in the other half just in case but the water bowl was on the side of the crate on that side anyway so it wasn't like they wanted to pee there anyway.

  14. So 13 out of 24 disorders showed similar prevalence in mixed breeds and purebreds.

    10 out of 24 disorders showed more prevalence in purebreds than mixed breeds.

    1 out of 24 disorders was more prevalent in mixed breeds than purebreds.

    I find her questionnaire highly dubious. I don't think a breeder who feeds raw and gives their dog anti-oxidants necessarily any better than one who doesn't.

    And what's with "I provide my dog's with a detoxification protocol" and even more bizarrely "I provide filtered water for my dogs."

    Due to this nonsense I would want to rad that scientific paper for myself rather than take her/his word for it.

    raineth, I was reading a breeders website the other day and in the listing of 'are you ready to own this breed' one of the items listed was that you 'had to supply filtered water'

    If you didn't do what was on this list then you weren't the right owner for this breed!!!

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