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Posts posted by Bundyburger

  1. There is a difference bettween having it fully done under GA and having this done. However, I would say having these frequently probably means that one with GA is not necessary until much later in life and definitely less frequent. So with home care (ie. bones and/or toothbrushing) i feel these would be a useful part of a dental regime.

    Also be careful scaling them yourselves- when done under GA, they are done with the scaler, but then buffed smooth again. Scaling them with the pick type instruments leaves small grooves in the teeth that make it easier for more tartar to stick next time around :( Unfortunately with teeth its a never ending cycle.

    My dog is terminally sick so I really don't need to be concerned about things like this.

    The ONLY reason I mentioned it was because people were asking about the dogs staying still.

    AND my vet approves.

    Thats really good for you :thumbsup:

    However, I wasn't directing that at you. That was general information for other people who are reading and contributing to the 610 views this post has had.

    ETA: fix spelling :o

    WTF? It is good my dog is sick?

    Jules, I'd say they'd be referring to the bit about your vet approving. No one would think it was good that Amber is sick.

  2. My old girl used to know it was Sunday and would not settle down until we headed off to dog club :confused: .

    Yep, it took Bundy ages to get out of the yay, it's Sunday let's go training routine. Even now 12 months later he still gets hopeful some weeks.

  3. I gave my Mal the medium sized Bad Cuz today. She played with it for awhile. She hasn't ripped it apart yet, though she tries to nibble the feet. She hasn't gone totally nuts as it doesn't squeak as much and plus it has no stuffing to rip out.

    That Tuff toy on the other hand......I got the crocodile one for $35. 10 mins later, she ripped it open. Oh well.

    There's warranties on tuffies I think..

    We love cuz here.

  4. I thought it was all over, but no... Today my credit card was debited by PetPlan again!!! SO I have sent another angry email, told them I'm going to inform the ombudsman (does anyone know the appropriate details for that?!) demanded a refund within 48 hours, demanded they send me an email and a paper letter outlining which policies I had when they were cancelled etc etc. Will just wait to see what happens.

    But really if anyone knows what the ombudsman details are I"m over it now and am ready to send something to them. :mad

    Financial Services Ombudsman http://www.fos.org.au/

    1300 78 08 08

    Have look through the website. Make sure you know what outcome(s) you want to happen.

    As I said previously you have to lodge an internal dispute through the company before fos will touch it... Normally just mentioning the word should get them trying to fix it as it'll cost them a fortune if FOS is involved.

  5. Do you still have your Beagle?

    Yes of course! Daisy is the best beagle in the world :) I love her with all of my heart as well, but it's a different bond than I have with Wiz. She's my heart dog.

    Oh ok. The question was asked about one thing you love about your dog and Daisy didn't rate a mention, sorry I find that sad. She was there way before your current dog yet there was nothing you could say about her :(

    It wasn't on purpose, I was in a rush and posted quickly the first thing I thought of and a picture I had on hand. I have a million things to say about daisy. It's just a fun thread. To be honest I am a bit insulted you could question how much I love or care for my dog based on something as silly as this.

    Daisy is cuddling in next to me right now, I better wake her up tell her how unloved and neglected she is because I didn't mention her in an off handed post in a silly thread.

    If you think it's a silly thread, why did you post in it then?

    I think she meant silly as in fun not a thread that needs to have drama added just because a poster mentions one of their dogs not both, its hardly 'sad' and certainly no indication of how much a dog is loved. I adore both mine but tend to mention Bundy more due to the bond we have.

  6. Oh bummer, Cosy caves are too expensive and my Viz feels the cold so he needs a snuggly bed :(

    Or are our vizslas just sooks? 2 coats and a doona before mine is happy in this weather, been like that since day 1!

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