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Posts posted by woodbyne

  1. Hi,

    My bitch is in season and a few of you might remember i posted about her allergy to chicken and a few other issues. I have decided not to breed and have her desexed. I asked the vet when is the best time to desex her after shes in season. She said it doesn't matter but she prefers not to do them when they are in season which is fine i'd rather her finish first then desex. My question is is there a best time afterwards to desex her hormone wise? i was a bit upset about not being able to breed her as i did buy her as a show dog and the breeder knew i wanted to breed but i think its in everyones best interests to desex her....


  2. Hello,

    This is really interesting thanks guys. My next question is whne i go to the vets what do i ask for in regards to thyroid test and how do they do it blood urine tests? What sort of thing would they be looking for i'd like to be prepared for the worst. Is there something i could google to get information. I know i should wait and see what the results are but you know i want to know..... None of my other dalmatians i have owned over the years have ever had anything wrong with them all lived long lifes with only vet checks for needles and arthritis in old age and old age i mean 13 plus years old. I just feel so sorry for her.

  3. Hi,

    i agree hadn't even thought about the connection between immune system and the demodex. When i go to a show it seems that almost every da,lmation has this red skin thing on their white coats she gets that if i wash her in anything other than malaseb but of course no breeder will admit to this being a problem. i even once enquired about a stud dog and asked does he have any skin issues the answer was no then i saw him with this red skin or its more pinkish redish tinge to the coat its a bit hard to explain. Why can't people just be honest.... I think i'm too honest to be a breeder even my vet said that.

  4. Hello,

    She was perchased as a show dog with the view to one day breed from her. The breeder thinks i'm mad not to breed her and claims that no of their dogs have ever had any alergies mmmmm....... I'm so glad for opinions as i'm leaning well and truely towards not breeding her but still have the sway of the breeder telling me its fine. The vet told me not to breed her. I have recently found out that the father has skin issues but of course i'm told thats not hereditry.

    When she was about 9 months old she had a case of demodex the vet wasn't worried at the time as it was easily cleared up but had mentioned its caused by a compromised immune system and that it "shouldn't" be an issue if they don't reoccur. But i noticed that SAS mentions the immune system so its really looking like no puppies for me....... and what a waste of money applying for the prefix and i don't fancy having to keep paying the extra dogsnsw fees to hold it as i wont get another dog till my old boy crosses to rainbow bridge and that could be another 3 or 4 years hopefully.

    She only had Eukanuba when she had the necks and nothing else and this time she had some eukanuba mixed in with the optimum chicken and had been fine for over 2 months on just eukanuba

    Keep those food suggestions coming along.


  5. Hi,

    My dalmatian girl has been getting diarhea on and off the last time she got it after eating 2 chicken necks so the vet said no chicken for one month then try her on some so on the weekend i tried her on some optimum chicken flavoured dry food which we had won at a show and sure enough 2 days later diarhea. So no more chicken. Shes ok on Eukanuba which says it has chicken in it but mustn't have as much as the chicken flavoured stuff but i'm wonderin if any one has a cheaper dry food alternative to eukanuba as its rather expensive and we have 5 dogs one other dalmatian who is old and never had a problem with any allergies and my husbands working kelpies who again are not at all sensitive to anything.

    My other question is is this heredirty i had applied for a prefix all approved etc but no i have my doubts about breeding i have had dogs for 15 years but never had a litter this was to be my first but don't want other people having pups with this issue. I forgot to ask the vet what she thinks. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated i only want whats right for the breed and also any future puppy owners. After all the hassles with her half of me thinks bugger it don't do it ,desex her and be done with it and next time i want a dog i'll get a pound puppy..... I'm feeling a bit deflated


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