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Everything posted by N@Dog

  1. yes my mum and dad are vets and YES they (and i) do know this, it was my arogant stupid sister that brought a dog into the house NOT ME, so how bout you stop being a smart ass. and why is it since ive mentioned my mum and step dad are vets everyone is almost 'against' that idea, always using it agianst me, well im sorry but i dont lean of my mother and father and make them do everything for me, i do things for myself and it does not involve them i dont run to them every second for this and that so YES i do make mistakes, I AM NOT A VET so do not expect ME to knwo everything just becuae my mum and dad are, if ur dads a plumber i dont expect you to know how to plumb......would ya? SBT, yes i will tell the breeder about this history, as i feel it is safe and will be safe by the time i decide to get a pup, wich as i said probley many times is in a few weeks if not MONTHS, by the sounds of you guys raving on i think ur under the impression im getting one very SOON.....NO IM NOT as i said. and i think it was you who asked about the parvo simpoms, yea they started acoruing (started with diohrea) about.....6 days after we got him, so he got parvo from the pet shop, and the pet shop had to notify the breeder (BYB) in wich they got him from, and notify the owner of the other pup that was in the enclosure with him at the pet store. seriously end of the day, by the time i decide to get a pup ( IN A FEW MONTHS ) i beleive the house will be safe, and id respect a breeders descision if they think other wise, no worries. but i believe by then the house will be fine. i didnt start this topic to argue on and rave on about pravo in the house or any of the other stuff that is going on, i came here to get advice on breeders, since last time i came on i got abused by MANY people about getting a BYB dog, and when i come on to do what u guys said and start looking at breeders, what do i get? abused.... AGAIN. wtf I DO CARE about my dog/dogs in the house, and future dogs in the house, NO element of doubt, so dont dare say i dont! im sick of typing and trying to remember what people said. good night
  2. what are you on about dude......i dont have a puppy (yet) and how is me getting a puppy placing it in danger?
  3. and by the way, im not laughing at the situation im laughing at you guys, you are all tied up in 'i know everything and im right' to relise that, the parvo situation is been and gone, get over it im sick of thinking about it cause evrythime i do i think of duke, so please stfu now this is getting upsetting.
  4. i think u guys need to chill out and stop being so stressed about everything, the house is fine, the puppy is fine.............chill out. @juice Back at ya buddy, if u guys listened to me youd relise that its all good, i think some people are blowing this out of preportion and getting worked up over nothing. THERE IS NO PARVO IN THE HOUSE, we have a puppy runnign around at the moment and its fine.
  5. umm, i dont want an older dog, i want a pup. Then you will just have to wait until your yard is a safer place for a baby puppy. umm, it is, weve had and got a puppy at the moment, she's..........14-16 weeks old i think, had her since 8 weeks, the house fine everyone! lol
  6. umm, i dont want an older dog, i want a pup.
  7. yea im not 100% on the date or even the month, when i wrote it it was a quick thought, been a while :S you prob knwo better than me, you seem to be good at this scoping people out thing on the forum lol
  8. @amstaffchick ok, i found your website ey.................I FRIKEN LOVE YOUR DOGS! i want one! lol, your boy cody is a awsome looking man, pitty about his ear .
  9. too all you saying things about parvo in the house, wait min 12 months etc etc, well sorry but too late, my sister got a puppy jack russles 3 weeks after he died and the pup is fine............... its running around at my feet as we speek lol, mum wasnt impressed, as she knows we needed to wait a long time before we can get another dog, but my sister being a fukn idiot as she got one anyway, she lucky. @amstffchick hey, im just trying to find your website now...having a bit of trouble do you know ruffley what month your expecting? and do you have alot of interest already for the litter (people on list pups on hold etc etc)
  10. ignore the 'so yea i think the house is fine buddy cheers' dont know were that came from haha, at the bottom of the page......hmm?
  11. hey, cheers man! yea will do, and il check em out. about Duke, yea he died spetmeber last year plus we quarantined the house and washed EVERYTHING the dog came into contact with and EVERYTHING that came into contact with that. my older dog was fine, his 98% healthy, 2% is his weight.....blame the labrador in him lol. my mum is a vet nurse (for over 25 years) so we were on top of the parvo in the house situation BEFORE he died (vet's for 2 nights prior to passing away) so beet ya too it cheers for input guys so yea i think the house is fine buddy cheers.
  12. no more suggestable breeders?
  13. 'hips scores, eye certs and artaxia' yea both those breeders (from what i can see, and what 'they' say) do these testings (and come with papers etc) but yea, before i make any definet descision (even after all this) i would still go too the breeders and look at there dogs etc
  14. Ey Guys, Ive been searching the internet now for a few weeks on Amstaff breeders (in AUS) for when i decide to get a pup (few weeks). i have seen a few, the two i liked most were these: king of Blue Amstaffs http://www.kingofbluestaffies.com/index.html Amseraphs Amstaffs http://www.amseraphsamstaffs.com/Home.htm Amseraphs, apprently (according to there website) are the Number 1 Amstaff Bredder in Australia, is this true? also, can any suggest a creditable, good, breeder of American Staffordshire Terriers please? Thanks p.s. if u suggest a breeder, and you have a Amstaff from them, please include pic pictures are always good, good excuse to show off ya Amstaff's too hehe
  15. ok, i dont care if admins hate what im bout to say, 18+ kids turn away and dont read, but i HAVE to say it THATS f*** IN SICK! how the FLUKE can somone do that to SOO many Dogs, they were innocent Lives, they all looked up to there owner with a smile, slept in there owners beds, played with kids, they trusted and respected there owners and you pull this Sh 1 t on them how do u think the dog felt?.....it would be thinking did i do somthing wrong?......well F**ckin NO! u didnt do ANYTHING WRONG! its the male apendige heads that own pitbulls for the bad reason and the media that did somthing wrong. They.......were.......Somone's....................................Friend. They were somone BEST friend. i am soooooo amped up right now i wanto go punch a big Fluken hole in my wall, but id really love it to be the euthanithatist! Disgusting.....................F**king Digusting. i dunno if i wanto, shed a tear, or punch my wall in hatred for those who are responsible, or throw up. you could not pay me $1,000,000+ to do that to A SINGLE dog. ever
  16. yea cheers man, yea nah i will DEFINETLY be getting my new pup from a registerd breeder WITH papers. but that cant change the fact i want duke back! never seen red and blue amstaff with light blue eyes...... thnks guys
  17. haha, how does he ask for stuff..... Shake Hands?.......no abrham you cant have the big hot wiked smelling roast mum just pulled out the oven.........Shake Hands?.......no.......Shake Hands, with a sook look on my face?..... NO!....walks away and sulks lol OR if the thing he wants is in another room or far away......he wont bother lol
  18. @LizT he is 2 years old now (in febuary), he is huge tho, like his not a tall dog, but he has a massive body, we thought he was just fat but his actually showing a few ribs (at times) but just has a huge body and not very tall. yea when duke past it was hard as. the pet shop were we got him paied ALL the vet bills ($800 fomr just 2 days) and gave us a full refund so financially we got coverd but id rather no refuned and spent $800 to have my dog back....but thats life thanks or your opinions on Abrham (my other dog) guys im sure his gsd and lab too now.
  19. yea ill try and find a photo if not take one now, and nah i dont have duke, he died @ 10 weeks old due to parvo .
  20. German Shepherd X Labrador OR German Shepherd X Alaskan Malamute? (he has like a, tripple coat too, SOOOOOOOO much hair, have to brush him daily lol)
  21. First Picture is of my Dog. his names abrham 2 years old. the pet store labeled him as German Shepherd X Labrador, but i beg to differ i beleive its alaskan malamute, main fight is the curley tail and very noticabley similar panterning but with GSD colour. what you guys think, possible?, and ive also chosen a nick name for the breed: Golden shepherd 1st Pic: Alaskan Malamute 2nd Pic: Alaskan Malamute 3rd Pic: German Shepherd 4thPic: German Shepherd 5th Pic: My Dog 6th Pic: My Dog
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