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Posts posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. It takes 7 dyas for comfortis to be cleared by the liver so check with your vet first.

    Maybe when you're administering a drug it may be useful to use milk thistle and/or Denosyl to boost the liver during that time?

    Thank you. I'll discuss all these options with my vet next time I see him. I think advantix is definitely the worst for her out of all the products though so any alternative to that might be better.

    She takes milk thistle + denosyl + actilax every day :)

    Ask your vet if they can get a sample tab from the rep. That shouldn't be a difficult thing to get and then at least you haven't bought a whole box only to find they make her vomit or whatever. :)

  2. I've spent lots of time with two particular Keeshonds and I found them to be great dogs, if you don't mind the coat.

    One was my friend's second Keeshond and she said she would never be without one. The other was a male that had spent 4 or 5 years in a home with children but was on a chain in the yard for much of his life due to being too excitable.

    After a short time in a dog savvy home he turned into an indoor dog who'd learned some manners. :)

    They would be totally up for the jogging, obviously not in the height of summer (unless you like running at dawn). I might be wrong but I would judge them to be a friendly, smart and quite tolerant breed. Perhaps noisier than a smooth Collie though..

  3. Just a reminder if you're yet to send in your form and payment but you do want to attend.

    I've got very limited spaces for the afternoon session, there is still good accessibility for the morning session.

    Yummy lunch is included in the cost per person and we'll have an espresso van there so you can purchase hot drinks while you wait for your dog's turn. :thumbsup:

  4. Assoc of Pet Dog Trainers in Aus is quite a good group to follow if you aren't already.

    Their annual conference will be in Melbourne this year which is super awesome and it's open to anyone who's interested in training and behaviour.

    I get as much out of it on a personal dog owner's level as a trainer level so it's worth looking at the schedule of speakers when it's released. :)

  5. They certainly can vary wildly, as everyone here is aware especially vets or vet workers on this forum, veterinary practices are un regulated in Australia so prices for procedures can be what ever the practice sets. I would love to open a veterinary practice some time in the future, it is a great economic business venture with relativly low low start up costs to outfit, however because I am not a vet I am prevented to do that.

    Sucks because its a good business to be in.

    Omg that is the funniest statement i've seen all day. Vet Clinics run on 70% overheads...you have no idea...lmao.

  6. It's unfortunate that articles like this undermine trust in the veterinary profession.

    Leaving your beloved pet for day surgery is not the same as dropping your car off for a service - but most journalists treat it as though it is.

    The choice report will make people question whether or not they do a dental clean on their pets. Bad oral health affects most of the major vital organs, slowly and progressively. You can bet those owners get their yearly scale from the dentist and are the first ones to run there screaming when they have a toothache, yet the dog or cat has to wait while they make a decision about whether they're being ripped off or not after reading an article.

  7. At 14 it will take longer for him to get used to things. Give him some time.

    Instead of a citronella collar you should try a thundershirt and a DAP diffuser (thundershirts online and DAP diffusers online or from your vet clinic).

    Block carpeted areas for now with either temporary wooden baby gates (cheap) or metal baby gates with the door built in, it can be a permanent fixture and extensions can be added to the metal gates.

    Make sure there are adequate warm comfy beds both inside and outside for the old boy, this may mean adding more to what they already have for now.

    If this is not improving then you need to see your vet, as while he seems fine, his barking may be due to loss of brain function - normal in old age - or anxiety. A barking collar will not help him feel calmer, and that is what he needs right now.

    Another option, if it's available to you, is to take a few days off work and spend it at home with your dogs. Number one it may ease the transition for the old boy and number two it will enable you to see and hear what goes on around your apartment during the day (particularly noise) that may be upsetting him.

  8. We had the plumber come over and add a hot water tap to an already existing pipe. It happens to be on the patio and the closest to the hot water system.

    Funny thing is, I don't have a hydrobath and now there's a K9000 around the corner, the tap gets used for washing out the water bucket and that's about it! :laugh:

  9. Deception Bay dog breeder Debbie Creagh was hit with a $4400 bill for an emergency after-hours caesarean on her labrador retriever Brooke this month after the 20-month-old swallowed a dog toy.

    Gotta be careful about swallowing those dogs toys - they cause pregnancies!!

    The article in Choice this month was equally as bad.

  10. RC Sensitivity Control is back (thank goodness because we have a clients' dog with intestinal symptoms that reacts to every other food out there, low quality and high quality) we find it better for skin than RC Hypoallergenic.

    It's duck and tapioca formula.

    If you want a kick start then you can do this for 6 weeks prior to your appointment with absolutely positively nothing else in the way of food.

    And Jumabaar makes a great point about fleas. For some dogs they need one bite and it creates an enormous amount of irritation. Treat all dogs and cats continuously with an adulticide until you see the derm vet.

  11. Receipt has no information about papers, but I have emails and private messages stating main register papers.

    I think that you have a good case to take to CCCQld. Regardless of whether or not there are papers available for your dog, it seems that a CCCQld member has promised you that there would be main registered papers for the dog that they sold to you.

    Speak to CCCQld about what has happened, stay calm and polite and make no "accusations", just state the facts as they stand.

    Write everything down in chronological order before you phone them so that you have a plan and dont jump all over the place.

    Give them as much information as you can over the phone and then they will probably tell you that you will need to submit it all as a stat dec so that they can act from there. They will then send a copy of the stat dec to the people concerned and ask for their comments.

    If necessary get someone who is good at writing to draft out your submission but as a stat dec it must be hand written by you, signed and witnessed.

    From experience it can be a long and slow process....... been there and done that, not about papers but about the repeated and continuous malpractice and unethical conduct of one of their members (now a suspended person !!!!). I had 13 pages of evidence which included various stat decs, certified copies of adverts and emails going back several years and verified information from numerous people, yet it took many months to get some action. It can be frustrating, but I suppose that they need to know that the complaint is not vexatious and that there is truth in what is claimed and that due process must be followed.

    This is excellent advice. :)

  12. No pool at Moorabbin, just underwater treadmill. :(

    It probably wouldn't suit you as far as driving but over the summer we use Kepala Pet Resort. They have a pool indoors and a solar heated lagoon outside. We book the lagoon for our own private use and the dogs love it as they can walk in and out at their leisure and you can wade in to a certain point yourself.

    But we take the Monash Freeway to the Tulla Freeway and then on to Diggers Rest. I don't think there's any escaping the Parkville traffic for you.

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