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Posts posted by bridie

  1. As soon as she sees anything food related, she's into it. I did manage to get some on the foot though and it has stopped bleeding.

    I might try and get some Quick Stop for the medicine cabinet, any idea where to buy it?

    Thanks everyone!

    Don't know if "Quick Stop" is still available unless from Show Vans.??I couldn't get onto it.BUT i did get onto Styptic Powder,probably same stuff!I use it for jew claws,I swear I will never cut a black dogs nail too short ever again,frightened me,it was late but rang vet,they said Condies Crystals or soft soap just hold it on the nail.I had blood and purple condies crystals all over the place& still it was bleeding,I went to my neighbour to help bandage etc.I was panicking........went Google...presto...CORNFLOUR....had to have an immediate answer couldn't wait,I thought she was about to bleed to death.From memory it stopped immediatley I applied half a packet of Cornflour,I just held her nail in it until it was plugged & I could clearly see no blood..... she had a pure white foot!

    I purchased Styptic Powder from local pet store,very next day,$21.00 for 30grams,seems expensive but will last for many years

    After my experience I wouldn't waste my time with c/crystals or soap,if stuck...... Cornflour,It worked.

  2. if its just on the skin bathe it with salty water and let it dry. I wouldnt go to the vet for just a scratch. If you have some iodine make a weak tea coloured solution or if its in a paste then a teeny weeny smear on it if you're really worried.


    If you don't have any iodine, you should get some for the future- it's great for little incidental scratches/hot spots etc.

    I wouldn't go to the vet for a scratch either.

    One can never be too sure,better to be safe than sorry,trying to save on a vets consultation & all the worry.

    My girls "scratch" turned into being a Corneal Ulcer over days,I tried all the suggestions mentioned.

    , vet treated with anti-biotic cream "Optichlor" not treated could turn to blindness,don't mean to frighten you but this cream is a good thing to have on hand in-case of another occasion.Healed in 2 days.

    Always thought "salty water" to bathe eyes,vet said how would I like salty water in my eye! Suggested a mere scratch to bathe in milk.

  3. I have 12 pugs. One had surgery last Dec to resect her soft palate (even though it was thought to be normal size it was actually quite long) open her nares and remove saccules. She didn't appear to have any airway problems up until about 6 months prior when she started to make occasional "choking/gagging" noises. She is 7 now and doing very well. I think I'll start adding the Chondroitin to her food as well- couldn't hurt. My older dogs are on Glucosomine+Chondroitin and MSN and I also add this to my puppies food from when they are weaned

    None of mine have had any patella problems.

    Do you also have them on Omego Fish oil ? I think I will also be on all this stuff as I have started getting osteo pain intermittantly in my knee.

    I should have married a vet & work for the medication people. :rofl:

    Be good if all this we are using could be in one tablet,then pharmecuticals would not be making any money.......so this will never happen.

    The palate operation on Emily never made any difference,she still snores-snorkels & has on occasion been gaspy in her breathing,told taking in air the wrong way this only happens of an evening,I thought it may have had some-thing to do with less nitrogen, pollens etc in the air :laugh:

  4. I just think that there is room to explore epigenics and nutrigenomics as well as genetics and I think there is a danger in putting focus on testing for problems and blaming genes based on genetics and nothing else.

    Its been proven that its possible to change genes and that can be passed on from the mother so one way of looking at it is that a dog may have a high risk of developing [say] HD and we shouldnt try to change that via diet because it covers the predisposition and we are not breeding away from it but if you come at it from the other view that I am able to change the gene and make it no longer exist which can be passed to its off spring then covering it up is rubbing it out and I think thats the danger in just looking at it based on what seems to be the main focus with scoring and scanning.

    If you look at these two things tracheal collapse and patella issues and see what they have in common from a nutritional perspective its worth a look.

    Same as MVD and SM - are we able to approach them from a dietary look over consecutive litters while they are searching for a gene.

    Anyway I love this stuff and dont want to cut of my ability to learn because Im not prepared to explore and poke around a bit now and then. This survey is giving me food for thought and thats all for now but because of my interest in nutrition its sparked my interest.

    Hi Steve,

    I have read this whole thread,very interesting re Patellas in relation to Tracheas.My daughters'Chi had her patellas done before 2 year old,now 8 years old& has Trachea problems.I have a Chi who is now 5,vet shortened her enlongated soft palate which I posted about earlier this year,I don't want to hear she has patella problems omg,that is all I would need,as I already have Bindie with HD,only 20 months old.she is being treated with Omego Fish Oil,Zeel,Glucosomine+Chondroitin. Bone-cartlidge... makes sense re the Chondroitin,point you noted in this same thread is there something lacking re being absorbed by some & not other dogs.All are on BARF diet now.

    All from same lines although different sire & dams.

    Thinking I should put the Trachea problem one on the G/Chondroitin right away.Anything new on this?

    Prevention is always better than cure,can't hurt them just my hip pocket which is becoming very slim after falling for this adorable breed.

    Off Topic but re BARF,Have a tiny Chi who has 3 puppies, 3 weeks old this Sunday,2nd litter & she frightened the life out of me last Wednesday late of night(always is if dramas),panting,trembling, looking frightened,couldn't walk properly,no temp,rang the Breeder,said she has Eclampsia(I've had everything but this)gave her a double dose of Calcium +,came back to normal after about an hour or so.Had a slight relapse yesteday arvo,so gave 2ml CodLiver oil+ extra Calcium,after stumbling on your other thread re Calcium,interesting to read if not enough VitD Calcium cannot be absorbed.So until these puppies can feed themselves Summar will be having Cod/L oil & 10-15 ml Calcium daily,am I giving enough C/L oil? she only weighs about 1.5 kilo.Learning all our lives. Wondering Steve if they are all getting enough Calcium vit& minerals on the Barf,your thoughts.

  5. Huski, maybe you could search the threads from the many times previously this topic has come up, print out all the info on how and why that kind of diet is bad for a dog, and hand it over to her :)

    Although if she doesn't have a dog now and isn't planning on getting one soon perhaps just encourage her towards pet rabbits?

    Nah, not worth it with this woman :o I just found it frustrating!

    :laugh::o WOFT :o:rofl::(:(:cry:

  6. Only found this thread today! Very good thread worthy of being pinned.

    Does any-one have a pattern or good idea how to make a nursing cover(don't know what else to call it!)for a very small Chihuahua,she had Eclamsia(lack of calcium) the other night& it has been suggested after feeding time to cover her boobies,so pups are not on there all day.Trying to work out what to make or use.It would have to be like a coat backwards to cover rear boobs, tie & tighten on the top,had thought a sock,sleeve,stocking but think the puppies would nudge it off& get under.I am giving Calcium twice daily & hoping this will suffice but if not I will have to come up with some-thing in a hurry, so being prepared.This is rather than her not being in with the 3 puppies,she is very happy to be with them all the time. So if some-one else has had to do this please post asap.Prepared to buy if this is available,really don't know what to look for as I don't know what it is called!

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I am trying to teach Banjo to 'sing'. (howl on cue) I can get him to howl at a sqeaky toy occasionally but not regularly enough to make much headway.

    What else can I try to get him to howl?

    What other simple tricks could I try teach while he is supposed to be 'kept quiet' after his desexing?

    If I were your neighbour I'd prefer you just obeyed the Drs orders.I have 2 town criers next to me & fair dinkum it is as bad as barkers. :eek: IMHO in may be cute now but you are probably teaching him a very bad habit that you may live to regret.Can't you teach him to read or watch a DVD quietly? :)

  8. If she will let you you could hold her still in the bath while she uses her legs to paddle... My life would be sooooo much easier if James was small enough to just put in the bath!! it's the beach for us!!

    Will do so t'morrow,look into the Hydrobath also,either way it will be quite an experience.....think I shall set up the tripod for the video,see who gets the wettest!

  9. Bridie swimming would be the best exercise for her, and being so small that is easily remedied by filling a warm bath... by all means check with your vet but swimming has low impact on joints and her weight will not affect her in the water.

    I suspect this will be what the vet will suggest,gees probably take me all day doing 20 laps.My sister has an inground pool but I know the brother-in-law would frown upon me even asking,not heated so no good this time of year.

  10. Yep, I agree with Sparky, you need to cut back her food even more. It's amazing just how little they need and it's a good thing you are weighing her because otherwise you might not have realized so soon that you are still feeding her too much.

    Yes it is surprising how little they need,quite often she has only eaten 60 of the 90grams,been no extra exercise because of her HD will ask about that when I go to vet clinic Monday.

  11. Now you've got me looking at what I feed my girl. She could lose a little bit too.

    Wanted to point out just in case you didn't know - you do watch your dogs eating the necks? I fed chicken necks and my chi x is a little piggie. She was happy to chew once or twice and then swallow. A neck barely chewed can still be swallowed. Until it gets stuck.

    I knew she used to bolt them down but one day while I was watching she got one stuck. She stopped eating and went all stiff while standing. I rushed over to her and she toppled over, still all stiff. I waS deciding what to do when she suddenly convulsed and vomited up the neck. scared me thou.

    She still gets them but I watch and try to buy thinner necks.

    happy dieting.

    It pays to be around at their dinner times,I've had it where they have had part on the neck bone stuck in their teeth too,that can happen with any bone,they panic,try to refuse your help,then relief for all I've pryed it out.Even though Bindie hasn't lost weight I'm so happy about the BARF because they all look forward to dinner & seem really contented.When it's bed time & bones are hanging around I pick them up and put them out in the morning after breakfast and it keeps them occupied through out the day.

  12. ;) I was wondering too .

    Hi folks,

    Today was a bitter dissappointment,weighs exactly the same,bit of a blow seeing Bindie has not cheated nor have I,I see the Specialist on Monday so will have word to him,must have to cut it back to 90grams to get her to 3kilos,when "we" get to that weight,then consider if need be 60 grams to be 2 kilos.No excuses,don't know what to think except to cut back further,I weigh Bindies but the others are loving the BARF,puppies don't even want to eat the mince,rice,pasta& veges for breakfast.......some-one has to eat it as I had cooked up 5 kilos in the freezer & just want it gone,great no more cooking. :)

  13. yes i have found diet and also exercise can control it to a certain level tkay also others have given me input into this as well.

    straight glucosamine helps as well as formulas with this ingredient added especially for dogs for joints and repair of cartilage. this is where the disease does point to being “polygenic” with a bit of "recessive" thrown in the mix.

    Thanks I will have to look into getting him some glucosamine as he gets older :rofl:

    I'd start now,also Fish Oil,don't wait until there is cartiledge damage/loss & bone,look into shark capsules also.You may find that some Glucosamine could have Chondrotin sulphate(shark cartiledge)I read where the Sulphate helps their body absorb the Glucosomine.I have spent days this week looking at what this all means & how it all works.Most good pet stores will sell the Glucosamine,Fish oil most likely supermarkets.I also found that AUS prices were much more expensive than my having them sent from USA.I found a very good site called Lucky Vit.com prices excellent plus very informative as to exactly what ingredients were in any-thing,and its use etc It would be great if there was a tab or capsule that had everything in one of all the above plus a product called Zeel and or Traumeel for osteoarthritis which our darlings can get from Patella & Hipdysplasia problems.I posted in the open discussion a few weeks ago about my 18 month old Chi Bindie who has H.D.

    I hope this has been of help to you & perhaps others who may read this,I wish I'd known about all the above before my vet attempted H.D. operation.If some-one else is using the medications above I would like to hear that there is some good news for me to look forward to with Bindie.I also have my lot on the BARF diet & I am thrilled that they ALL love it.

  14. :) I was wondering too .

    I went last Friday to the specialist vet,he advised to put her on the Barf,she had been on it any-way,all was well until I put her Omega Fish oil & Glucosamine in granule form in her dinner,so now I syringe the oil & I put the Glucosamine in Gel capsules,plus he put her on Zeel tabs.Bindie just takes it all so well,no trouble at all,seems to be happy. I am allowed to also give her twice a week,lamb shank or neck bones as her dinner,so that is what they all had last night & I know they enjoyed it plus were busy for hours,so these are on order from the local butcher each week so he can cut them up Chihuahua size! I will take half her stitches out today.I will weigh her on Monday,will do so every fortnight.

    This new vet believes he has fixed worse cases than Bindie,he also said that he has never heard of a case where a dog was "too fat" for this operation,he also added that it should not be performed on a dog younger than 6 years (B 18months)& that my vet cut horizontally & it should have been vertical and not been more than one inch,5" on Bindie,he was to give my vet a call don't know what he will say or ask. :o

    I did ask a couple of times after he looked at her exray as to what he would grade Bindie,but he kind of alluded giving me an answer.I don't know what you folks think but I'm thinking let's try this for a few months .......just wait and see if there can eventually be results..physically for Bindie.

    He is very expensive with his medication,checked net and let's say the Zeel,I paid $30.00 for 10 tabs,can buy 100 for $15.00,can't find Glucosamine in granule form on the net,I paid $43.00 for 250grams,but 100 tabs from local pet shop were $10.00.I don't mind paying for his services but if Bindie has to stay on this for the rest of her life(which I assume she will) I will buy medications else where when possible,rather huge % mark up.I suppose it happens to all of us everyday in some form, if we only knew.


    for now,thanks for your concern

  15. this link is a basic outline of what the prey model diet is: http://www.rawfed.com/myths/preymodel.html It says it is better than barf and I think so too but its a simple explaination and it's what works best for my dogs. All dogs are different.

    it's feeding your pet as closely to a wild dog's diet as possible. ie chunk of meat, offal, bone, feathers, fur etc. The whole animal. Like throwing a whole rabbit to the dog and he eats all of it. Being chihuahuas, they couldn't eat a whole rabbit obviously and the pack would share. Sometimes they would get muscle, sometimes some offal, sometimes just scraps of leftover carcass. Try to imagine what a little dog could hunt between a small pack, (mice, rats, birds, small rabbits, little joey, new born lamb) they will eat all the parts between them. Dogs don't cook, munch on wheat and they don't hunt biscuits.

    Instead of feeding mince, veggies, rice, supplements, they get a solid piece of meat (1/2 a lamb heart eg) or a couple of chicken hearts whole and a chunk of liver or 1/4 lean chicken carcass, piece of ox tail/tounge/heart/liver, chunk of rabbit or a chicken foot. Meat in it's natural form so they can grind, gnash, tear the pieces apart exercising their jaws and cleaning their teeth. It keeps a hungry chihuahua occupied instead of gulping down their mince or biscuits and still feeling hungry. It's a high protein diet and keeps them fuller for longer compared to grains. It keeps their poohs solid, dark and virtually odourless.

    I found a good local butcher than sells alot of odd meats and bits and it costs me on average 40 cents a day to feed both my dogs. The only processed thing I supplement their diet with is the occassional tin of sardines in springwater and salmon to share between them or a sprinkle of grated cheese or blob of natural yogurt or splash of milk to keep them lactose tolerant.

    They eat something different every day apart from fasting days and they don't get bored with whats on offer. If they don't eat what I've given them, they don;t eat that day and they will eat anything I offer the next.

    Fasting is good for weight loss but I've also found they don't pester me for food at a certain time and if I can't be home for some reason to feed them, they don't miss out on anything. Dogs in the wild don't always find food so it's natural to give their digestive system a break. Chihuahuas can have problems with low sugar levels when fasting so if you are going to do it, try it first on days you can be home to supervise her. If she suddenly becomes lethargic, pale gums, maybe a bit wobbly on her feet, give her a little honey on your finger to lick to get her sugar back up. I've never had any problems here but I do scatter a few dried peas for them just in case. It's like when you don't eat for a while and get cranky, tired, headachey. She has alot of energy to work off so you shouldn't have a problem but trial it just in case.

    Thanks saved link spend time t'morrow reading,I thinkk dried peas with my lot.......I would just have to pick them up or slip on them ha ha

    Makes sense with some-thing to chew, i was giving chicken pieces & cooked food alternate nights as a change, I brought seccateurs(spell check)especially to cut them up in smaller portions same as with the carcasses,it gave them some-thing to do other than eat the easy stuff,I'm afraid i have just spoilt them and it is hard to get out of bad habits.....but I will.Bindie bless her heart has been so accepting of her diet change,never complains.Some of the others would just wait it out....days until I gave in with what they wanted,as you say you know how finicky& fussy the little monkeys can be.

  16. sorry if I miss or repeat anything but I haven't read all of the replies yet.

    I have a big chihuahua, he is 4.9kgs, he could afford to lose about 400g, that is all. He is a tall, long, big chihuahua. Can feel his ribs and yes he is purebred. Anyway, he was getting on the tubby side and I removed all grains and crap from his diet. He only has a piece of lean muscle meat or lean bone to eat each day. No dry food at all which is full of useless carbs. I even stopped feeding grain free Artemis. Mostly red meat but not so much lamb as it's quite fattening. Kangaroo is the goods. Occasional happy paws treat which has no fat. Once or twice a week I fast him...he gets nothing to eat at all unless he finds some crumbs on the floor. Sometimes I throw a few dried peas on the floor for him to eat if he is desperate and to keep his blood sugar levels ok. There is always a full water bowl. I feed the dogs at different times each day so they never expect food at a certain time which makes fasting easier. The dogs dont whine because they don't know they are missing food.

    I know how fussy chihuahuas can be about their food and they usually want the stuff that is least natural and worst for them. It took me a long time to realise it, but too bad for chiwee. If they don't eat what you give them, they get nothing. You can try the barf if you like but I prefer the prey model diet for my dogs and it dropped weight off my fatso quite quickly. He didn;t have as much to lose as your girl so hopefully she will lose it fast and you'll probably find any gas or pooh problems will clear up. My fatso is also 5 years old and removing grains and premade stuff has increased his energy and he behaves like a puppy again. My other chi is very small and hard to put weight on him, he gets fattier or larger cuts of meat and bone and he does really well on it re energy levels, coat, poohs.

    Swimming is a great way for a big dog to lose weight so they arn't putting pressure on the already damaged joints. When she has dropped some weight, take her to a safe dog park and let her run off lead at her own pace. Don't force her to walk the pavement with you until she is a little lighter. The repetitive movements can hurt her more and she can't slow down because she is walking at your speed.

    Your vet knew she was very overweight, it's obvious in the photos. You can see by her neck and face she is meant to be a dainty little size. My bloke has a larger, stockier neck and face. I have another chi that has the same little face as your girl, I can't put weight on him, they are from the same lines. Anyway, I think it was wrong of your vet to cut into her knowing she is obese when I can quite easily see your girl is too large to operate on at the moment.

    I hope you can get her weight down soon. Drop into the chihuahua thread in the breed specific section if you want advice from some breeders and experienced owners. Most of us have had a fatso and got the weight down.

    Thanks,Prey diet? Only heard of it don't know what it is?

  17. Slightly off topic...but is there (or perhaps we should start) a thread on doggy weight watcher. Im all for encouraging good health and owners trying to get their pets down to a healthy weight, people who have succeeded before could post some ideas.

    Chewy got Elliot her Golden Retriever (RIP Elliot) from whale to "wow" on the "pumpkin" diet. Reduce normal food by half and supplement with dry baked, mashed or pulped pumpkin (no butter or fats added)

    This is the best article on canine weight I can recommend. It is written by one of the USA's top dog sports vets but what she says applies to pets as well.

    40% of Australian dogs carry far too much weight. If you love your dog, you won't keep it overweight - it will be with you for longer if its leaner.

    Folk need to learn to feel their dogs and adjust their diets if there weight fluctuates too high or low.

    Thanks for the Link have saved and will look as soon as I have the time next few days

  18. If you are in Browns Plains I highly recommend going to see the team at Animal Options out at Ormeau www.animaloptions.com.au

    Appointment Friday,already impressed as she worked out re the weight we need Bindie at and re weight how much Barf to give her no advice from mine out here,be so nice to find a good vet,they must be around it is just finding them.

    Thanks, let you know what eventuated

  19. No Bindie wasn't out there last night,but I get your point.What about this Barf?

    I dont feed Barf but Persephone put a link for you to read, have you done that?

    As to Bindie not being out there last night, you need to remove the food so none of your dogs can free feed. It's too easy to slip up and Bindie will get into it as well. I cannot stress this enough, you need to have total control over what goes into her stomach so you need to take the dry food up off the floor.

    Off the floor,,going to Perseys link now.

    :thumbsup: bewdy :thanks: then you will have total control over what goes in. You should start seeing results quite quickly. How about weighing her today and starting to keep a record. Then we can cheer her on.

    They weighed her on the 17/5/10,day of surgery,so I will go out there again Monday.Might weigh on vet just around the corner next Monday too be more convenient 5 minutes instead of 25,for every week being a weigh in.

  20. I am sorry for your troubles with your chi. My labs are 26kg and get 2 cups a day so I would think your little one would need a lot less than a cup. I take Mokha who has HD swimming twice a week. Since you have a chi I was thinking she could probably swim in a full bath for some extra exercise. She could do it every day and that would help her lose weight and is not hard on her joints.

    As soon as this wound has healed I wil give the bath a go

  21. I have a huge dog with severe HD. I can tell you thin is always better! rememberdiesel.webs.com is his site, he has many problems which we have corrected without surgery and we are looking at having a leg brace made to help him.

    Natural therapies, acupuncture, exercise and electrostimulation got him from bed bound to running about. Dont give up the tinies have a much better chance then a dog like mine at 50kg

    That's great news for Diesel all positive,I really hope alternative for Bindie rather than surgery.Later today will go and look at your site

  22. Barf is the same deal... it's still food... and it's still not controlled if you leave it down...

    Or do you mean you want to know whether BARF is a good food source? I suggest you do some searches on BARF there are plenty on DOL.

    Dogs don't know when their next meal going to come, so therefore they gorge themselves each and every time.

    The Barf i thought good re lean,ie Kangaroo etc rather than chicken pieces lots of hidden fats in this.I realise what-ever that I need to control it.My others have manners and don't gulp like Bindie did,may-be it was because she was from a large litter and first in best dressed ie as a puppy.

    I could spend all day alone on the Barf link,but I have to do other stuff today,I get in some of these interseting site and before I know it it is 5pm,I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

  23. Puppies and ill dogs may benefit from free feeding- but I feel most dogs will do much better if their portions are controlled, and if they are kept lean :laugh: By feeding your dogs separately , you will soon discover what dogs are needing more/less food, and it is more of a communication/love thing - YOU are actually providing the food every time your dog eats. YOU are standing thee, telling your dog to sit ,while waiting for his dinner, and your dog is there gazing at you - rather than the dogs just helping themselves whenever THEY want :rofl:

    You might find THIS thread interesting :shrug:

    Thanks I will give it a go,seeing they liked the Aussie Barf,which is Kangaroo,veges and other good products,as well as being able to give them what is good for them but what is enjoyable to their palates.There is a local Brissy number on the packet,might give them a call and see if i could buy in bulk,need to clean the freezer out firstly.No that didn't work,have to buy hundreds of kilos.

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