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Brennan's Mum

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Posts posted by Brennan's Mum

  1. I've flown with Brennan ( German Shepherd) twice. Both times we took the earliest flight possible to avoid the heat. We flew with Qantas and used Dogtainers to hire the crate. The crate was just a wire crate. We didn't need any sedation for her ( for me it was a different story ;)). I simply acted like it was 'no big deal'.

    I found that the staff were quite polite and gentle. They understand that people are nervous, love their animals and are very reassuring.

    I wouldn't lie about his breed. The statement about powerful and strong breeds is not to say ''these breeds are dangerous'', it's more to say that there is the potential that these breeds may be able to damage/ break the plastic crates.

    To be honest, I feel more on edge flying with Brennan. I am less patient when it comes to boarding/ departing the plane, and I just want to get to her.

    If you are worried about the heat- rest assured that the cargo section in air planes are the same temperature as in the cabin. Although I still took the earliest flight possible. If you are worried about take off/ landing you can look for a direct flight where possible.

  2. Ha I was thinking that it was unusual for Willow to be getting a new dog seeing as she had only just had a new skin baby. Then I noticed the extra l.

    Same here! Far too confusing.

    Agree. I have a hard time reading the third l even with my glasses on :laugh:.

    I couldn't pick a name, I think they are all cute. Make sure to post pictures of your new family member :)

  3. I have been lucky, and I really do need to give a special shout out to DOLer Ish. Ish is a FB friend and being a GSD breeder she really is a wealth of knowledge of the breed. She has been so supportive ever since we friended each other on Facebook, always sharing her knowledge via Private messages. It was thanks to Ish that I knew to get Lectade, and she also told me that chances are I'd come home with Scourban.

    So a huge 'Thank You' to Ish, some one whose advice is always welcomed and well received.


    Brennan update- she has now eaten her last 4 meals ( I am still feeding her 3 small meals a day of rice/ chicken). She is drinking more, and has just gotten me to let her outside so that she could do zoomies and bark at the neighbours dogs (silly me thinking she needed to go toilet :p ).

  4. I am still in shock, but there are things in motion to repay this kindness. Can't say too much at the moment though :shhh:

    Brennan showed a definite improvement upon our return from the vets. She ate her dinner and her breakfast. She also took some big drinks of water with Lectade, has had her Scourban (not that she is too fond of it), and is looking much brighter and getting back to normal.

    We managed to sleep through the night with no need to go toilet. In fact, she hasn't done a ''number 2'' since yesterday afternoon.

    I'm still feeding her on rice and chicken for a few more days, but I think she will be back to full health no longer then Tuesday.

    I've linked some photo's:

    Her breakfast this morning. She does have bedding in her crate, but given that she's had diarrhoea I've used the blankets/towels to protect the carpet and she's rested on my bed.


    Because she's a goof and closed her eyes on me just as I snapped the photo


    Proof she does have eyes lol, and looking much happier


    Well enough for a belly rub :)


  5. That is just so very lovely :thumbsup:

    And I hope beautiful Miss Brennan feels better asap, Molly sends her a get well kiss :)

    Well, she just had her first small meal since Thursday morning. She didn't want to eat when I tried to give her some rice and chicken earlier, but just gobbled it down. She's also looking a bit more perkier in the eyes and acting a bit more normal so looks like the injection and anti-biotics may be starting to kick in.

  6. There are some great people on here. I'm a pretty simple person..all I want is my girl to be happy and healthy, so the fact that this generosity allowed me to help keep Brennan healthy means so much to me. It's pretty basic...you want to impress me? be genuinely nice to my dog.

  7. This week Brennan has been ill ( diarrhoea). I have been worried about her, tried all the usual things. Last night I needed to run to the store to get some Lectade. Seeing as I don't have a car and could not have left Brennan long enough to catch public transport. I called Snook, who very kindly bundled her gorgeous dog in the car and came and ran me to the shop and back. She also told me that she could run Brennan and I to the vet today.

    Well, I managed to get the last appointment of the day. So Snook came collected me. We walked into a small waiting room where there was 3 other dogs. Now, some of you may not know, but my dog is fear reactive and we have worked with a behaviourist since June and are about to work with Steve Courtney via DLP. So the fact that I could have my dog in a small room with 3 unknown dogs and for her to not react at all is remarkable. She even felt comfortable enough to lie down in the room.

    Anyway, we go in with the vet who tells us that she has a stomach bug, gives her an injection, and sends us home with Scourban. I go out feeling better having a diagnosis and some treatment. I go to pay the receptionist who tells me that it's ''been covered''..okay, so I ask her again, and she tells me that some one has paid for our consult/ antibiotics :dropjaw:. I ask her for the name of the person, and turns out that my good friend Dxenion had been sneaky and rung and paid from her home in Perth :dropjaw:.

    Dxenion and I met here on DOL, and found out that we have a lot in common (besides the fact we both have GSDs, and both of us got our GSDs from the same breeder here in Adelaide). She's become a great friend who I adore and one of these days I look forward to meeting her in person.

    I just wanted to share this. I didn't know whether or not to mention it publicly, but it is a huge deal to me. I am saving to move into my own house in December, so finances are tight. I am still in shock, Snook said that she has never seen me speechless before ( it doesn't happen often :laugh: ). I know that sometimes we complain about DOL, but it's not all bad. I am so thankful for the wonderful people I have met on this forum, and for all that I learn thanks to this forum. I am a better dog owner because of this forum.

    So, to Dxenion and also Snook :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

  8. I used to always take Brennan to the vets to get it done for $15. However last month I couldn't get an appointment at the vets, so I read up on how to do the job myself, and bought a good quality pair of clippers. Luckily Brennan is pretty relaxed with getting her nails clipped. She just lies there and waits for the treat at the end of the clipping.

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