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Bonnie Pup

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Everything posted by Bonnie Pup

  1. Thanks spikey. It's not Petplan, but I'll have a look at the PDS to see if there's something similar in that or not.
  2. From what they've said it sounds like they are going to exclude anything the pets have ever been tested, treated for or suspected of having(??) prior to taking out the policy and in the waiting period. I understand that's even for things that the pet went to the vet for because there was a question over if something was wrong, and after a vet check it was shown there was nothing to worry about and the vet gave the all clear. I understand they are saying those things are also excluded (though I'm not totally clear on it.) I still don't totally understand it but that's the impression I'm getting. I know that most companies exclude pre existing conditions, but I thought that if they were to be excluded they had to be listed on the certificate of insurance. I've been with this company for a while and only just found this out.
  3. That's the issue I'm having. There's nothing listed on the certificate of insurance to say there's an exclusion. But the company is saying just because nothing's listed doesn't mean there aren't exclusions. It turns out that there are exclusions on my animals that I had no idea about. I was under the impression that exclusions have to be written on the certificate of insurance.
  4. Can anyone else help with any info? :D Does your certificate of insurance list your dog's exclusions?
  5. Thanks to all who replied. Does anyone have exclusions on their dog's policy AND doesn't have it written on the certificate of insurance?
  6. Yes. My pup had shoulder OCD before I got her insurance sorted, she is therefore not covered for anything to do with shoulder OCD (in either shoulder, even though it was only clinical in one shoulder). Is that specifically stated on your schedule? Yes. Would you please let us know which company you're with (or PM if you prefer?)
  7. Thanks :D I was wondering about specific examples of people who have insurance. If there are exclusions on your dog, are they listed on your certificate of insurance?
  8. Does your certificate of insurance list your dog's exclusions in your policy? And which company are you with (if you're comfortable sharing?) :D (edited to clarify my question.)
  9. They're all good ideas I've thought about mesh around the fences (not to actually trap them but to keep them out.) My concern with that was that if one had got in somewhere (because it can't be perfect especially with gates and things) then it wouldn't have been able to get out. It sounds like supervised yard time as well as walks in a different area (without as much of a stray dog problem) might be the solution.
  10. Thanks everyone. How do you work out the best thing for your dog when they need sunlight and exercise, vs wanting to keep them safe from ticks and snakes? I'm a nervous wreck when they're outside. Apart from going outside with them and watching them closely, which can't really be done every day for the length of time they probably should be outside, what else should you do? The yard is kept as clear as possible, they have tick spot on treatment, but the neighbours yards are a bit of a mess and one neighbour's dog found a snake last summer
  11. Thanks for the advice I hadn't really thought of driving them somewhere else to walk them, thank you for the idea!
  12. My large dogs are inside dogs. They prefer it that way, and to be honest so do I. I let them outside in the yard a few of times every day for toilet and play time, but I was wondering if they're getting outside enough. They run around for the first 5 minutes, and after not long they sit at the door asking to come in again. They don't have seperation anxiety or anything like that. They don't bark or whine. They just have no interest in being outside. They seem to really prefer to be inside. I prefer them inside too, call me over protective or whatever but that's just the way I am. Am I doing the wrong thing by letting them come back inside when they want to come in? Should I be forcing them to stay outside for a minimum amount of time each day? I have to admit we don't go for walks very often :D I would like to, but our area has a very bad stray dog problem. They're often big dogs. I have back problems and I don't feel safe taking them for walks with all the big dogs around the streets. But I want to do the right thing by my dogs. What should I be doing? We do play fetch outside and inside, but they are also big couch potatos and seem very content to sleep all day. Is it ok to let them sleep all day or should I force them to exercise? The vet said one dog is perfect weight, the other dog could lose 1kg but the vet isn't too worried, she just suggested it.
  13. Thanks for the help with understanding it!
  14. Does that mean they can exclude things listed in the dog's history (and that you fully disclosed to them when signing up for insurance) even if they haven't listed those things as conditions/exclusions on the policy certificate? I thought all extra exclusions (from the dog's history) should have been on the policy certificate. But this is all new to me and I might be wrong.
  15. Still trying to decide what to do. Does anyone know if they have to list extra exclusions (eg for a pre existing condition) on the policy document? If they haven't listed a pre existing condition on the policy document (even though you told them about it when you applied for insurance) does that mean they're not putting exclusions for it on your policy?
  16. Nekhbet, thank you for saving this cat :champagne:
  17. Wish I had! I insured Ruby at 9 weeks old, which wasn't sufficient time for me to claim the little accident she had and I had to fork out for! She swallowed glad wrap out of the bin so she had x-rays and stuff to see if it caused a blockage. A few hundred dollars later, she naturally passed it that night the little minx ;) Glad it passed though of course, cos there was talks of cutting her open to retrieve it if it wasn't out by the next day :D I think it took 2 or 3 days to pass, can't remember. Why couldn't you claim for it? Did they classify it as an illness rather than accident? Or did it happen before you insured her? Glad she was ok!
  18. Is the 3 yearly vacc different to the 1 yearly vacc, or is it just that the 1 yearly vacc is given every 3 years?
  19. Not yet, but I know that's an option. I just don't feel like I have the energy to fight it anymore. I think I'd rather just change companies or save up, I don't want to deal with this anymore it's too stressful. Shouldn't have to go to the ombudsman just to have a claim paid. Did you get your claim paid after you went to the ombudsman?
  20. Insurance - I only was out of pocket $100 (the excess). With insurance though you foot the bill at the time and then claim it back, unless your vet agrees to claim directly (vast majority don't do this). So it is worth having an emergency credit card for this situation. megan would you please PM me the name of the insurer if you're happy with them?
  21. thanks for the advice. Yes it would take ages to save up...
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