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Everything posted by pomchi

  1. she is a pomeranian, so very small at the moment, I heard various reports on chicken wings so I wasnt sure
  2. Hi guys I was wondering if there are any bones suitable for a 15 week old puppy?. Or any ideas for things that will take a while to chew on - she has kongs but I thought we might be able to try something different. any ideas
  3. pomchi

    Walking Puppy

    that's a good idea with standing still, I tried that and she got bored of her tantrum and decided to start walking again, must have looked hilarious to the people watching this lil puppy going mental whilst I just stand there and ignore her
  4. pomchi

    Walking Puppy

    Yeah I have taken link to puppy school and she is now going to obedience class, it was actually the trainer who recommended using vicks on her lead, link also wears a harness so the lead isnt exactly waving around in her face, and so far she has left the lead alone. I have also tried bitter bite - she licks it, doesnt seem to bother her. She will eat/lick anything e.g plaster on the wall
  5. pomchi

    Walking Puppy

    No its really good, she licked it once and that was it, didnt touch it again
  6. pomchi

    Walking Puppy

    Yep that temper tantrum sounds familiar, I guess i am lucky she only weighs 1.5kg and not 20kg, Kei must have been a handful I think stepping up the leadership is a good plan.
  7. pomchi

    Walking Puppy

    We went through a phase similar to this... I now always take treats with me, and she gets rewards for walking properly and sitting at corners when we stop! I also found walking to new places helped, as she was anticipating where we were going and she would try to lead the way! I sprayed her lead with bitter bite. Whenever they try to charge ahead, turn to your right (assuming Link is on your left) and go back the way you came. Believe me when I say the get sick of walking around in circles!!! I also find now too, that the first stint of the walk she is difficult, then she gets into a rhythm. I also notice that on the way home, she gets a bit excited and tries to race ahead. I think she knows we are approaching home! I find I have to allow her a few minutes of excitedness and then she is much calmer and generally easy to walk. I guess you just have to keep working on desensitising her to everything around her, until such time as she thinks it is all normal and takes it in her stride. I hope that helps a bit! Thanks today I took her out and we went somewhere new, she didnt race ahead until we git close to home (like you said) and I put some vicks on her lead so only tried to bite it once . The treats worked well because I am trying to make her sit before we cross the road, now all I have to do is get her to settle when we are walking in areas that she knows ( she started throwing a lil tanty so I just stopped walking till she calmed down - this took awhile ). I think she is trying to push those boundaries, even if she only weighs 1.5kg hehe.
  8. Hi I have been walking Link for about a week and a half and up until the last two days she was really good, walking beside me, not pulling on the leash and then the last two days she has been barking and grabbing the lead in her mouth and running in front and pulling on the lead, to the point where I end up taking her back home. any advice on why she is doing this and how i can correct it. We have been walking around the same area so i dont know why she has started doing this. thanks
  9. Just an update - we got back from our walk and I have given her a bit of food and water and left her alone completely - she seems a lot calmer - even laying down at times. I will do a lil training with her soon and hopefully that will help her doze off as for the shift work I tried coming home and sitting with her for 15 minutes then putting her back in her playpen and it has so far worked. I will give it a few more tries before i claim success but it is so good to go to bed without her crying and barking for an hour.
  10. okay thanks for the suggestions I might try the Royal Canin, I still have a lot of eukanuba left so I guess I will miix them a little till she is just on Royal canin. fingers crosses she likes it
  11. As a general rule of thumb, I don't think a dog ever does something for no reason. There is always a reason behind what they do, even if we as humans have no clue what it is, there is a reason. In the case of you bringing her back inside after taking her to toilet, I would think that the barking is a attention seeking behaviour. "Look at me, pay attention to me, why are you ignoring me when you should be paying attention to me!!" Shushing, telling her no, even spraying her in the face with water can all equal attention, so the behaviour is in part, getting rewarded. "Yes if you bark, you get attention." A more effective way of dealing with it, would be to simply remove her. Have a area somewhere, and if she barks, "Woops too bad you barked, you don't get to be with me!" and you remove her to the other room. Then when she has been quiet for a minimum of 10 seconds. No whining or barking, you bring her back out again. I think your right, she always tries to get our attention by barking, so we always turn away from her and ignore her till she stops - but she does continue running like a crazy puppy and jumping till she is panting, which cant be good for her. just a question about removing her - overnight and when we are not home she stays in her playpen so I am trying to keep that as a positive place for her, so I am worried if she barks and I put her in there she might think its punishment and dislike going in there.
  12. No they don't sell any dog food, the trainer said she has had a number of people mentioning that there puppy is quite hyperactive after eating and most of them seemed to be eating eukanuba. so I thought I should try another brand, just wasn't sure which others are any good.
  13. Hi guys I put up a post regarding my hyperactive puppy, and after going to puppy school today the trainer said it may be due to her diet, she explained that Eukanuba can sometimes cause your puppy to be hyperactive, has anyone else had this problem? and could recommend a good dry puppy food brand to switch to.
  14. Yeah i have noticed if i sit with her when i get home she goes to sleep straight away but then so do i . We have tried putting her in a crate but she hates it, i guess we could try putting her back in her playpen after a walk, although she tends to bark when we seperate her in their ( unless its bedtime and then she is fine) I just cant believe how much energy she has even after a good walk.
  15. Link is now 14 weeks old, and since being vaccinated we have been taking her for short walks, which she loves and is really well behaved on. But as soon as we get back home she turns into a hyperactive terror, she becomes jumpy and bitey, barks for attention. Like a two year old that needs to have a nap, eventually after ignoring her she goes to sleep but she can take up to an hour to calm down. any suggestions to get her to calm down faster?. As for shift work - I often come home at 4 or 5 in the morning, and as I have to walk past her playpen on my way to bed, link always goes crazy she wakes up immediately ( as soon as the key goes in the door). If I ignore her and go straight to bed she barks and cries for about half an hour. normally i would think that doing this everynight she would get used to it, but my shifts change all the time so sometimes I work days and then she goes to bed at a normal and sleeps through the night, but then I go back to nights and I am worried that I might be messing with her sleep patterns ( I dont want her to start waking up at 4am thinking I will be coming home). Any suggestions?? Should I give her a toy when i come home or continue ignoring her.
  16. No we never go to her at night, she stays in her playpen and she has been trained to go on pee pads so we dont have to take her out to toilet, she just started up with the barking for no apparent reason, then last night she was an angel, not even a sound. Guess she was just trying her luck. Hopefully she has learnt that it doesn't work ( fingers crossed)
  17. How do you teach them to toilet on command?
  18. I think you might be right with her testing the boundaries, she stays in her playpen but we try to make sure she is tired out when we put her to bed.hopefully she will go back to being a quiet puppy at night so she doesn't drive the neighbours and us crazy.
  19. Hi everyone Link is now 13 weeks old and although she still cries and barks if I go outside or upstairs. at night she has been fantastic, usually barks a couple times then sleeps through till the morning but last night it was like we were starting from scratch, about 40 mins of barking. I checked that she had water, we left the heater on and the radio but she wouldn't settle. Does this ever happen to any one else s puppy?
  20. Just completed our second day at puppy kindy and it was great, the instructor showed us how to get them used to having their eyes, nails and teeth handled, how to drop. And then she set up a playpen where two suitable puppies got to play at a time, Link got placed with a small poodle and they got along great. the instructor was quick to step in if any of the dogs weren't getting along or showed signs off stress. After this session link slept for 5 hours We can't wait to go to the next session.
  21. Thanks for the advice guys, she doesn't seem to have had any side effects but I might give the tablets a go.
  22. hey guys, I took 12 week old Link to the vet this morning for her final vaccination and the vet recommended the heart worm injection, saying the first one is a small dose which will last three months and then she will have another one, eventually leading up to yearly shots. I asked her about possible side effects and she said only slight discomfort and a possible bump at the site of the injection. I have since read some negative reviews of this injection and wondering if we made the wrong choice. We chose to go with the injection based on the vets recommendation and because she is not keen on taking tablets and since she is a small dog we find it hard to hide them in her food. Although we would rather go with tablets than continue with something that could cause other serious problems any thoughts?
  23. Yeah just check out the RSPCA website and call the training number - I should warn you it took me about a week to get hold of someone ( I think they are really busy and only one lady runs it). but puppy kindy has been great so far, they are for puppies 8 - 13 weeks old
  24. Just an update, took my 11 week old puppy to puppy kindy with the RSPCA and I can't recommend them enough the trainer brought her 8 year old dog with her to use for demonstrations, she answered all of the questions we had and how to deal with common problems. There were 8 puppies and they were all kept on loose leashes until she decided which puppies would be suitable to play off lead together in next weeks class. ( only two at a time). We are looking forward to next weeks training.
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