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Posts posted by Stressmagnet

  1. I'm thrilled. I couldn't believe that other Cowra thread - it was just so depressing.

    Cowra is not the only country pound that is run like this there are many. Only a few years ago Gosford Pound was the same until Elise took over under private tender, dogs were shoved in cold, filthy pens together regardless of breed.

    I know. My anstaff once got out and I had to go get her. I cried for days.

  2. See? I don't get that.

    Daycare centres are draconian in their rules - anyone with kids knows that.

    Just because it's animals? What? People have no homes to get to because they have the care of dogs and cats??

    If I'm not sure if I can get Ernie out of his regular kennel within hours - I book him for an extra day. Sucks but um, dem's the rules. I've dropped him off the night before as well.

    People are incredible. No wonder I was so lousy at customer service.

  3. That having nice things is no longer possible :laugh:

    That's kids also.

    Ok. Seriously?

    From Ernie, I learned that there is joy in the smallest of things.

    From Georgia, I learned to be brave and above all else, never lose the capacity to love.

    From Katie, I learned that loyalty is precious and to be valued above all else.

  4. Perhaps those advocating a leash can expand other than just saying 'get a leash'. Or did your puppies magically arrive leash trained? Every puppy I've known has to be leashed trained and has fought the leash. I tried a show lead I have last night and she spent most of the time fighting it rather than doing a wee. It at least has the virtue of distracting her from the yard as playpen.

    Sorry Sheridan.

    I got a regular old leash and let them drag it around. Then I'd walk them up and down the hall, bribing with food every time they fought it. Always praising, never yelling. Then same outside. Yes in the beginning it might take longer outside coz you are dealing with both - I used to go outside with a huge tablespoon of peanut butter or cubes of cheese in my dressing gown. I've been walking a pup up and down the garden for 45 mins but it's amazing how fast they get it.

    If the leash is always on inside- it becomes a non issue. Ernie sometimes still has his leash on if he's in a particularly zoomie mood and he's a year old now.

    Does that help at all?

  5. I agree with you. As VM said 'people are dipshits'. You will always find idiots who want to push you. Choose your exceptions and the others will have to accept that you have operating hours like everyone else. I suck it up if I need to buy a bottle of vodka at 10pm - same thing. I cope by gently banging my head against a wall - try telling your rude customers to try that next time you feel put upon.

  6. At 9:30, Ernie gives me Labrador Eyes until I go to bed. Non stop staring. Should I try to block his stare, say, by holding a pillow over the part of my eyeline that meets his - he will sigh an old man sigh, then noisily rearrange himself so he can continue to meet my eyes. Even if he's wildly uncomfortable.

    I'm all like 'hey bud, sometimes I want to be wild and stay up to 10!' But he's having none of it. Eventually when I catch myself watching TV with a throw rug over my head I give up.

    A throw rug. Over my head.

  7. I find your post really disappointing. You want a dog/pup now and someone should sell you one just because and if they don't I'm going to the pet store type. Sorry one of your pets died, it sucks, but I would have expected more from a long time DOLer.

    Kinda harsh. I'm a bit disappointed myself. In your response. Can't see anywhere Kaijek talks about a pet store and yeah, I do think it's rude that people don't reply to enquiries.

  8. Wow, that girl IS gorgeous. And the seller sounds decent.

  9. Super easy to make your own, you can also add a little coconut oil too :)
    May I ask for your recipe for peanut butter Yonjuro? :D I give my guys a smear of brought smooth peanut butter in their Kongs at bed time but I'd much rather make my own if possible.
    not yonjuros- but my sister literally just pours a packet of peanuts into the food processor and drizzles in a bit of coconut oil or peanut oil and a tiny pinch of salt! i'd maybe hold off on the salt for the dogs though.
    Well, even though I make my own peanut butter I found the info interesting and helpful. In fact a tub of Mints went straight in the bin after reading this thread. They are sweetened with Xylitol and I don't want to risk one falling on the floor and getting eaten by Ronin. There aren't many new threads these days, possibly because people are sick of minor details being picked apart?? Thanks Sheena for the thread, I learnt a few things from it :)
    Yes I was thinking that myself...Shame when an OP can't comment on her own post & go slightly off topic...if that's what it is :( I must remember that in future...when I start a thread on Coriander for eg I must make a note to myself not to start talking about parsley or mint in case it offends someone :laugh:
    If you want to discuss the dangers of xylitol, go right ahead. My issue was the spreading of panic about peanut butter without properly reading the article or doing any of your own research to verify the risk of the product. This is not an issue of the thread changing course and I'm sure you are quite aware of that.
    Well, even though I make my own peanut butter I found the info interesting and helpful. In fact a tub of Mints went straight in the bin after reading this thread. They are sweetened with Xylitol and I don't want to risk one falling on the floor and getting eaten by Ronin. There aren't many new threads these days, possibly because people are sick of minor details being picked apart?? Thanks Sheena for the thread, I learnt a few things from it :)
    Or possibly because sensible, knowledgeable people eventually give up trying to keep the tone of this section of the forum balanced and factual?
    :laugh: Good on you
    Ouch. I'll have to rub some coconut oil and turmeric on that.
    Someones a bit snarky today laugh.gifI am sure it would work though- turmeric is a wonderful thing :D

    Hahaha, yep Turmeric and coconut oil is great :thumbsup: Great for acidic tongues too :)

    The above peanut recipe is basically what I do too, but I add some raw Jarrah honey too, any honey is fine but raw Jarrah won't crystallise like some others :-)

    I add Brussels sprouts and organic kale.

  10. Why oh why is it only me who suggests a Labrador??

    did you hit the magical level of perfection with your lab?

    my 1st one doesn't shed much but has a very full on personality - so drive wise not a great match for 1st time owners (but exactly what we wanted a high drive dog)

    2nd one - laid back, understands what no means is taking training easily- but sheds his hair to ensure our floorboards are carpeted daily, so not suited for someone who doesn't want to wear dog hair as a badge of honour.

    If they find a breed that clicks for them though - compromises will be made either in the cleaning department or in the training department - either way adding a dog will surely only improve things!

    Yup. Laid back, happy to be alone in the yard with a big bone and some stuffed kongs. Loves to learn and food motivated. Chocolate brown so shedding hair is easily disguised but he's mainly in his bed in the lounge room with us. Just a happy silly boy who loves every inch of us. Oh and he's so beautiful he stops traffic.

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