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Posts posted by heroeswit

  1. I'm getting a GSD in a couple of weeks and I will be feeding my pup Royal Canin German Shepherd and that is mainly because the breeder feeds the pups that and they all seem to really look good on it. I had been looking at other options but unless I see any problems with my pup from Royal Canin GSD I'm going to stick to it but the pup will also get chicken necks by recommendation of the breeder.

    I think it really is a good idea to speak to the breeder and find out why they feed the product they feed the dogs the particular brand of dog food. They should know what works with their breed but they should be able to tell you the reasons as well. My breeder has been really helpful with all my questions about the food she feeds the pups. That is also the reason you buy from a breeder.

  2. Doesn't time seem to go soooo slow when waiting for a puppy!

    My potential pup was born 3 weeks ago so there is at least 5 weeks to go. The last 2 weeks has felt like 3 years...whats the next 5 going to be like?!

    It's going to feel like it will never come just like is it is when you wait for the pups to be born and for those first photos :laugh:

    3 weeks till I pick my girl up though well worth the wait.

  3. Once a week for mine, shell and all.

    same here, but then it's into quarantine for a few hours as his farts are deadly :thanks:

    I was just going to say beware, as raw eggs cause horrendous farts for my guys! :grouphug:

    Same with mine it's so disgusting and it last for a couple of days after we give my boy an egg :sick:

  4. I'm getting a Savic 118cm Dog crate from a pet shop but I'm wondering about the Savic dog crate covers. Does anyone have one of these and what is your experience with these? Are they waterproof/resistant? are they worth buying or is there another sort that you would recommend?

    Thanks for your help

  5. There a case not long up that way with a dog chained to concrete blocks and left in the heat. The same inspector was involved, I wonder if the sicko was caught and charged?

    That person has not been caught (going by our local papers) but the amount of similar incidents is disturbing. plus all the dogs that are getting taken/ stolen. my pup will be very well secured when I leave the house

  6. It's different for different dogs - and experiance makes a big difference as well.

    I wouldn't raise any dog i have on raw again, in fact i'd never rely on just raw for any dog of mine at any age, and i was much happier with the growth rate of my 2nd GSD on the RC GSD Junior - it is fed in conjunction with raw meaty bones - but my dogs went into shocking condition on huge amounts of raw/barf when that was purely their diet - just personal experiance.

    I could give you good and bad examples any and all diets/brands - all people that i know well or have dealt with - each dog is an individual.

    What sort of bones did you use and what size and quantity did you feed them also how often did you feed the bones?

  7. What is the critical growth faze for a gsd I have a great dane cross and that faze is til 18 month I think is it similar for a gsd?

    I'm thinking I may as well just keep the pup on RC GSD 30 until 15 months like it says on the pack or could I change to Raw sooner - I only want the best for my pup so I'm finding out before I get her.

    Thanks for all the comments so far it has been helpful.

  8. Go and buy a copy of Grow Your Pups with Bones. Everything you need to know to successfully raise a puppy on raw food is right there. I would not feed VAN to a growing pup. I'd be feeding RMBs and a bought or home prepared BARF mix.

    Talk to other GSD breeders who feed raw. Its not rocket science but it does need to be done right.

    Are you getting this pup aged 7 weeks? I hope not. :D

    Yes but the pup will be closer to 8 weeks than 7. I know it isn't the best time to get the pup but the breeder was going to let it go at 6 weeks but I convinced the breeder to keep the pup a bit longer. Hopefully my older dog can continue the training that the mother and litter mates give. I have been discussing this here.

    I will look into the books by Dr Billinghurst and see. the closest place I can get the BARF patties from is 2 hours drive away but I would probably do a trip there once a month

  9. what is the best way to do this and is there any supplements (like calcium) that are needed? My breeder has said that Royal Canin GSD (plus some chicken necks) is the best for White Shepherds because it is designed for german shepherds but I want to feed this pup raw right from the start? I asked the breeder what she thought about VAN and RAW diets and she was basicly telling me that all her previous puppy buyers had followed her advice and put the puppies on RC and she seemed to be completely against RAW. Do you have any suggestions as to what to feed when it comes to raw and what quantities do you feed a shepherd that is 7 weeks old.

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