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Posts posted by heroeswit

  1. Hi Medibank private has pet insurance that has up to a 100% refund their the ones i'm looking at going through with my puppy and they seem to have a better cover options to everything else but I also like prosure though they only cover you for up to 80%

    petsure has a big list of Pet Insurance groups so you might find one that suits your needs Hope this helps

  2. I was talking to a friend last week about puppies and how I'm buying mine from a registered breeder and she told me about the dogs she has had and where she got them from. then she told me she was good friends with a woman that only bred crosses because that was what would sell, she said that the woman had started out selling purebreds (I still think she was aBYB) but noone would buy them so she changed to crosses but she only sold them for $200 compared to $800 for the purebreds. I couldn't believe that this friend was supporting this woman and backing her breeding program that was having lots of defects in the offspring :D But when I told her I would never buy a cross breed again and pay the extra dollars she got up ME saying that they are only dogs and any cross is better then a purebred because they don't have the defects that a pure has. Well I tried to tell her that it wasn't the case but she wouldn't listen so I just left her to it and went home all revved up.

    Then today I went into work (i'm on holidays :mad ) and on of my colleagues asked me if I had purchased my puppy from an ad in the paper for white GSDs when I said no she said "oh well i'm looking at the papillion X jack russel thats in there, I know the jack russels are small but I have never heard of a papillion. Guess what they call it a pappyjack" I just said they are a designer dog and walked off I can't take peoples idiocy about dogs and crosses.

    I use to be like these people but I had never seen any purebreds and only ever thought you could get crossbreeds. Now I would Never buy a cross again unless I got it from a Rescue.

    Rant Over

  3. Some sad news I am afraid.

    Just had some news from my breeder, and the pups didn't make it :laugh: it was touch and go with the bitch also, and they actually had to sterilize her to save her. She does seem to be doing better, so that is something.

    I feel so terrible for my breeder, what an awful time she is going through right now, and I send her all my sympathy and support.

    I wish there was something I could do to help her.


    that is so sad for both you and the breeder.

    :laugh: May all the pups RIP

    I hope you don't have to wait too long for your puppy.

  4. What a fantastic story.

    :love: :D :):laugh: :laugh: :eek: To all the guys and girls over there. My nephew has not long returned.

    Thumbs down to all those who think they should be pulled immediately. They are helping the Afghanis return to some form of normal life.

    I agree. I have about 20 friends in the forces and i'm in the process of joining (hopefully) What these soldiers do is something that has to be done or it could happen here.

    Good Luck to all airmen/women, seamen/women, and soldiers who are serving their country come back safe.

  5. Oh your new puppy is adorable!!

    You must be sooo proud!

    I love the crate cushion too...looks very comfy indeed.

    I wanna see if I can find something similar for my crate now as I only have a basic sorta crate mat. The sort that pretty much fills the tray but thats it.

    I really like yours going up the sides, making it that little more comfy and secluded.

    1 week and 3 days for me! I can't believe Im down to saying one week!

    I thought this thread, for me, would be a little frustrating...jealous of all the cute puppies but instead its been the opposite. Its been such a joy to share yours journeys of inviting a new member into your families. For that I must send out a lot of thanks!

    The bed is one of these It doesn't fill the whole crate so it is good at making the size of the crate smaller, but it is still a cosy bed for the dogs when they get bigger. My great dane cross decided he wanted to try out the bed before Akasha got home and he curled up in it and was very happy ..... until I kicked him out :D The size I bought was XL and it fits into a 120cm wire crate just fine but does leave about 30 cm of space in the crate but I just put other bedding in there and she can decide where she wants to sleep. At the moment she has decided to sleep on her mink blanket in the middle of the floor :laugh: so the bed has all her toys until she decides she wants to sleep there.

    My Dane X is being annoying , he keeps bowling her over and scaring her so i'm making a fenced run for her to be away from him so that she doesn't become DA.

  6. So this morning I picked up my puppy and this is how she was most of the trip home

    This is her now covered by her coat

    I think the windy drive home worn her out

    What a lovely puppy!

    a what a comfy crate she has!!!

    She is lovely and a have-a-chat but after her sleep yesterday she only slept in the middle of the floor in the wind. And she already wakes me when she needs to go toilet :D such a relief :thanks:

    Took her to the vets this morning and asked about her droopy eyes and was told it could be from a damaged nerve and that her left ear may never stand up :rofl: but I still love her just the same. :laugh:

  7. I live in a reasonably remote area and currently none of my vets have a puppy preschool running though I think they might start one soon cause I keep pestering them :laugh: I am just wondering what is the best way to go about the socialization that would usually happen at the puppy preschool when you can't access one? Also we do have a dog obedience club but they just walk the dogs in lines and repeat the same thing over and over again. I don't want to do that until I have a reasonable control of my pup cause a lot of the dogs there have Dog aggression problems which is why they go there :laugh: .

    Does anyone have any suggestion PLEASE


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