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  1. Welcome to the forum. I wouldn't buy a dog from Gumtree.. sorry. What kind of papers are the people giving you? Registrations papers or just vaccination papers? Always go to a registered breeder, where you get to talk and meet the pups parents. both registration and vaccination i believe, one of my friends got a JS pup from there several months ago, she got to meet the parents and stuff and said the pup was wonderful and no health problems anyway... i guess that could have just been a one off thing... :\
  2. I got told similar from www.muamat.com selling JS pups as well, was $530 for two pups + shipping to anywhere I want in aus... wayy to good to be true possibly try this place if anyone is looking, http://brisbane.gumtree.com.au/f-Pets-dogs...W0QQCatIdZ18434 sometimes see a few JS pups go for around $750 with papers etc. been talking with one of the guys selling some JS at the moment on that site and seems ok. google search 'japanese spitz gumtree' as the gumtree website search is terrible. <3 nik
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