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Posts posted by Dxenion

  1. I wonder whether its an accredited assistance dog or yet another person making the claim about a pet.

    Something to note - although there are people out there that do illegally claim their pet as an assistance dog, not all assistance dogs are accredited, nor do they need to be.

    I can only hope that as word spreads about this, the dognappers have a change of heart. Fingers crossed.

  2. When we first moved into our house in Adelaide, we noticed a large number of mice and possibly a rat or two. We had horse paddocks behind us, a crop paddock over the road and 1/2 acre blocks either side so we weren't surprised.

    We couldn't use bait in case the dogs found and ate the dead or dying mouse. There was also the chance that traditional traps could trap a nose or paw so it ruled that out too.

    We found this sonic mouse repeller.

    There are a number of varieties on the market but we liked this one because by just adding more units, you can increase the area of protection. Basically it works by emitting a ultra high frequency noise that the mice can't stand (the human equivalent of constantly running fingernails down a blackboard). They can't handle the noise and bug out. It also acts as a repellent to stop more moving in.

    The first time we plugged it in, I thought it was faulty because I'd never seen so many mice. In fact, it was driving them out of the walls and roof. Once they'd all vacated, we never saw evidence of another one ever again. When we moved into our current rental, we noticed evidence of mice. We plugged the units in and within days - no more mice.

    A completely environmentally friendly, pet friendly (unless you have pet rodents) and mouse friendly (well sort of) way to get rid of and repel mice from the house, shed or whereever you want.

  3. Warning:

    Lipstick alert (aka the joy of having male dogs):


    Sometimes I wonder if the lipstick is on a pressure switch ie they sit down and out it comes.........

    I've got countless photos taken when I thought it was tucked away, only to have had it spring out just as the shutter clicks. I've lost count of the number of images I've had to edit for modesty.

  4. ........but that is definitely going to be dominant (as both sheperds and malamutes are) and may or may not be independent. Both breeds require a decent amount of training and socialisation - as they are both inclined towards aggression and distrust of strangers.

    Shepherds can be very dangerous in the wrong hands, and will often happily assume 'top dog' if no-one else does.

    Both breeds are prone to similar problems in that as large breeds, they should have their hips and elbows tested etc - so there won't be any hybrid vigour.

    We have a White Swiss Shepherd import.

    The Swiss Shepherd and the German Shepherd have different traits, however just to confuse issues, there are also white German Shepherds which have the same temperament traits as coloured ones.

    This is an excerpt from the ANKC (and international) breed standard description about temperament for the WSSD:

    Temperament: Lively, without nervousness, attentive and watchful; towards strangers slightly aloof but never apprehensive or aggressive.

    This is an excerpt from the ANKC (and international) breed standard description about temperament for the German Shepherd:

    Temperament: The German Shepherd Dog must be of well balanced temperament, steady of nerves, self assured, totally at ease (except when provoked) and good natured as well as attentive and easy to train. He must possess instinctive drive, resilience and self confidence in order to be suitable as a companion, watch dog, protection, service and herding dog.

    Not all German Shepherds are inclinded towards aggression. Behaviour traits can be influenced by many factors (eg genetics, environment, medical issues and training). Whilst German Shepherds are excellent police, armed forces and security dogs, they also make brilliant search and rescue, guide and assistance dogs. It depends on the natural inclination of the individual dog, not the whole breed.

    For the WSSD, another significant health factor to test for is a DNA test to check if they are a carrier for or affected by MDR1.

  5. I'm not sure what size dog Tess is but for a temporary plastic hanging bowl, get a couple of the plastic ones that clip onto the door from the bird section of the pet shop. They have large ones for the big parrots.

    If she'll eat from the bowl in the crate but not drink from it, it usually means that there is a smell in the bowl (either from the bowl itself or the water) that the food is masking. If the water source is the same as what you use to fill the porcelain bowl, it's pretty safe to rule out the water. To encourage her to drink from the SS bowl in the crate, can you flavour the water a little with a beef stock or similar? The idea is that once you know the bowl is free from any residual smell, the flavoured water will entice her to drink from that bowl again.

  6. A few things to try:

    Firstly disinfect the bowl in boiling hot water with a little bicarb soda and vinegar - removes bad smells. Rinse thoroughly with fresh boiling water.

    To check if it is the SS bowl, temporarily replace it with a plastic hanging bowl and see if she'll use it. Also, will she drink from the porcelain bowl if she is in the crate with it?

    Change the location of the SS bowl (higher or lower, left or right)- she may have bumped it and either hurt herself or given herself a fright. A new location might just solve the problem.

    Although it is intended for water, will she eat from the SS bowl if it is hanging in the crate?

  7. Our vet looked at both tubs and confirmed that it is the same product, just with different percentages of active ingredients.

    We used to purchase the horse tubs from a saddlery. Our local vet helped us work out the ratio for dogs. I can't remember the exact measurements now (we're currently trialling Glyde) but from memory we worked it out like this:

    You need one dog tub maintenance dose scoop for a 23-44 kg dog. One scoop equals 5 grams. In 5 grams there is x% of each active ingredient (info on the label). All you then do is work out from the horse tub label how much of the horse tub will give you the same % of active ingredient.

    The horse tubs are a far cheaper option than the dog tubs.

    Edited: spelling

  8. We've been through a number of squeaky toys but the top rating one for us is the Kyjen Invicibles 6 squeaker snake. It really does keep on squeaking even after 4 weeks of punishment by 3 large dogs, being pulled in all directions and at one point, being drowned in a tub of water. The squeakers are so durable and noisy that we've had to limit their play sessions with it to avoid complaints from the neighbours.

    Although we've spent a lot of money on various toys, the one they love the best is a $2 water trough float. GSDs, ACDs and a Kelpie X haven't been able to puncture it. It has survived 10 dogs over a 20 year period and is still going strong. Go figure!


  9. Rockingham City Council (WA)

    2 dog limit. To get a permit for more:

    Pay $55 non refundable application fee

    Ranger interviews you

    Ranger inspects the dogs and the property (checking for adequate and appropriate shelter and access to clean drinking water)

    Ranger interviews every adjoining neighbour

    Ranger makes a recommendation and passes the application to the Senior Ranger for final decision

    Donnybrook/ Balingup Shire (south of Perth)

    2 dogs within townsite, 4 dogs outside of townsite. If within the townsite with more than 2 dogs, you can apply for a permit:

    Submit a letter to the Ranger stating the number of dogs, a basic description and any other information that will help your case

    The application is discussed at the next council meeting

    A decision is made by the council and the applicant is supplied with a letter.

    You can apply in advance by sending a letter/ email to the ranger with the above information. The council can then give you an indication of the likelihood of obtaining a permit. From memory, I don't think there was an application fee.

    Mornington Shire (VIC)

    Depends on the size of the block. A permit application is $50.

    Liverpool Council (Sydney - NSW) Shoalhaven Council (NSW) Queanbeyan Council (NSW)

    No limit on number of dogs

  10. We feed Eagle Pack Holistic or Canidae Grain Free Salmon along with goat mince and dried seafood, goat and venison treats. If their stools start getting loose (generally due to a difference in fat content in the goat mince), we just add a probiotic to their meal for a couple of days - problem solved. If they get a dose of diarrhoea, we just skip a meal to give their digestive system a chance to recover and add electrolytes to their water. If it persists, then its off to the vet.

    If they've always had loose stools, is there a common ingredient in the different kibbles you've tried that is not in the Hills Science Diet formula?

  11. Some further information from the Ranger:

    There isn't a one size fits all criteria for exceptional circumstances. Each case is assessed on its own merits.

    An example of an exceptional circumstance is a close family member passes away and the dog is either willed to you or you offer to take it because no one else can but you already have 2 dogs. A licence would be more likely to be granted. Another example might be that your dogs are highly trained dogs.

    The indication was that more than 2 dogs that are family pets and nothing more would not be considered an unusual/ exceptional situation.

    If you do have an unusual situation, evidence to support that situation along with responsible dog ownership paperwork (ie copy of permit to have more than 2 dogs at your previous address, copies of references from former neighbours and a statement from your former council), a statement from yourself about how you care for your dogs (ie bathing, worming, vaccinations, training, bedding - think pet resume) and any evidence of belonging to and being an active participant in a dog club or dog sport organisation would help. As the Ranger pointed out - you only get one shot at getting the licence.

    I got the impression that if you are already there and your circumstance isn't considered as unusual, even letters from your new neighbours supporting your application wouldn't help. I'm not sure why because consideration for the likely impact more than 2 dogs would have on your neighbours seems to carry a lot of weight.

    I asked about the fees involved and why they are so high. I was advised that the $140 (non refundable) application fee together with the annual $190 licence fee was set high to discourage ownership of more than two dogs.

    I got the impression that they are trying really hard to reduce the dog numbers within the council boundary and are worried that if they relax the exceptional ruling, the flood gates will open.

    There might be an avenue where you can apply in advance if you consider your situation is exceptional (ie unusual). The council might issue a provisional licence pending the confirmation of the address you're moving to so as to determine its suitability for the number of dogs you're applying for. The Ranger is looking into this now. It doesn't help those already in this situation but it might help those who have advanced warning of a posting to Darwin.

    I'll post more information as it becomes available.

  12. My OH is in ADF and he was posted here but the ranger has told us that that is not a good enough reason for us to be able to keep all 3 dogs.

    Dogs are 4, 2 and 1 years old. My bitch is desexed, the 2 year old Malt x Shih Tzu is getting desexed next week. We are not sure yet if we will desex the Dobe (no reason to, we don't have any entire bitches, nor will he have access to one) but if that would make a difference in the application then we would have him done too.

    ETA We are in Palmerston City Council area

    I'm waiting for a call back from a few people about this. I'll post any updates here.

    I received a written reply from the Palmerston Rangers. They've stated that they have a responsibility to enforce the bylaws in order to preserve their urban amenity and public safety.

    In considering an application for a licence to keep more than two dogs, they take into account facilities for controlling the dogs at the premises, the number of dogs and the likely impact on residents. They also do an inspection and consult with all of your neighbours. If issued, the licence can be cancelled if the dogs become a nuisance or breach any of the Animal Management By-Laws.

    According to them, the exceptional circumstances criteria do not favour nor are designed to disadvantage any particular group. In this particular case, I believe they are disadvantaging any Defence family ordered to Darwin that arrives with more than two dogs. Now that we know about Palmerston's dog laws, any new family going in could try to avoid a house in that council but it may not be possible. The ranger did suggest Litchfield as they have no restrictions on dog numbers but houses may not be available there either.

    They've said that it is unusual that a person would wish to keep more than two dogs at a premises and it is discouraged for a variety of reasons, including to ensure they do not have excessive numbers of dogs being kept in high density residential areas.

    Although I specifically asked for the criteria for exceptional circumstances in both our phone call and email, that information wasn't provided.

    On to the next step as discussed in a PM to the OP.

    In the meantime, as it appears that the neighbours views on the matter are taken into consideration, it might be worthwhile to approach each one, tell them what's going on and ask if they would mind giving you a short letter of support that you can present to the council with your application. Also submit photos of the yard showing how the dogs will be contained, a statutory declaration about any training that they done and if possible, contact your previous council and ask them for something in writing confirming that there were no complaints lodged.

  13. Wow Dxenion, that is seriously well organised - that feed bin looks great. I must investigate to see if there is a slightly smaller version,our bin is on the way out I fear.

    I had trouble with mould on the lifejackets if we hung them outside anyone got any tips for storing them?

    This is where we got our bin from. We customised ours with 4 braked castors and 2 heavy duty dividers.

    We fashioned a wire coathangar to the shape of the jacket (sort of like a shaped wooden suit jacket hangar). Until it's dry, we hang it in the laundry and then transfer it to the garage until we need it. We never hang it outside because of UV and bird dropping damage.

  14. Four large dogs = a lot of equipment!

    Treco Store Smart shed for all the big items like crates and K9 Carriers etc.


    Stable Master Feed Storage bin for all the food and treats because it's water tight and vermin proof.


    3M hooks for hanging daily use equipment


    An old wheelbarrow handle and some coathangar wire to store leads, coats, collars etc


    Brownbuilt shelving unit to store everything else. The column of drawers next to the shelf are great because they are on castors and you can add to them as required. The bin holds a large bag of biscuits and we put it on wheeled plant pot base so it's easier to move about.


  15. My OH is in ADF and he was posted here but the ranger has told us that that is not a good enough reason for us to be able to keep all 3 dogs.

    Dogs are 4, 2 and 1 years old. My bitch is desexed, the 2 year old Malt x Shih Tzu is getting desexed next week. We are not sure yet if we will desex the Dobe (no reason to, we don't have any entire bitches, nor will he have access to one) but if that would make a difference in the application then we would have him done too.

    ETA We are in Palmerston City Council area

    I'm waiting for a call back from a few people about this. I'll post any updates here.

  16. Which council are you in?

    I would have a close read of the bylaws re granting the keeping of more than two dogs. Somewhere in there it should spell out exactly what circumstances are considered as 'exceptional'. If it doesn't, ask them to clarify in writing. That will give you the basis on what you will need to meet their requirements so that they can grant you the licence.

    I'm guessing that a legalese person would need to know more about your situation:

    Do you live there permanently or are you just there for work (if so, for how long)? If only for a short period (ie 2-3 years), they might be able to issue a temporary licence, providing you can prove your intention to leave after then.

    Did you arrive in Darwin with three dogs or aquire the third there? They can issue permits for more than two dogs if you are an ADF/ government family who was posted there and arrived in locality with more than two dogs.

    How did you end up with the 3rd dog? Having a dog willed to you is usually considered exceptional.

    How old are all three? If one is aged (usually applies to dogs over 10 years old), they might issue a temporary permit with the proviso that it only applies to the current three dogs and will not be granted for an additional dog when one passes away.

    PM the details if you'd prefer not to dsclose here. I'm not a legal person, just someone who has had experience dealing with the council re dog laws.

  17. Back on topic - this is our doormat:


    .......and i love the sign did you get it off ebay? or from a shop? lol

    I found this mat by accident when googling for another door mat design we spotted on 'Send in the Dogs'. We couldn't find the crest door mat in Australia so we approached a few custom door mat manufacturers here but the cost to design and print the mat was astronomical.

    We ended up buying it from Jakes Dog House, the only US company we found that would ship to Australia. The link is for another version of the mat (not sure if they still sell the crest version). Jon Stein (the CEO) is very personable and he bent over backwards to help us with our order.

  18. As advised by friends in the legal profession:

    If you want to put up a sign advertising that there are dogs on the property, the one that is least likely to get you into any trouble if your dog hurts anyone inside your boundary is:

    "Dogs loose on property".

    Anything with the word "warning" or "caution" can be construed to mean that you knew your dogs could hurt someone. It would then be up to you in court to prove otherwise.

    Edited to add "beware", "guard" and "duty" to the list of words to avoid. Whilst the sign "Guard dog on duty" at a property occupied by a Chi is just plain cute and funny, if said Chi attacks (in some states an attack can be defined as the dog running at you) and the victim presses charges, that funny sign could end up seriously hurting you in the hip pocket and getting the Chi put down.

    Back on topic - this is our doormat:


  19. I have almost lost count of the number of people (mostly young men) that have approached us when we're out in public about a stud role for our 6 month old White Swiss Shepherd.

    After they coo over him, they then want to know what breed he is (fair enough - there's not that many around), can he mate with a German Shepherd (he is ANKC registered - no and even if he wasn't it's still no) and then they become quite insistent about wanting to use him on a few of their friend's German Shepherds because they could ask double for any white pups and together we could make a fortune. :(

    One bloke wouldn't take no for an answer and followed us around with the sales pitch: "Come on mate, we could get at least 1800 a pup mate cause like we saw them like advertised for that on a white swiss breeder site ya know and we could like maybe give you a white pup for payment - ok?" :eek:

    Try as we like to educate these people, we're only :eek: because as long as there's money to be made, this practice will continue.


    Our baby boy


  20. Thats great - there is a company in the UK who make a similar trailer but they have living quarters in the front. They make them out of fibreglass & aliminium - much lighter. That would be the go - they also have interchangable dog pens / storage area, it can all be moved around & clips into place. Very interesting designs.

    Do you have the name or website for this company?

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