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Posts posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Yep my dog Keira (Bullmastiff X Ridge X) had surgery at 10 months old because of a luxatting patella. Sadly I wasn't experienced enough (nor did my vet recommend) to go to a specialist so I am very glad you are going down that route. My dog has developed severe arthritis in that knee because of the operation, I am sure she would have been 100x better if I had taken her to a specialist. Mind you she got the shoddy end of the genetic stick and has severe hip displaxia as well.

    When they do Xrays maybe get them to check hips as well just in case. Especially as you describe hind end weakness. My dog was limping (no weight on left leg at all) for a week and had no hind end weakness.

    Best of luck, I am sure your dog will come out great after surgery and recuperation.

  2. This is horrible. I hope all the dogs it has attacked are ok and that the council do not pick up the wrong dog.

    Poodlemum - That is offensive. As already said many members on here have DA dogs, including myself.

    Frufru - Poodlemum didn't say DA dogs who can't be managed should be put down she said "I don't think DA dogs should be allowed to live" that is a very blanket statement.

  3. Replied on other forum but yep and yep again. Totally owrth it.

    Have claimed back $1200 in my dogs first year (only 8 months in) and my policy is only $600

    Wish I had it for my other dog. She got the shiddy end of the genetic stick and has had mites, luxatting patella (surgery) and has severe hip displaxia which has ongoing costs involved.

  4. Nothing broken here and nothing near as serious as everyone elses but

    Phoenix dislocated my Dog Trainers knee a few weeks back (lucky his knee has done it before and it just popped back in on its own)

    I have had:

    Multiple scratches from hydrotherapy in a pool (OUCHY it friggin hurts when they scratch your legs while swimming)

    Lots of bruises on my shins from tails

    Been whacked in the face and the eye by tails

    Headbutted by Keira's huge hard head

    Once day I was sitting on the grass at the park with Keira and she jumped up and started barking at a dog that went past a little way away but in the process had her back foot on one of my legs and put huge gashes in my legs with her nails, that hurt for ages, I could barely walk!

    Lots of near bad accidents (like almost being pulled down the set of stairs outside my house) but so far I have been really lucky!!

  5. Both of my dogs sleep with me + my foster puppy who is staying with me.

    Phoenix has always slept on the bed (so around 8 - 9 months) and Keira started a couple months ago when we moved into a new house. Prior to that when we got Keira I had a partner and he didn't like it (unhygienic) then I was at my parents and they are not dogs in the house people (they let me get away with Phi because she came as a puppy :p) but as I now live in my own place she is allowed up.

    Foster puppy has rotated between crate and bed, just so he gets used to sleeping on his own but I feel bad especially on the cold nights so I let him cuddle in bed with us.

    I don't think it is unhygienic, the dogs are no more or less dirty then I am. Yes, I might shower daily but the dogs don't spend that much time outside (they are both inside dogs, even when I am at work) so are both pretty clean and get baths every couple weeks.

  6. I had a Chow Chow in one of my group classes at my Dog School. Same one the Dogsrawesome had in her work for a bath the other week.

    He was gorgeous and such a sweetie. The class we were doing was Clicks and Tricks and he did fantastic, he was a very quick learner and was doing all sorts of tricks by the end of the course.

    I think it comes down to how you raise them like many dogs of similar history. If your OH's Aunt has had Akitas then she is well equiped to deal with a Chow Chow as Akitas are also a breed who require a strong handler, I am sure she will turn this little cutie into a fantastic dog.

  7. I am so sorry to hear you and your pup had to go through this.

    I know what you mean everything just happens in the biggest blur and by the time the adrenaline stops pumping it is hard to remember what exactly happened.

    I think the main thing is Kobi clearly saw that you tried to protect him that is important. The fact he came out with no scratches/bites because you acted quickly is also very good.

    The only thing you could have done differently is to get behind the dog and grab it by the back legs and lift as high as you can and walk backwards, even if the dog hasn't gotten hold of your dog this will stop the attacking dog from getting to yours and from being able to turn on you. I have used this technique in a situation where a dog has latched onto another dogs face and it worked very well. The dog that was attacked came out with very minor puncture wounds and no rips or tears.

    As you said keep an eye on his interactions with other dogs and make sure he is calm. When you do take him for walks after this make sure they are fun and give him lots of rewards, if you see another dog in a yard and he ignores or doesn't react make sure you give him treats/praise/pats which ever is your preferred method of reward. Also try not to be hyper vigilant, tense, anxious etc during walks as this will transfer to the dog and make Kobi anxious also.

    I hope you and your dog are both ok, I know it is scary but you did a great job. Unfortunately with the amount of idiot owners out there it is possible you may be faced with this or a similar situation again in the future, at least you know what to do, try to feel confident in the fact you have dealt with this situation.

  8. I think that dogs can go plenty of places in Australia, you just have to make the effort to take them.

    If the dogs are with us and we need to eat lunch, and there are no dog friendly places around, we just buy the food then find somewhere outside to eat it (or in the car if we have to). I take the dogs to hubby's sports games. They go to dog club and also to obedience trials. We go to dog off leash areas and reserves. They get walks around the suburbs, past the shops, meet the locals and their dogs. They often come on holidays with us - plenty of dog friendly accommodation these days.

    Hmmm... even the term "pet friendly" is apparently different to what I think of as friendly, though. I have just gone through the process of trying to book a place for a few days, and one real estate agent was most offended when I commented that I did not think that a property which didn't allow dogs inside at all, even crated, and had only wire stock fencing should be advertised as dog friendly. When I asked for a listing of other dog-friendly properties on their books only one of about 15 allowed dogs inside, and a lot of them where in built-up areas. Just what I'd want as a neighbor - a visiting dog barking overnight because it doesn't understand why it's outside!

    I do agree on that point... I always contact them to find out their conditions and fencing. Sure you have to look around, but we have stayed at heaps of places that have let the dogs inside (just counting them... probably around 8 different places now). Some have bent their rules to let our dogs be crated inside, or not in the bedrooms, or if we vacuum afterwards, etc :)

    Totally agree. I find most properties in the fine print say "small dog only" or "outside dog only". This is not pet friendly!!! If you want your dog inside it means they are house trained. Wouldn't there be just as much chance of a child doing damage to the property that there would a dog!! :laugh:

    I have bee lucky to find a person who had 2 holiday house close to a dog friendly beach and his houses are actually dog friendly. Dpgs are allowed inside, in the pool and he has not rules about the size or number of dogs. This is pet friendly!!!

    Are they in QLD??

    If so can you PM me details as I would love something like that. When I can afford to take a holiday :laugh:

  9. Very good suggestions above.

    My house trained 10 month old started going inside the house (including on my bed!!) and about a week later she had started to strain and was urinating blood it turned out to be a UTI. If your looking for a UTI, you need to see if her water consumption has gone up and if she is trying to wee multiple times in a short period of time, obviously also look for blood in the urine but sometimes that can come later on.

    Has she ever done this before when there has been rain? If it is out of the ordinary for her to do it then it is worth looking into getting a urine sample and taking it to your vet.

  10. What Pers said.

    Just keep records for now and once you have settled in and been there for a while it might be worth making a complaint then.

    Sounds like a really frustrating situation. With the fence can you notify your real estate/land lord that the neighbours dog is getting in and ask them to speak with the neighbors about fixing the fence. If you are bitten on landlords property (even if you are renting) he can get into trouble ie: you can sue him, especially if you have notified him of the issues with the neighbours dog getting onto the property and bailing you/your mum up. Not saying sue them but if you bring it to their attention hopefully they will do something.

    Cannot really do anything about the front gates unless you can shut it most of the way and then block the gap with something your mum can move on her own.

    Otherwise maybe do some research on dog repellants, not sure if there is anything safe or effective on the market but worth a look into.

  11. Doog walkie belt would be my suggestion...plus it gives you somewhere to keep your training treats etc

    If you read the instructions with it, it tells you not to use it to attach the dog. They really are not strong enough, mine came apart at one of the seams after the first big pull from my pup, it was also the first time I had attached her to it.

    The area for training treats isn't very big either, you can only fit a minimal amount.

  12. My Grandparents did this. They had a Lhasa Apso named William (Willy for short) that sadly got run over at 2 years old, they got a new Lhasa, similar colour and named him William, I think for them it was a way of moving on after losing the first Willy so tragically. Willy the 2nd passed on now also along with my Grandfather who he was very attached too.

    Grandma now has a 4/5 yo Lhasa named Toby.

  13. He is talking to Leon Byner rubbishing breeders again and saying that Puppy farms are not a problem :mad

    well if puppy farms are so not a problem why doesn't someone lock him up in one, let him go to the toilet in the same area he eats and not get fed for a few days and have minimal bedding when its very cold at night in a concrete cell and then throw away the key. :mad

    Yeah I would love to see him talk up puppy mills after that!

  14. It can also appear in a few Bull breeds.

    I don't agree it is like getting struck by lightning. I don't know many people who have Cavs but out of those people 1 couple have lost a 15 month old to it and almost lost their 7 yo and another friends mum lost her Cav to it. I only know 2 other people with Cavs and they only got puppies recently. This seems like quite a high incidence rate to me, considering I only know 4 people with Cavs.

    I think more people need to be aware of it so they do not have to go through what you or my friends have gone through.

  15. Grrr I wrote a whole thing back to you and DOL crashed!

    keira i have never camped :o but i want to take the doggies and give it a try and i have no one to do it with either as OH wont camp :o

    Can't belive you have never been camping! :eek:

    Well i am always keen to camp and would love to have company (other than dogs haha). Like I said I have loads of room, a car which is big enough to fit everything so I am happy to go together. And I have a bit of experience camping so not both total newbies haha. There are heaps of good places to take dogs camping too. Even better during warmer weather when you can take the dogs swimming etc.

    Places like this are good


    Actually now I think about it I am pretty sure this place is owned by DOLers

    This would be good


    Why don't you guys get together and work out what weekend would suit you all to come down. Let me know and I'll see what I can organise? ;)

    Ok that sounds good :) I will work something out with Dandy and get back to you.

    Just so I can look them up what camp grounds are you thinking?

  16. oooh keira im not fussed on travelling either!! cept i have no one to travel with lol so i dont like to do distances alone :banghead: is your tent big enough for my doggies crates too? would you really let me use your stuff? thats really generous :thumbsup:

    Well we would share :laugh: . It has a middle room (entry way type thing) and two outer rooms. Yep heaps of room for doggie crates.

    We could always make the trip together, I don't mind traveling alone but it is always nice to have someone with you.

    This is the tent I have http://www.anaconda.com.au/Product/Camp-and-Hike/Shelter/Tanami6FamilyTent

    As you can see it has two sleeping areas on the end and the middle room which would easily fit 3 or 4 dog crates. With room to move.

    WOW! It's great to see all of you guys rally together. This was the whole point of the club, making great friends and having awesome weekends away where it doesn't matter if you have more or less than another person :eek: and where dogs really are welcome!! You have to love dog people. Even though we are on a break at the moment with the cold weather we have had a few people who are keen to get out so we are considering running a trip over the next few weeks. Be sure to let us know if your interested!!

    That would be fantastic. I am very keen. I haven't had a chance to take the dogs camping yet (well 1 dog the other can't really come)

    i would need to know dates before i could confirm if i was going to come...im not sure if OH will let me go alone though :shrug: but i have a couple of friends i could maybe get to come...

    I am the same. Give us a heads up on dates and I will make sure I am not busy and don't commit to anything else.

    If not Dandy you can just come with me, we could probably just use my car too, it is big enough for the dogs, camping gear and us.

    This is great because I love camping and I want to do it with my dogs but haven't really got anyone to do it with!

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