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Everything posted by dog_fan

  1. Animals cannot have rights whilst they are seen as property, when they can be bought and sold. If they are ever not seen as property then how can they consent to living with us because clearly we would be unable to purchase them? Children and people with a mental impairment clearly cannot be bought and sold so that was a very silly analogy regarding their rights.
  2. Hi Raz We will have to agree to disagree with this one. I do believe that dogs as companion animals have the right to a good home, a warm bed, and a loving owner. I do not believe that they should be bred in cages for their entire lives, without exercise, proper nutrition, social interaction, vet treatment and enrichment. In my opinion, what you have outlined is animal welfare issues not animal rights and I am sure no one here would have any issues with what you have outlined.
  3. No one has rights. Rights are agreed upon & then given. Which is why they are continuously evolving, via discussion and debate. And find their way into community standards or into a legal framework. Every person who has rights also has responsibilities. An animal cannot have rights because they cannot agree to the resultant responsibilities. It is our job as the people with the rights to have the responsibility for an animals welfare and animal welfare is very very different from animal rights.
  4. I have read all the posts and I for one will never have a rescue dog so telling me there are plenty in the pound means little to me and as they are not a dog I would purchase. If we do not have and agree to the definition of a puppy farmers and we protest outside peoples homes who have behaved in a lawful fashion then we become vigilantes which I find extremely distasteful apart from the fact it is an unlawful way to behave. If we become vigilantes in this area where does it stop? Do we then turn on people we do not like or agree with how they live and if we don't then do we accept others have a right to be vigilantes in that area? Vigilantes behave in an ugly fashion just look at the KKK if you want to see how it looks to the rest of the world.
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