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Ben and Jerry

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Posts posted by Ben and Jerry

  1. His poo's seem to be same as normal and his urine looked to be the same colour as usual when he had a pee on our walk. I gave the vets a call to see about getting him in but they were just about to close up. The girl I spoke to said to keep an eye on him as she believes it is just anxioty and if anything does get worse to contact the emergancy number.

  2. Sorry if this seems like a silly question. Today my dog seems to be acting quite a bit differently to his normal self. When I woke up I went to let him inside and he didn't come to the door as he usually does so I just assumed he was off sleeping somewhere which he occassionally does. Later in the day I went to let him in to go for a walk and again he did not come so I went to look for him and when he saw me he came running up. A little later on I went out to play ball with him. We were playing for probably 2mins before he dropped the ball and ran off to the corner in the yard where I had thought he was sleeping most of the day. I would squeek his ball and throw it in his direction to get him to play but he wasn't interested. Now my dog is absolutly obsessed by his ball and as soon as someone steps outside he is right there throwing his ball at you in hopes you will throw it for him. When somebody else got home he did his usual go out the front to say hello but when he was called back inside he ran down the street and just sat down refussing to come home. Whilst dinner was being prepared he just stood there not even interested in trying to scab any food and now he is just sitting in a wardrobe. He seems to be shaking/quivering a little bit in the back legs and was occassionally panting. I've also had a look around the yard to see if something may of happened to him between the time he was let out and the time I woke up but can't see anything.

    When I tried to play ball and he didn't want to I thought maybe he can sense a storm coming as we have had fairly heavy winds on and off during the day but storms have never phased him in the past. He has had his Thunder shirt on for the past few hours but it doesn't appear to be of any help :(. I have given him a few treats but he isn't interested in them so I have just left him be at the moment.

    Does this sound like it could be anxioty of some sort for a possible storm or something else? Can dogs suddenly change how they feel about storms? He hasn't had any bad experiences with storms he is normally inside asleep or running around under the veranda playing ball when they do happen. I've never had a dog whose been like this before or been anxious about things. If he is still this way tomorrow I'd like to take him to see someone but don't know if I should see my vet or behaviourist if he is available.

    Again sorry if this is a silly question, I've just never had a dog whose done anything like this :confused:.

  3. Nothing serious for us this year. Continue working on Agility; hopefully we can pick up weavers and get confidence with the see-saw, give Flyball a bit of a crack and our club is possibly starting up Rally-O this year so we might check that one out too. Work pending I would love to get into some trialing and see how we go :).

  4. This little fella is one tough bugger. When they showed him last night he was on the vets table shaking. Tonight when they showed him he was all tail wags. I hope he has a speedy recovery and finds his forever home. Luckily for this pup there were neighbours who heard his cries and rushed him to the vets :thumbsup:. As for the lady who did this, I heard something about two years jail, I hope that is true so people start to understand that this kind of cruelty is not exceptable.

  5. We have had no issues getting the 3.5kg and 18kg bags in at work. Around this time of year I came imagine some things becoming short stocked with people stocking up to go away and such, but if it's been out of stock for about a month it could possibly be discontiuned by the store or you pick the wrong days to try purchase ;).

  6. Having used Bark Busters, I found decisions on my dogs behaviour were made too easily and the training programm I was given was basically yank my lead and call out BAH. I only tried Bark Busters out of desperation as I couldn't find any local behaviourists who had a good reputation/recommendations. They do offer a free lifetime garentee so if you tried them and did get someone who knows there stuff then you always have someone you can contact if any other issues were to arise.

  7. At this stage I haven't added or changed anything in his diet yet. Was unable to find the PawPaw ointment at the supermarket so won't be able to give that ago before hopefully seeing a vet Thursday. I'll see what the vet says/does for him, but might end up giving him ago on the coconut oil idea even if it's just to help give him a better coat :).

  8. Will have to wait until another day when it isn't storming or i'm working to have a good hard look around. Only other thing I could think of would be the grounds at Obedience. A certain spot where we train he would walk across it as though he was stepping on something uncomfortable. I remember the instructor saying there was some kind of weed (maybe it was Clover if that's even a weed? I dunno, Clover just seems to be in my head for some reason). Could it be possible whatever that weed is may be causing the issue. I would check his paws and couldn't see anything and had even bathed him after one night, but could it be possible that even stepping on whatever it was briefly once a week could cause the reaction?

  9. Thanks again guys :). I'll try switching his bowl for a couple days and see if anything changes. He isn't overally obsessed with much of his toys other then whatever type of ball he can find as soon as someone steps outside :laugh:. Will also check out woolies tonight for the pawpaw ointment, if it shouldnt hurt him i'll give it ago :thumbsup: .

  10. thanks for the responses guys :). I had a Google of that weed and I cant say its something I have seen in our yard. The vet did mention the use of plastic bowls as being an irritant to some dogs but my guy also has a ceramic food and water dish. As I will be unable to get him back to the vets until Wednesday or Thursday is there anything in particular I can rub or spray onto the itchy areas to help him out a bit? I have some tea tree ointment at home which says it's for cuts burns and abbrassions so thought maybe that might help a bit but I can't find anything about it being safe for dogs to lick as it would be used around his chin area.

  11. thanks for the responses guys :). I had a Google of that weed and I cant say its something I have seen in our yard. The vet did mention the use of plastic bowls as being an irritant to some dogs but my guy also has a ceramic food and water dish. As I will be unable to get him back to the vets until Wednesday or Thursday is there anything in particular I can rub or spray onto the itchy areas to help him out a bit? I have some tea tree ointment at home which says it's for cuts burns and abbrassions so thought maybe that might help a bit but I can't find anything about it being safe for dogs to lick as it would be used around his chin area.

  12. I'm looking for advice on whether or not I should take my dog back to my current vet or consider finding a new one. As I've only ever had to take my dog to the vets for his vaccinations I'm a bit unsure of what the normal procedures can be for other things. I took my dog into the vets about 2 weeks ago because he had an itchy face and had started rubbing his chin on the carpet causing it to look like it had carpet burn (maybe I mean something more like a rash :confused: ). This is what it currently looks like;th_11122011182.jpg

    (Not a really clear picture but it sort of shows what I was trying to explain I think).

    I assume the vet did all the normals, he checked for fleas, asked about any changes in his diet, whether or not I had taken him out any where new recently then tested his temperature. He couldn't find fleas or anything else that could possibly be the cause on his body and he hadn't been anywhere new recently.

    He told me it could very well be an of some sort and left it at that. He prescribed me some antibiotics to try help with the rash thing and antihistamines for the itching. He didn't go into any detail or anything about possibly being an allergy and just prescribed the medication and told me to see what happens. Neither medication seems to have done anything for him he is still scratching and rubbing his face and now starting to lick his leg.

    As I said I'm not a regular vet goer so i'm not to sure what I should expect from a check up like this, has my vet done the normal you would expect for a possible allergy case or should I have expected more?

    Hopefully this makes some sort of sense to someone, I'm not the best at trying to explain things in writting :o.

  13. Any chance the groomer may have tried to make contact? I know our groomers can sometimes try make contact but have an incorrect number or no answer. I'm sure if the groomer tried to contact and got no answer and decided to not touch the dog she would of been blamed for not grooming the dog. In the end it sounds like the groomer made the dog more comfortable and isnt that the main thing for a companion dog.

    I'm not an expert or anything with show dogs, but if I wanted a groomer I had never used before to clip my dog to show quality I would make the time/arrangements with the groomer to sit in with the groom to ensure all goes well.

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