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  1. 1. What is my relationship with the breed? Owner of two Cardigans - 14 years 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? Corgis were used as cattle drivers, vermin hunters and farm guards. They drove cattle by barking and nipping at the cattle's heels rather than just herding them. The dog's low stature helped him role out of the way of kicking cows 3. How common is it in Australia? Not so common 4. What is the average lifespan? 12-15 years 5. What is the general temperament/personality? I've had two Corgis for 14 years, and both have different personalities. One (Jessie) loves to get out, go for walks and explore. The other (James) is lazy and will do anything to get out of going for a walk. Both are great with kids and will take any kind of torment. They do like to bark whenever someone walks near the house, which can be a good or bad thing, as James doesn't like to stop barking until they are well out of sight. James, the lazy one, loves to come inside and cuddle up, while Jessie has only just started to like this as she gets on in her years. 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? Jessie could go for walks all day if you let her, while James tries to get out of going for walks. I would suggest a 15-30min walk in adult years in order to keep their weight down. I know that Jess would struggle with her weight and would probably have caused a bit of trouble if she got bored. This is one reason why we bought two dogs at once, so they can keep each other company and run around together in the backyard. 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? I think so. They are easy to look after. 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? Again it depends on the dog. James could easily lie down all day, yet Jessie would go crazy and destroy things. Give them plenty of toys and things to keep them occupied. Or buy two, it may be a tiny bit more expensive, but it is well worth it. And we didn't need to train James (purchased a year after Jess) as he learnt from Jessie. 9. How much grooming is required? A quick 10min brush each week would be good, otherwise their hair gets into clumps and knots and takes hours to brush them if it gets out of hand. 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? Jessie was only basics trained, but I think their temperament allows for anything a child can dish out. In saying that, adult supervision should always be present, not only for the childs safety but also the dog. 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? Can gain weight easily. No other problems that I'm aware of. 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) Unsure, sorry.
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