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Posts posted by Tibbie_tabbie

  1. There is some merit in the article, however most Australians do not expect vet discounts for pets they have acquired from pounds or rescue organisations, so I am not sure if it is really relevant here.

    I understand that you have no intention of starting a witch hunt or fight, but, hey, this is DOL :shrug: I'm putting the popcorn on now.

    yeah just made my intentions made i had seen a thread on here about fosters ans rescue organizations sayin something about vet discounts, not necessarily the owners but the fosters and rescue groups.

    I understand that those groups usually dip in their own pockets to look after dogs and i tip my hat to them.

    but is it expected of vets to be charitable and if they say no do they loose the asker's business and are frowned at or worse?

    From my experience, rescue orgs (as in orgs that have are a registered charity) do get discounts on certain vet procedures, such as spay and neuter or all procedures. The clinics still make a profit and so are usually very happy to make these discounts, due to the large amount of work the rescues bring in. I think if a clinic was to not make this sort of agreement then the rescue would go to another that would.

    It's basically a bulk discount, that's exceptable in any other type if work so why not this?

    As for individuals wanting discounts for their dogs due to the dogs background, well that's just strange and I can't imagine anyone expecting that.

  2. Stupid lady (SL) What kind of dog is that?

    Me: He's fox terrier.

    SL: Oh. Your dog MUST be crossed with a kelpie. He has tan on his face.

    Me: Nah. I'm pretty sure he's a run of the mill foxie.

    SL: Well I've never seen one like that. I'm sure he's got kelpie in him.

    Me: mmm. Maybe you're right.

    Scottie again for those of you who don't know - looks like.....



    Yep Definatly can see the kelpie there?????

    The shelter clearly missed their opportunity - they could have sold him to me as a fox-pie or Kel-terrier and made me pay more as a designer breed.

    Off topic......but squee!!! He is soooo cute!!

  3. I've also registered to help temp care. This morning the Best Friends rescue managed to evac all 18 dogs to Southern River.

    It's amazing the amount of assistance and help that is being offered. They asked for no more drop offs or vollies at the centres as they have too many!

  4. Pawprints are awesome, they run group classes from kindy to agility and lots in between.

    A lot of them started their careers working in dog shelters so have experience with all breeds/types of dog. I highly recommend them :)

    I also don't think changing trainers is an issue if you want to change down the track, after all it is you who'll be doing the actual training with your pup.

    I know a behaviouralist with Siberian Husky's, but that's more for specific issues rather than puppy/obedience training.

    Congrats on the new arrival, please post pics!

  5. As there were a good number in India, this is where the ones in Germany were from, I thought maybe some had made it to the UK (due to the links between the two countries, although I know it used to be challenging to bring your dog from India to the UK).

    I found a record on the gov of Bhutan web page, enquiring on exporting breeding pair to the US....

    Maybe Damchi's are out there, just disgused as tibbies :)

    It seems a shame that such old breeds are disappearing.

    Maybe it should be a new thread - which breeds are dying out.

  6. It is a shame, they sound almost identical to Tibs, including personality.

    I wonder why some breeds were favoured over others? Tibbies were exported by the British, why not the Damchi's that were in India (a former colony).

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