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Posts posted by mixeduppup

  1. So i asked this in the coolie thread but will ask here as well.

    My friend recently adopted a Coolie pup, cute as a button but her colour has many people stumped, she seems too dark to be a red merle but too light to be a blue..she has red and blue mixed together...is this possible to be a "multi" merle? What do you think? As far as we know her father was a similar colour to her and her mother was black with a merle patch on her backside or something like that (if they were even her parents)


  2. I came in here to see how Ned was doing, Efowler I am so sorry to hear this. I know you really tried for him and you must be really upset. Thank you again for helping both Ned and I out by giving him a better chance. I really appreciate all you did and know without a doubt that you would have made the right decision as it was a very public and difficult case. *hugs* RIP Ned.

  3. I don't like sighthounds. (no offence sighthound peeps, just not my type of dog) Just wanted to know what this gorgeous creature was

    You will think I'm sticking the boot in, but that's not my intention, I really am curious. In your former DOL life as redial, you stated your next dog would possibly be a saluki or a sighthound of some sort because you love their nature. Can I ask what happened in 7 months to make you no longer feel this way?


    I did a bit more research and met a few. i changed my mind. they're pretty to look at but not that excited about their nature anymore.

  4. I just hope a sighthound savvy person sees him and falls in love. (the other litter mates too)

    Do not bail this dog out MUP - you will not be able to cope. Such dogs are a handful for experienced sighthound folk and IMO are largely unsuitable as pets in your average family home.

    That is all.

    Wasn't even on my mind. can't have sighthounds here too many little animals

  5. Scarey looking.

    Scarey looking.........what????????????????

    From what I can gather there is a show on ABC at 7:30 on the subject of pig dogging. "Scarey looking" is perhaps a reference to the promo that Meea saw about dogs killing pigs. Vague I know, but I've been reading Sherlock Holmes lately, so I used my recently acquired powers of deduction. :laugh:

  6. Feel free not to watch if you are not interested?!

    Simple really. And no I dont work for the national broadcaster and have no input into ABC programming.

    I will not respond not to your trolling for a fight. I hv seen your attacks on posters previously and will not be playing with you.

    The end

    I don't believe anyone was after a fight, more just wanted to know what you were talking about?


  7. It's because the advice comes from a knowledgeable and experienced place. Like someone saying "Don't eat raw chicken" there's a chance you could be fine but there's a chance you could get very ill or die. That's all this is, advice form an educated standpoint and surprise when advice was not taken.

  8. HI B.

    Your pup is very cute. Ultimately it is your decision and now whatever happens you have this puppy. Don't take what anyone says here to heart (even if it's sometimes tactless and less than diplomatic) You're on a forum that loves and is dedicated to promoting and protecting pedigree and papered dogs. The advise you were given came from a place of concern for the dog, but some people on here can come across abrupt even when they truly care. I guess we all have different personality types.

    I think what happened was that you hadn't bought the puppy when you first arrived and these people gave you a lot of information about what to ask and look for and were discouraging you to purchase said puppy if the parents didn't pass said tests. It seems you ignored their advice and bought the pup anyway even though they had given advice, which is completely your prerogative. This in turn frustrated them and now we have a vicious circle of accusations, frustration and tension. You just have to understand that by buying the pup after being advised not to, you are now wittingly supporting the very thing (BYB) that most everyone on this site are against and trying to end. It's very upsetting and frustrating to see more poor examples of the breeds we love being bred and sold, when a papered ANKC pup costs a bit more but you're not just purchasing a puppy but also the security of the breed.

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