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Posts posted by CHA

  1. He's 9 months old and im not sure how many vacs but would be probably 2 lots. He'd had his first vacc when they got him. I go to the same vet with my crew. He's drinking a bit of water now, but vomited the last lot up. He had a sore distended stomach last night, but it seems better today. Still sleeping on and off and no more diarrhoea to date.

  2. The Vet thinks maybe he ate something toxic or got a bite but cannot find any swellings. He has started having diarrhoea this morning so is on meds for that and given an anti-inflam. They are to take him back tomorrow if he's no better. Vital signs are normal so at least that is good. I think I worry more about my dogs getting sick than I ever did with my kids!!

  3. My daughters 9 month old pup has been vomiting all night and is lethargic plus limping. He was at my house yesterday and plays pretty hard with my guys but seemed fine and happy when they left but the limping is making us wonder if he got a spider bite during the night or something. They have a vet appt this morning, but I'm so worried for him. Do spiders affect dogs?

  4. My poor old boy is suffering a few health issues at the moment and we know his time with us is limited. I keep an eye on his enjoyment of life and have a few benchmarks to go by. Currently he is still wanting to be with us, he waits happily at my bedroom door at 6am ready to wobble in and say hello, he will still pick up a toy and kill it (very gently!) and roll on it with his legs in the air. He still knows when it is dinner time and when it is time to get his biscuit. Once any of these things go away and he wont get out of bed or isn't interested in his food, then I will know it is time. :cry:

  5. My thoughts are with you. We would hold a funeral and have flowers for the pet and tell stories of them. I agree, we would also let the children know matter of factly that their hearts gave out and their bodies were too sick and tired to go on. We would talk about the great times they had here with us and what a great life the pet had with us. It is never easy. Currently I am talking to my 20 year old "children" about what may happen soon with our old boy, just to prepare everyone... Pets teach great compassion.

  6. We had a good one called "we love them" by Martin Waddell, about a dog and a rabbit and how we loved them and they loved each other and then one died and we were sad and bunny was sad and then a new puppy was found in the field and we loved the new puppy and the new puppy loved rabbit - a good tale about life going on and missing our pets and moving on from our grief

  7. Good luck with the pram/buggy westiemum, it looks a great idea. We have a very similar issue with Charlie who is finding it terribly difficult to walk very far any more and got him a second hand pram to take our walks in.

    Charlies problem is that he still thinks he's a spring chicken and doesn't realise he really cant go far any more and gets very upset if we go off without him so we tried out the pram idea.

    He doesn't like it one little bit and keeps trying to jump out and insists on walking. Though he only gets a couple of houses and then stops so we pop him back in and he stays for a little while and then wants to get out again and so on and so forth!!!!

    I've taken to waiting for someone else to be home to be the Charlie walker/carrier and for the other to walk the two younger ones. Though after reading all these responses on DOL I think I'll give the pram another go and try a little harder to make sure that he stays in there and enjoys it.

    The things we do for our wonderful oldies :D

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