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Everything posted by Ashling

  1. Thank you all for your help. Not sure I'm closer to deciding on a breed but hearing about your dogs has helped me to think that they would all probably get along well with my Lab :)
  2. Thanks, definitely pup and adult would be supervised :) They'd be alright when the pup's grown though, right? And I knew what they were like with each other by then? I used to have an Australian Terrier mix, one of the best dogs ever. Question about female dogs since I'd be looking to get a female dog with my boy… My Lab has a female Lab friend who the new dog probably would see too, do you think terriers or Australian Shepherd females (or any other of these breeds) would do ok socialising with other females? I always worry about that.
  3. Awesome :) Thanks for the help everyone. My Lab is a pretty laid back type but loves to play so any high energy breed I'd look at the less active lines if possible. I read once that herding dogs have a different play style (herding/nipping) but I always assumed most dogs would like bitey face so it's nice to know that your dogs do :) Big dog show coming up in May that I'll be looking forward to going to.
  4. Thanks, I have considered Tollers. I have read they can be way more active than Labs though, almost to the point of being like a Border Collie?
  5. They are probably my favourite terrier. Do you think a Westie and a Lab could be best buddies?
  6. Thanks all for the advice :) I thought maybe spaniels might be a good match. Love Aussies too.
  7. Cool, adopting a smaller Lab is a high possibility. I guess unless parents are both smaller it would be hard to know you are getting a smaller Lab as a puppy. I like so many breeds… very hard decisions.
  8. Really? That is so cool. I really, really want a Havanese but don't want my big Lab to accidentally hurt the little one and I also really want a dog who can play lots with my Lab. Great pic :)
  9. Awesome, thanks for the suggestions so far
  10. Thanks, I like Finnish Lapphunds :) Do they like playing rough?
  11. I'm looking at possible breeds for a second dog who can match play time with a Labrador but who is smaller than a Lab. Play is bitey faces and chasies. Does anyone have advice on these breeds with a large dog? English Cocker Spaniel Lagotto Romagnolo West Highland White Terrier Australian Shepherd (do they like this style of play?) Also love Havanese and Bichon Frise but would imagine they are just too small in this case? Are there any other breeds that might be suitable? I am kind of set on a second Lab or a Golden but just would really like a smaller breed. Might also end up rescuing but wanted to hear views on pure breeds. My Lab can be sensitive but very playful so preferably match this too. I am thinking terriers might be able to hold their own but might be a bit too much for his sensitivity?
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