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Everything posted by clwydcelt

  1. Sorry! I got confused with the Anne and Barb!. Many thanks to you both for you suggestions. From Margaret and my Boy Ianto.
  2. Thanks for the Canberra Link Anne and the Mens Shed suggestion. I think I may soon have all my queries answered! I'll add to your jealousy- some Cafe's allow well behaved dogs on lead to be with their people in places reserved for them.
  3. Thanks Anne! I found a place on line for dog leads for bykes which they say will also be suitable for Mobility Scooters. They are in Australia which is handy. A bit pricey though. It attaches to the underside of a seat. Sport4Dogs. I'll check on your Springer and Easydog walker. My Dog is a quiet walker and I'm using a normal collar round his neck but would prefer some sort of harness. When I started training him to walk beside me I used a martingale type collar. If there are any road rules about it perhaps it's for people riding on roads? I would never do that! Your poly pipe idea would be easy and cheap but I'd need to hold it. At present I hook the lead over the arm rest. Margaret
  4. Exercising my Dog beside my Mobility Scooter. Is it allowed? We only use byke paths around Canberra. Also does anyone know of a dog lead in Australia that will keep my Dog away from my wheels? He is a 13 years old Finnish laphund and loves his outing with Mum!.
  5. Thanks for your reply. We had another lesson today. I had a helper who was very good when we practiced Sit for a pat. The pup learns quickly and tries once he knows what i want him to do. I will keep the water squirt as backup. I don't know whether or not the pup likes water!! One of my dogs would think it a great game but the other one would curl up in fright! M
  6. Has anyone any ideas for stopping a hyperactive Kelpie pup jumping at and mouthing anyone who gets near enough. His owner is an 80 old frail old man who cannot speak due to cancer. i have baeen asked to help. So far we have taught the dog to respond to a loud sqeaky toy (a clicker isn't loud enough and the old man can't blow a whistle type aid.) The pup will come to the squeak and sit for a treat. He will stay for a few seconds and will drop. We are using hand signals as well as the squeaky noise and food. I have to get the pup's understanding of what is required eac h lesson as the old man is very limited in practicing due to his frailty. I am trying the Sit still for a pat when 'visitors' approach the pup with the visitor turning his back if the dog tries to jump at him. If this doesn't work i thought a spray water bottle may be an option if it isn't too cruel. I live a 25k journey from the old man and can only managed to help him once a week. Any ideas would be appreciated. M
  7. Thank you for your help. We do use paper and pencil to help our communication problems and i leave him a reminder sheet of the lesson we have just been practicing to help him during the week. Mainly I need more ideas on how to stop the pup lunging at and mouthing people. I am trying keeping the pup in a sit for a pat position while 'visitors' approach him. Turning their back if he jumps at them while i firmly put him back into the sit position. Would if be too cruel to use a water spray bottle if other gentler methods fail? The Kelpie is not a good choice for such a handicapped and frail old man, I agree. Thanks to everyone who answered my query. Any ideas will be gratefully recieved. I am an experienced dog obedience trainer and Instructor for over 20 years but haven't come across a problem like this before.. M
  8. I am trying to help an 80 years old Gentleman train his hyperactive Kelpie pup. due to cancer the old man can't speak. Neither can he hear very well which makes communication between us difficult. The pup is exhuberant and friendly but jumps at and mouths anyone who gets near enough. We have to use a Squeaky toy to get the pup's attention which is working quite well. He will now Come, Sit, and Drop. He is rewarded with food treats and pats. I have to work with the pup each lesson until he understand what i want of him so the old man can practice in a limited way during the week. Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.Margaret
  9. Run Free Maya. Free from pain and suffering. Maybe you will find my beloved Rhys playing not too far away from the Rainbow Bridge. Dry your tears Mum and remember all the happy times you had together. From Maya to his grieving Mum When tomorrow starts without me Think of me a little while When tomorrow starts without me Dry your tears and try to smile. Think of all we did together All my funny little ways When tomorrow starts without me Think of all our happy days. (the verse was based on the words of one of our other Rainbow bridge posters-"when tomorrow starts without me". ) I thought it was so poignant I used it to help me over the first few days after my Rhys died. Margaret
  10. I can understand how you are feeling about the poor dog. We have just lost our beloved Rhys. Our Vet Put him to sleep in my arms in the back of our Urvan, A place he knew and loved and was familiar with. I told him to Go to sleep for Mum and gently he slipped away. The last thing he saw was me looking into his eyes. the last thing he felt was my arms around him and the last thing he heard was his Mum's voice telling him to go to sleep. He is buried in our special place we reserve for our dogs in the Rose Garden. I feel so sorry your inlaws dog didn't have the same beautiful experience. You feel very angry now but the little dog is at peace and your anger and pain will ease with time. Lets hope your unfeeling inlaws don't have another dog. Much sympathy. Margaret
  11. thank you very much for your sympathy. i love the little dog crying! It made me smile. thank you for that. Margaret
  12. Thank you very much for your sympathy. Rhys was a Belgian Shepherd Groenendael. He was almost 13 when he died and looking his age. We still have his best friend Bryneth. She is a Belgian shepherd Tervuren. It has helped un no end being able to tell someone about him. kind regards Margaret
  13. from Mum, Dad and Bryneth,in loving memory
  14. Thank you so much for your sympathy. Most people think he was "just a dog". You know better. Thank you. Margaret
  15. Our beloved Rhys died peacefully in my arms with a little help from our understanding Vet, to end his suffering on the 5 April 2005. One week before his 13th birthday. His best friend for many years was Bryneth our other much loved Belgian Shepherd. She grieves for him as we do. We gave our hearts to a dog to tear. We will never learn. Now all we have are the happy memories. Mum,Dad and Bryneth.
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