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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Thanks for your responses. I was concerned that I was just being over protective and thought that I would see what you experienced DOLers thought!

    The Bullmastiff is a lovely boy, but oh so huge...I think it would be terrible if something should happen...

    I think I will hold off from having these play sessions and allow Henschke to mix with smaller dogs...

    sounds like a good idea :D

  2. Hazel is a cross breed rescue that I have had for about 3 years. She was about 2 years old when I got her, and was desexed. We have a rather strange problem with her. All my dogs are toilet trained and sleep inside during the night, but Hazel often has an 'accident'. I don't mind cleaning up when she does it on the floor, but often she actually wees on her bed. When she was sleeping on a trampoline bed she didn't wee on that, but now she also has a padded mat and that is what she wees on, and it is a pain washing it all the time. She also sometimes wees on the lounge :rofl: so I have been putting things on it so she can't get up there any more.

    I don't think she has an incontinence problem, she can be inside wih me when I am home for very long periods and never has an accident or want to go out, she only does this overnight.

    Does anyone have any ideas why she would do this and how I can get her to stop?

  3. I am interested to know what everyone uses too. There are heaps of flies here, and of the six dogs I have here three are getting bitten on their ears (wonder why it seems to affect some dogs and not others). I have been using musca-ban spray but it is nearly gone. I have to spray it on every day, and most of the dogs don't like getting it sprayed on so it is an arduous and time-consuming chore each morning.

    I was talking to someone yesterday who said to apply sump oil to the ears. Has anyone ever tried this?

  4. Saw my aunt and uncle yesterday and they asked me for advice about their old dog Jess. Jess is a maltese x silky and is a sprightly 12 year old. Over the last few months however she has developed an itch and continually scratches. My aunt has started putting a little singlet on her as this seems to be the only way to stop the scratching. Jess' skin and fur appear normal, but she does feel hot to touch. She has been to the vet, and the vet is giving her cortisone injections but my aunt is a bit concerned about giving these over a long period of time. I suggested that a naturopathic approach may help. Does anyone know of a good vet in the Blacktown area who amy be able to help?

  5. For some reason so many pounds all over NSW were full to overflowing this week and many nice dogs died. Very sad. I just wanted to say RIP to these poor dogs. I wish we could have saved you all.


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