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  1. Happy Birthday Sweet BB! We at Schneeberg knew you form the day your were Born. It is such a heartbreaking thing knowing you are no longer with us all. We Love and Miss you so so much Bridgee Schneeberg
  2. Yeah Jag How do you do it :D Schneeberg
  3. Wow Thanks Everyone.. I do have Photo Shop just don't know how to use it :D Schneeberg
  4. Oh excellent Bella.. Wow thanks heaps! Schneeberg
  5. Ok I need Magnum gone LOL.. It;s for a cover I have to design but I need her out as the other picture's don't have handler's in them. Does that make sense?? Thanks Schneeberg
  6. Can someone Help me with something I need to remove a person from a picture, and I can't do it Thanks Schneeberg
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