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ima labluva

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  1. When you buy KP24 for headlice on children, the active ingredient is maldison, wouldnt that make it safe to use. I have used maldison in my house for fleas but i just sprayed the carpet before i went to work so that it had dried long before i got home. As soon as i got home I vacuumed. I also used a natural one but found that it didnt help till after i used the maldison, to keep them away.
  2. Bombs are useless for fleas IMO My advice is to get some malawash or maldison based product, dilute it by about 3 tablespoons in a squirty bottle of water and start spraying your house. It is very effective. Spray everything, it kills the fleas and their eggs, very rarely need a second go. Smells abit but not for long. Can even put a bit in your wash. It is the same ingredient they use in headlice products.
  3. Little Pixie, I was wondering the exact same thing. (about the frozen vegies) Maybe ok as the base and then add some fresh stuff too. looking forward to an answer too Soory missed the other 2 pages. i too am going to feed BARF. This info is priceless, better than books. I work for a chicken processing place so will be asking there for the leftovers to buy. Thanks everyone.
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