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Posts posted by daccydog

  1. morning all

    this post is to thank ERNY and her calendula tea recipe ,

    Miss Jilly had the worst grass allergy and the calendula tea helped it so much... .. it aided to ease the skin, as the rash was so bad, it was even into her ears, As well as her tummy , and even luckier that it didnt spread into a secondary infection

    AMAZING !!!

    many thanks Erny :confused:


  2. grass contact allergy is the bane of my life - though we get quite a good result with Evening Primrose Oil vet grade shampoo from groomers, have also been giving the food supplement.

    at its worst recently it was weeping and oozing and red all over her tummy a week of washing has seen the redness settling and the itching settling, by no means 100 per cent but improved

    am about to try paw paw ointment to help moisturise the area at night

    :laugh: Thankyou for your replies, I have used polaromine previously with good sucess , but the chemist had run out of it ? thats why I got claratyne, again thanks


  3. Hi Stitch

    we have spoken before about this dreadful disease Collitis

    my boy has now been on science diet zd for about a month now , with hopefully success at last (maybe )

    he is a changed dog and lot more happier and settled , his motions are still not 100% but slowly getting there

    The last attack he had, he was so sick we thought we were going to lose him, I honestly think its not a stress/anxiety problem with my boy but a immune system problem ,

    I also really like the sound of slippery elm for the digestive track , but wouldnt be game enough to try anything new at this stage

    I have spent a lot of money on vet bills , and even got a second opinion , and nothing changed , i know its quite overwhelming when your dog suffers from this disease

    good luck with your dog


  4. Thankyou for your replies

    my boys problem has gone off/on for 6 mths , and I truely believe he has a low immune system , since he was a puppy there has always been problems with different food ,but not to the extent he has now, he is 5yrs old now

    Anyway he spent all of last week in hospital on a drip and antibotic meds , came home saturday much better ( thought we were going to lose him)in the early part of the week

    our vet diagnosed him in January and has done bloods and fecal test with nothing showing up, he is now on science diet zd only, i've read a lot of negetive reports about this product though,

    In may he had another very light bout of collitis , so i tried a different vet , she suggested feeding eukanuba f/p fish and potato , which i did but after a few weeks of this diet this latest servere bout came upon him again ,

    so it was back to my original vet , after spending lots of dollars and gettting the same result

    anyway again thankyou for you input , perhaps i should try outside the circle to a homeopath, it is so confusing and hard to deal with when you think that youve always done your very best with diets ,


  5. Hi there Flyingfurball

    This post is very interesting as I'm going through the exact same thing, I actually posted in the daccy thread on wednesday eve my problem which is the same as yours I feel mine is definatley a dominance issue ?

    I Know i have done everything possible to prevent her going nuts at other dogs , if i use a check chain or a collar she ends up vomiting, because she pulls so hard , even with me saying no no , so now i use a harness which has helped immesley with that particular problem

    my dog attacked a beagle the other night , no skin broken but a dominance thing again , the unfortunate thing is we met in a lane way between houses , if only i had seen them coming , and i would have gone the other way,

    lets hope someone can come up with some suggestions for us both


  6. Hi everyone

    I took my dog Jack to the vet today

    he has been diagnosed with colitis , poor thing was straining so hard to do poops , he is on scourban , anti biotic s, and is to be wormed

    actually the vet said , it can be caused by poor diet or allergy , the poor diet really hurt :mad as i dont think he has a poor diet by any means

    anyway he is to have chicken rice and a few vegs for a few weeks to see if this makes any difference to him

    If anyone else has a dog that suffers with colitis can you let me know what you feed him

    many thanks

    Daccydog :(

  7. I know it may not be the best option but my dog looks forward to us leaving now because that's when she gets all her toys and treats. We give her 2 kongs, some other rubber toys and usually a bit of something to chew like a pigs ear or trotter. Sometimes she also gets her breakfast in her treat ball. She has some other toys she plays with when we are at home (rope toy and frisbee) and her special toys only come out when we leave.

    Hi lead & feather

    yes i left her with a kong filled with biscuits , and a small bone , which she always buries in the garden :D

    and of course her toys too, i really dont know what else to do ??????

    thanks DD :D

  8. Hi DD

    Although the neighbours think they're doing the right thing, they may well be inadvertently reinforcing the behaviour by giving the dog attention when she cries. I've heard rescue remedy can be quite effective but I think you need to get to the source of the problem as well.

    A couple of questions for you....When you are home, are the dogs inside or outside? When you are out, are the dogs inside or outside? How much time do the dogs spend alone apart from these six hours? It would really help for a start if you could give a little info along these lines :p

    Hope your husband's chemo is going as well as can be expected :D

    Hi Spotted devil

    thanks for your input,

    when where at home the dogs are inside and outside, but sleep inside, but when we go out, they are outside , the only reason being is she the youngest would chew anything insight ? Maybe separation anxiety?????, They have a kong, toys, i leave a bone with my neighbour who gives it to them about an hour after we leave

    I always feel bad for the older one as he is such a gooood dog

    the only other time they would be left alone would be about 1 - 2 hours general shopping ect,

    My hubby's chemo is going ok , but he has been very ill at times , not good

    thanks again DD :D

  9. Hi Everyone

    Once a week we leave our two dogs for about six hours at one time , whilst i take my husband to hospital for chemotherapy

    the older daccy doesnt care and is good, but our youngest 18mths old daccy is fretting when we leave and cries

    I know this as our neighbours tell us when we get home , they are very good and try and talk to her and in return shes quite for a little while,but starts again

    any suggestions would be appreciated as what to do , I can remember reading about rescue remedy ? but unsure how this works and if its safe enough

    kind regards

    Daccydog :rolleyes:

  10. Hi daccydog here

    I'd just like to say that i have only just started to feed my two cooked food

    for the following reasons

    my female daccy would eat anything that you could give her and untill recently all RAW

    but MY Male daccy 4yrs old who was always feed raw meat chicken ,vegies plus bones

    some how every couple months he would get diareah which always ended up with a trip to the vet

    the last straw was the female got it to , i'd brought chicken breast from woolies

    the vet said it must have been spoilt and giving it raw only increased there reason to get sick

    so I have changed there food menu , I still give them raw bones and chicken necks but cook there main meal with vegs and give them eukanuba biscuits for there breed half and half

    I too have worried if this is a sufficient menu , but looking at the both of them they look so well with beautiful shiney coats and of course no vet visits or smelly bums (longhair) :thumbsup: such a bonus

    regards daccydog

  11. Hi All

    this is just a quick message to say a big thankyou to all the DOL and the great topics that are on the forum

    on saturday night after a huge downpour of rain, i put our little daccy (terror child ) out for night time pee

    well what does she spot a nice big cane toad for supper :laugh: , well she of course came off second best, just as well i was standing there at the time !!!

    anyway what i'm trying to say is that i'd read in the forums of how to treat a cane toad squirt and was able to deal with it straight away

    it was such a shock to see all the froth in her mouth so quickly

    sunday morning i took her to the vet and all is ok

    many thanks

    daccydog's mum :shrug:

  12. Hi Guys

    my little one yr old mini daccy has been biten by midges from the grass

    and has a very red itchy tummy (cos she's very low to the ground ) ;)

    i rang our vet and she said to use some polarimine 2mls x 3times a day

    she has only just started this yesterday and at this point in time i dont see any rapid change

    has anyone else got any remedies that may help her


    daccy :)

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