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Posts posted by cactus

  1. Glad you are looking at alternatives, because if the halti isn't working, then the infin8 sure wont. Neither is designed for "horror pullers" ;)

    I've got one of each, and they are great for mild to moderate pullers- a good tool to keep them under control while they are in training. I have found I prefer the halti to the infin8- less fiddly, easier to use, and on my dog, more effective.

    The dog obedience club we attend recommends and sells gentle leaders. Again- no good for horror pullers though.

    I almost bought a remote training collar (was tossing up whether to get that or the prong collar) but one day we just seemed to turn a corner with her pulling and chasing behaviours. She no longer tries to drag me accross roads and over to aggro dogs or runs after and tumbles every swf she sees. :eek:

    Miracles CAN happen! :) All the best Inka! :mad

    Scope, I couldn't count how many times my mum advised me to get rid of Zara, and she came up with a wide variety of arguments, like: she's too big for me, she's too powerful, its not fair on my other dog, its not fair to my cats, she takes too much of my time, life was easier before, someone else would suit her better, another dog would suit me better, I'm not experienced enough, its too late for her to change, she'll always have problem behaviours, I'll get kicked out of my house, she's costing a fortune... bla blah blah.

    Good thing I dont listen to my mum! :)

  2. If Lorence makes a loud one, he freaks out, turns over and puts his nose where the sound came from... yes... his bum  :rofl: And stays there for like a minute trying to figure out why that funny sound smells  :(

    I think he's embarrassed and is trying to sniff it all up before you detect his little slip :mad:cry:

    edited coz its late and I'm tired and typing gibberish (well more so than usual) :(

  3. Oh Pampa what a nightmare! I'm sure she will pull through fine with the great care you are taking of her. You are incredibly vigilant, and switched on to have even suspected rat bait when she licked her lips (with mine I would have thought- spider!) and then to put two and two together! Good on you Pampa. :rofl::mad

  4. If there are distractions around- like at obedience class, my treats have to be as smelly as possible.

    tiny pieces of vintage cheese, dried whiting (cat treats- I break them up), mini salami sticks from the deli(they are thinner than my little finger)- I slice them thinly.

    When I'm at home anything will do- I usually use cat kibble (they are always waiting for me to forget to pick the cat bowl up anyway lol), pistachios, and dried liver treats.

    When I'm at the park or the beach it doesn't matter what treats I use- she isnt interested and will let them fall out of her mouth.

  5. How would you go with 1/2 cup BARF in the moring (no extra meat added) and a frame at night?

    Noisymina, what do you mean by 'no extra meat added'?

    The mix that I'm giving Kiki at the moment is 1/3 fruit and vege mix, 1/3 chicken pet mince and 1/3 premium beef mince. Should I replace the pet mince with premium mince, or do you mean increase the vege mix? :thumbsup: ;) ... or something else entirely... :p

  6. Cactus are you buying the patties or making your own?

    I make my own BARF- laborious I know, but I make the vege mix in bulk and freeze it in portions, them thaw and mix it with the meat as needed.

    Also as Poodlefan said, there is info on the website

    I really did look!!! I'll have to go see how I missed it, I *was* tired, but still.... ;)

    Good luck  :p

    Yeah, I'll be needing that ;) :thumbsup:

  7. Poodlefan wrote:

    Billlinghurst DID come up with a formula.. here it is on the BARFWORLD website:

    Oh thanks poodlefan, I swear I *did* look! :thumbsup: ;)

    I'd suggest if you didn't reduce her food intake to account for the lack of exercise that is the reason for the weight gain, not the type of diet she is given.

    I did reduce the quantity of food I gave her, then more recently changed the food itself. She gained some weight initially- and this was at a time when she got just one meal a day.

    She has gained a lot of weight since *returning* to her usual activity level- which is what I dont understand. I was told two meals a day would be better than one for keeping weight down. I'm reluctant to reduce her food much further- especially since a good deal of the weight in BARF wouls be water.

    Weight of food tells you nothing about its calorie content.  If  you are feeding a lot of fatty bones, then reduce the fat on them - perhaps change to a leaner meat.

    The only bones I give her are turkey and chicken necks and frames, and only every now and again wings (because I believe they are fattier than the others?). I wonder though at the fat content of the chicken pet mince- maybe that is fattier at some butchers than others? Half the mince I give them is premium beef mince.

    I'm guessing that 2 cups a day would amount to 500grams a day of BARF? I dont have a scale :p If I want her to be 30kg them presumably feeding her 600 grams would be appropriate, so given that she is over 34 kg and getting less than that but still gaining.... Perhaps I'll try 1 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup in the evening, and see how that goes. I dont want to leave her ravenous (and being a ridgie she is always under the impression that I am starving her to death! lol) and she's not going to die if the weight takes a while longer to come off.

  8. "Have you called Jenny yet?" 


    Another 2 methods I've heard of but haven't tried are:

    1.  Substitute some of their normal meal with either grated raw carrot or pumpkin.

    2.  Simply cut back normal meal by 10% every few weeks or so.

    What worries me about this approach is the risk of causing her to become malnourished. I already give her more pulverised veges in her mix than what zara gets, and my mum thinks I'm starving her to death because her corgi gets the same amount of food I give her, and his ideal weight is 15kg! :rolleyes:

    I probably will go the SP kibble way- although if it works there'll be no going back to BARF. She's 6 years old and can do without all the weight being piled on and then dieting to reduce it. Zara seems to be maintaining her weight well, and she usually has at least half as much again to eat as Kiki (zara is 37.5kg and at optimal weight).

    I just can't believe Billinghurst didn't come up with a formula for working out how much to feed? There must be one, surely!

  9. Kiki has been on the BARF diet now for about a month. Before that she was on a weight reduction diet, and got 1 cup of kibble am and another pm. When she got frames/bones etc then the kibble was reduced.

    Now she gets 1 cup of barf am and another cup pm, or 2 turkey necks/a frame etc instead.

    She is GAINING weight!!!! She is becoming a fat little pig and I'm seriusly considering switching her to a calorie controled super premium kibble instead.

    Her ideal weight is about 30kg, a fortnight ago she was 34.5 and she is fatter than that now!

    Even on Billinghurst's site I couldn't see any recommendation on serving size.

    With Kibble I am told you give 1% of what you want their weight to be- so if I want Kiki to slim down to 30kg then I should give her 150grams twice a day.

    What do you think???

    Ugh.. I never thought I'd have a FAT dog! She started gaining weight when I got injured and couldn't take her out, then she had surgery and couldn't exercise. Its all on her tummy and round her neck. Not a good look and very uncomfortable for her. Plus she doesn't have much energy any more. :rolleyes:

  10. I was given Malaseb and Neotopic-H (cream with antibiotic, anti-inflamm and local anaesthetic) from vet which eases it a bit.

    A lot of DOLers swear by Aloveen Shampoo and leave on conditioner.

    I'll give these a go. Could I get them from my vet without having to pay for a consult do you think? I've paid over $1000 in vet bills these past three months, so I'm looking to avoid paying more than I have to!

  11. She started off with scracthes, that turned into sores, got pimple heads, lost hair, put her on antibiotics, they cleared up, took her off drugs and they came back again in three days. This has been going on now for three months.

    So she got a secondary infection as a result of scrathing at a rash?

    I think thats what the vet said was happening with Zara. I wonder if I had not let her scratch if they would have cleared up quicker through not getting infected and being kept angry and inflamed. So I wonder in that case, as a temporary measure, if something to simply take the itch out might work in conjunction with the elizabethan collar?

    I have just been to a dog dermatologist who has put her on a final course of antibiotics and then we will go down the path of food allergy diets and allergy vaccinations if necessary.

    Yikes I couldn't afford allergy testing!

    I have found aloe vera gel helps a bit with my dog.

    I didn't try that, but will next time I see her bothered by them.

    I will keep in touch and let you know how I go. Good luck.

    Thanks Tanya! Seems like a few of us are in the same boat with this rash business.

  12. Symptoms my Ridgeback is experiencing is that he lost all hair on his underside.  Initially he had open sores...and it hurt for him even to walk sometimes.  His underarms were scabby with no hair.  His inside ear flaps were scaley, and he had a slight scabbiness around his mouth where his whiskers come out of.

    wow biancalouise, that sounds a whole lot worse than my girl has!

    I wonder whether there is something natural you can use to boost his resistance?

    Has his diet/bath wash/bedding etc changed recently or are you certain that its something in the yard?

    I used an elizabethan collar on Zara to stop her licking her welts- that eased them quite a bit as she was keeping them inflamed. She has some of the pimples coming back on her inner thighs, but so far she hasn't touched them. Now that i think of it, I think she may have got the welts on her underarms first.

    Its a real mystery to me.

  13. My 2 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback has been suffering from an allergy to something in the garden.

    What are the allergy symptoms?

    My 3yr old ridgie was at the vet last week because she had little bumps come up (looked like bites) then some of them turned into little scabby patches that lost hair, while on her tummy and inner thighs she develped big pimple looking things and welts that looked like jelly fish stings! It was all rather ugly and worrisome, but the vet said it was common in dogs who moved from cooler climates to hotter ones (she came to QLD from Sydney) but that they had become infected and that she could possibly be allergic to the long grass at the park. He gave her a jab of antibiotics and then gave me some tablets to give her (anti-inflammatories perhaps).

    They did clear up, but the pimples are returning, and now my other ridgie has some of the bite-looking bumps coming up, so I dont know whats going on!

    Having never dealt with allergies before, I'm keen to find out about others' experiences with them and what does and doesn't work. I have no intention of going to the vets every other week and dosing her up with chemicals!

  14. I got mine from K9 Force and its Innotek. Its one of the new designs 9 levels and 250m range.

    Is it also waterproof? She is in the water a lot, so thats something I would really need.

    I also got a manual from K9 (that he mentions above) on how to use it along with  lessons, and who knows how many ( I hope he isnt counting, are you K9? :rofl: ) emails with questions and points of advice.

    I believe you can purchase the manual on its own from K9 if you get the collar from elswhere, its a 45 page book. The DVD that comes with it I dont think has enough info it bare minimum.

    I'll really need the manual, DVD and email support as I am nowhere near K9 Force so cant have lessons :o

    OMG will someone take those eyes off me plizzzz  :laugh:

    I can only guess with what love and adoration she gazes at her owner with those big brown eyes! :crazy:

  15. As to the price of ecollars - worth every dollar,  very good investment. I wish I got one earlier when it was first recommended to me.

    It seems its not easy to get much information about them or where to get them- is there a brand that is more reputable? I dont want to pay $400 and find I got a poor quality product.

    Also, do they come with enough information to use them, as I dont know of any trainers here (Gold Coast) who use/allow them- its hard enough finding trainers that allow head halters or check chains.

    My main interest in using one would be to train her not to chase small dogs, but if I could get training on how to use it effectively in other more useful situations, that would be great.

    How long has your collar lasted myszka?

  16. I have been shown certain (what I call) tricks, LOL, on the computer, time and time again, but I loose patience when been taught.

    LOL lablover! My problem is one of memory rather than patience- my kids got frustrated with me years ago because I was constantly asking "whats that command again?" and they'd say ALT Tab mum!!! ALT Tab!!! In the end they wrote it on a post-it note and stuck it to the monitor. Many months later it had lost its sticky and blew away... again I had to ask what do I hit- ALT ... ???? TAB!!!! :laugh:

    They really thought I was taking the mickey, but alt tab is such a meaningless phrase, it just wouldn't stick in my memory. :D

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