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Everything posted by scottie

  1. Thanks for this everyone - I'll start up at St Ives & see how we go.Only got one car in the family & my son plays cricket every weekend all over the place so I don't normally have access to it on the weekend in the cricket season ! I'm attempting to do this with the little Schipp so it may be an absolute disaster !
  2. Does anyone know anywhere in Sydney that does daytime mid-week classes for either flyball or agility ? Quite happy to travel during the day but evenings & weekends are really tricky . Any suggestions ? Only needs to be novice standard at either.
  3. One of my dogs suffers similarly - she has Exocrine Pancreatic Deficiency, which basically means her pancreas doesn't produce the enzymes necessary for proper digestion. It can be tested for by a simple blood test & can easily be treated (not cured - but adequately managed) by the addition of these enzymes to their food as a supplement. You can get over the counter treatment (one of which is called Enzyplex & is widely available) or a prescription medication should the over the counter not be adequate. May be worth them looking into this.
  4. How's Kal going today Erny ? It must be horrid for you watching her when she's fitting, but if she's still enjoying her grub & barking at the neighbours etc it sounds as though she's still enjoying life. At least she has no consciousness of her condition & no fear of what is to come - much , much harder for you. You're in my thoughts & prayers - noone could possibly have done more for their companion than you have.
  5. One of mine is just the same. My trick is to use those triangles of 'Laughing Cow' cheese (very 'gooey'). Pop pill in one bit - it's so sticky it's hard for them to pick off- & follow it up instantly with another bit of pure cheese. Normally they are so busy looking at the second bit they gulp down the first without thinking about it !
  6. So sorry you are having such a terribly worrying time with Kal - keeping everything crossed for you. To sidetrack a bit can you remember why your vet said she shouldn't stay on Enzyplex for too long ? As you know my girl has EPI & we've tried all sorts of things - her most recent wonderdrug (Creon) worked for a bit but I am now finding that it is beginning to be less effective so have started adding Enzyplex to her food as well (had some left over in the fridge & thought it was worth a go!). It seems to be working well but now I am wondering whether there are any dark secrets to it that I should be aware of ? Don't know if it is of any help but my girl had issues with digesting chicken too ( & I was trying to put weight on her at the time just as you are with Kal) - I switched to steamed white fish (skinless) & she has gone really well with this : seems to find it much easier to digest.
  7. I'm also not sure if Ollie is allergic to anything but how about something good & stinky , like sardines, slightly warmed so they will let off a bit more smell. I know warming food often works with sick cats to tempt their appetite - not sure if dogs are as fussy about being able to smell their food but maybe worth a go. Raw egg yolk has helped me to put weight on both dogs & cats before - with cats I mix it with evaporated milk & a little bit of honey - not sure whether dogs would digest this well or not ? Maybe you could use 'puppy' milk instead ? Edited to add - you could try smearing a bit of egg on his paws & see if he licks it off - again - this works with cats as they are so particular - sometimes the simple act of licking it off seems to kickstart their appetite - almost as if it reminds them that they actually do like food !
  8. I'm no doubt looking really stupid here but I've never heard of dogs getting meningitis (though I can quite see that they could!) - did your vet suggest what might have brought it on ? Is it viral or bacterial ? My boy has tonsillitis at the moment - another human complaint I'd never thought of dogs getting !
  9. There was a bit of an 'outbreak' of Giardia around here a few months ago - I am not sure that it is infectious dog to dog but maybe where a number of dogs share the same drinking water they can cross infect each other ? Certainly there seemed to be quite a few who walk in the same park who went down with it round about the same time. I think it is often water carried ? Anyway, although some were pretty sick I think they all recovered so your friend's baby should be OK (though it is always scary when they are little & sick).
  10. Sad to say it was human grade that got them - & best free range at that ! They do love it though - & I feel really mean now ignoring all the hopeful faces when I am cooking but I can remember the vets bills for 3 food poisoned cats all too clearly too give in to them again !
  11. I've been told by my vet not to feed raw chicken, whether necks/frames/wings - both because of the bone issue & also because of potential food poisoning issue. My cats were once poisoned by raw chicken so I am happy to take her advice on this one (though the dogs are very sad as they LOVE them !)
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