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Posts posted by shoemonster

  1. You can start training before 12 months, you just cant compete until 12 months

    You can start teaching things like recalling to the tug/reward, and sending them to a stationary ball and have them return and swap ball for tug/reward

    I used to set up a ball on an unturned pot plant or bucket, and hold them back and rev them up to go get the ball, then get them coming back as quick as I could

    You can also start teaching the turn on a board resting against a wall (about the size of a door mat will do) to get them used to turns and turning on an angled surface similar to the box, and then once they will turn on that you can attach a piece of velcro and get them turning and grabbing the ball from the board

    This site has great info


  2. Im glad to hear he's on the improve, it sounds similar to my stafford boy, who was in emergency last year with a bloated stomach and refusing food, after a few xrays they couldnt see any blockages but he had pockets of gas in his intestines that werent moving, they opened him up straightened everything out but they still werent sure exactly what was wrong or why it had happened, he was ona drip for a while to rehydrate and he didnt come out of the anaethetic well, it was very scary, but he's all good now and it hasnt happened since (touch wood)

  3. Havent done much obedience for a while, been a slacker, but I took this vid this morn of Ed's newest trick :o

    Tiggy, looking good! I wouldnt say too fast, you have a fast pace but the dogs arent struggling with it, and alot of people walk far too slow and make it difficult for themselves in slow pace

  4. I watched a friend of mine strip down and get in the dam at kcc to get the wubba back! :o

    I also lost the material bit of one in the same dam, and 6 months later in summer when the water level was lower we were walking around the other side and all dried up in the mud we found it :o

  5. Yeah I started with heeling, but Id heel forward, drop it without her seeing after 2 or 3 steps and then take another 2 or 3 and send her to find it

    At home with hide and seek Id make her wait in a different room to me so she was used to waiting and not seeing me with the article and where it was put

    Once she was reliably finding it with a short heel, I would put one turn in, say 6 steps drop, 3 steps turn 3 steps send, I kept it really short and built it up slowly

    Talking about it now I need to get back into it!

    ETA same as TSD, wanted her to know that find means use your nose too, so used that at home and out

  6. I'm no expert at all, but Mollys started doing hers, and we started (after the hide n seek games at home) on grass, with a few steps at a time, getting longer as she got the picture, making sure she was using her nose, and we've gotten up to a bit of a heel pattern with some turns with success

    Sometimes I get someone else to drop the article, but other times I just drop it down my leg as we heel

    How did you do it with Leo?

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