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Posts posted by storm

  1. I have a little 10 week old pup that continuously does running poos. I have wormed him, put him on plain chicken and rice diet, given sourban and nothing makes any difference.

    Overall he is happy and energetic, normal pup. I have had him for a week. He was vaccinated at 7weeks. He has bowel control and is learning housetraining well.

    He has no distended belly, clear eyes, gum etc just running poos they dont smell any worse then a normal formed poo

    Any ideas to help

  2. Trying to get together a list of what I can or cant use on my dogs.

    Read on a web site that for minor and superficial, to gently clean with soap and water and then apply an antiseptic or antibiotic ointment.

    My question is what type?

    Can bepanthen first aid cream be used?

  3. Not an 'expert' on the subject as such, but did the Vet 'clear' this dog of having any holes (some are difficult to detect) in the ear drum? Pouring cleaner down there in those circumstances can be painful I believe, and not helpful.

    In the absence of that perhaps keep the ear flaps (if that's as far as you might be able to get without knocking her out) wiped with white vinegar. By not approaching her ears for the 'full work out' so to speak might help her to gain the trust you need from her that every time you look at her ears is not going to mean "pain is coming".

    Sorry - I think that's all I can think of to add in a vague attempt to help.

    When the dog first arrived it was straight to the vet for a check up. Dog wouldn't let the vet or anyone touch his ears. Had to use a muzzle at the vets and another vet helped to hold the dog so that the ears could be looked at.

    Ears very wet, smelly and quite red. Even with muzzle on dog wasn't happy and fought when anyone touched his ears. Yet just laid still for a blood test

    Antibiotic and ear wash given. Dog has a few health issues and vets didnt want to knock dog out that day, waiting for blood work to come back and to hopefully get him to gain a bit of weight and get over what appears to be KC.

    So dont know if he has been cleared so to speak of any holes in his ears.

    I sit with him and bribe him with small treats and gently rub his head. Today he actually let me lift the ear flaps up and tilt them upside down on his head. That was all I did in the way of touching his ears

    It will take time for him to trust me afters years of neglect.

  4. If you can find Boracic Acid powder or can find a Chemist who will mix this for you (as some have it)

    6 oz Isopropyl alcohol

    half a Tbls Boracic Acid powder

    1 tsp Betadine (used to be Gentian Violet but you cant buy it anymore either )

    Grain, rice, pasta etc can cause ear infections, yeast infections & skin complaints....

    Thanks Cavandra

    Joys of surrenders you don't get a medical history

  5. The ear wash is ilium oticlean.

    He wont let other dogs near his ears, the moment anyone goes to touch him anywhere near his ears he will growl and move away. The poor boy is in great pain with them

    I am slowly changing him to raw food only, just didn't want to upset him to much to start with as he also has separation anxiety

    At the moment I don't have a hope in hell of removing the excess hair from his ears, cleaning them is hard enough. Even with the medication he still needs to be muzzled

    We are looking at the vet knocking him out next week and giving the ears a clean and removing the excess hair.

    Toohey, will have a look at the web site, thanks. isopry what is this and where do I get it please?

    I have a friend with poodles that makes ear powder and have used that for years with my own dogs.

    Also wasn't sure if putting a powder in his ears would be a good idea as they are so yucky as it is

  6. I have a rescue OES that suffers from chronic ear problems.

    I think it is due to his ears never being cleaned over his life time

    In the passed he has needed to be knocked out to get them cleaned.

    He is on antibiotics, ear wash and Otomax ointment twice daily. Before I can do anything with his ears he has 1/2 a acepromqazine tablet to relax him and allow me to get near his ears.

    Is there anything I can do help stop ear infections?

    I have never had a dog with such bad ears. I am open to any advice no matter how out there, left field etc

    He is currently eating chicken frames, wings etc and advance dry

  7. Glad Duke is home

    I used pets at peace for Luna also and found them brillaint. There were periods when I couldnt speak to them but they understood and not once pressured me.

    As hard as it is, they did make it easier.

    Your Dad needs time and maybe Duke will stay at your place

  8. Im not sure if this is in the right area

    I have a bulldog 8kilos shes only a baby and an OES 50 kilos 8yrs they will chase the ball, frisbe any toy that you can throw. The OES will get the toy first, the bulldog will wait until the OES picks it up if she gets there first.

    The bulldog then likes to jump at the oes to hang off the toy that the OES is carrying and be carried back to who through the toy.

    All has been fine until yesterday, some how when the bulldog went to jump to get the toy she managed to rip the OES's jowl

    Mass of blood, vet stitches and a drain in the OES cheek, pain relief, OES is fine and home.

    Bulldog is fine. OES has always been a sensitive boy doesnt like any aggression or growling etc. Now wont go any where near the bulldog. Bulldog isnt trying to hurt the OES just wanting to say hello

    I have the house gated so there is one up each end etc but they can still see each other.

    How can I get the OES to relax around the other, I know its early days but dont wnat to leave it to long and cause more problems. Other dogs are also become quite protective of the OES. The puliks are very protective of there flock eg OES

    So before I have a bigger problem can anyone give me some help/advise please

  9. Thanks everyone, its a shock in all honestly didn't think we would lose one.

    Turns out she had a heart problem that had never been picked up.

    Just figured they would stay for a while get better, get a huge vet bill and everything is back to normal.

    My other girl is home now, still quite flat but better.

    This has been the year from hell, roll on next year

    We went out to kingaroy/ esk this is where the dogs would have picked it up, I assume as that is the only place they have been for the last month

  10. Lost one of the girl during the night. :cheer:

    The other one has improved and will be able to come home this afternoon.

    She will have medication for the next week as will every one else here.

    Vet has said its a strain of giardia.

    Thankfully its a hot day today and everything will dry after being scrubbed yesterday and again today.

  11. Giardia would fit after reading that info, as we went bush last weekend and the dogs had a ball playing in the mud and semi dried river bed. I would assume they would have drunk some of the water.

    When I left last night they were running more blood work as I asked if it could be what was been mentioned on here.

    One of the dogs has been on cortisone treatment for a skin allergy.

    Will know more after 7am

    Thanks again everyone. Its wonderful that everyone is willing to share ideas :laugh:

  12. Thanks everyone, I dont handle things well when the vet states they dont know what is wrong.

    Its just so frustrating when you have no idea and to see them go downhill so quick.

    One is a 20 month old and the other is a 4yrs.

    I have a litter of pups and they are only 7 weeks old and both are fine yet they all live together.

    I have spoken to the vet and the result for everyone's parvo test is negative, so thats a relief.

    Hopefully they will be able to come home this afternoon if they stop the diahorrea and eat.

  13. I have 2 dogs in hospital on the drip. They were both healthy and full of beans yesterday normal dogs.

    Then around 6pm last night they both became flat, diahorrea which stunk, refusing food and fluid.

    Up to the emergency vet, I was thinking coccidia.

    Vet tested for Parvo and both results came back as negative and also negative for coccidia.

    They have all the symptoms of parvo but tests don't agree. Vet has admitted they don't know what is wrong but will treat as a possible parvo.

    How long does it take for parvo to show up on tests? All other dogs have also been tested for parvo waiting for those results. Every other dog is fine all normal behaviour, eating drinking etc.

    Any one have any suggestions?

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