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Everything posted by bikle

  1. we had to remove a handful of big established bushes from our house when we move in.. oh the joy. you will find a lot of lists on the net that tell you what to watch out for. The one I used was: http://www.cybercanine.com/toxicplants.htm i don't really know plants that well, so OH's dad helped us pick them out. alternatively, you can get the plants name, and google image search it... good luck. i hope you don't have to lose too many plants.
  2. Haha. That's exactley what I am thinking.. How the hell will I handle a baby?! Im sure you'd get a thousand times more things to worry about and a thousand more people telling you what you are doing wrong. That was my main reason for getting one! Mini-working dog.. (though.. I don't think he gets the 'mini' bit, he's already convinced himself he is a giant breed) Have alread contacted my local obedience/agility club. Was planning starting on the 17th doing basic obedience... no Agility until he is old enough (18 months I am told). Is that OK? Starting obedience classes at 5.5 months? or is he too young??
  3. Breathe deep Bikle - I don't see anyone trying to make you feel guilty or suggesting you are silly and negligent. You've had your dog for about three weeks now? He's not going to have suffered any long term damage yet. I totally understand you don't want to ignore your breeder's advice but suggest that you do a bit of your own homework rather than accept it in blind faith. BTW - does your breeder exercise her dogs by walking them round the block? If she does, I'll be surprised - most breeders tend to have a few dogs and free run them together in groups. Thankyou for your great advice poodlefan. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old, so nearly 3 months. I have only been walking him for the last 3 weeks - I am sorry I sound so stressed and mad. I am just going through a hard time at the moment and have found that the conflicting advice I have been given over EVERY aspect of the bringing up of my puppy hard to deal with. The reason I joined DOL is to help with my 'homework'. I have wanted this pup for years and started researching breeders etc for over a year before I got him. I want to be a responsible dog owner. I want my pup to have a long and healthy life. I want him to have strong bones, a strong back and not suffer arthritis in his later years and I am willing to put the time and effort in to make the chances the best possible for him to achieve it. I have stopped walking him until I can get more information. I am googling my head off and plan to speak to my vet this week. Thankyou again..
  4. Jogging is even worse than walking Flexileads are hopeless for training. They just teach dogs how to pull!! And a daily walk can be dangerous. That is terrible advice I'd throw that away and start again I don't use a flexilead. I walk him on a lupine lead and a flat collar. Throw away the advice and start again? Throw away the advice of my breeder - a lady that has been working with the breed and producing champions and grand champions for over 20 years? And not walk him? Because he is a 'toddler'? In my mind, Doug (in development terms) should be more like a 10-12 year old boy. Definately not a todler. He is 2/3 of his adult weight. He is experienced the world, met a thousand people, socialised with dogs and had learnt a handful of basic commands... and he's a todler? I just don't understand what I am supposed to do. I don't want to hurt my puppy but I am sick of being made feel guilty, silly and negligent for following the 'wrong' advice . The exact same thing happened with his vaccinations...
  5. My breeder sent me to this site for all info in regards to training/obedience/feeding etc: http://www.jimanie.com/Training.html and all it says is: "If you jog, take him with you, as long as you keep in mind his age and the conditions of the day. (Jogging is only for dogs over 9 months of age, and limit it to an easy, short distance, until he is at least 1 year old.) " and later down the page says: 'Leash break the pup by attaching the lead to the collar and carrying him outside, away from the house. Put him down, and then follow him around for awhile. Try gently leading him in the direction that you want him to go. As a general rule, teach the pup to walk at your left side. If he resists, tug, do not pull, on the lead. Call his name, tug, and start walking. He'll get the idea soon enough. You can accomplish much with treats in a young puppy - bribery always works! By taking the dog on a walk daily, you will quickly leash break him, and he will soon be looking forward to his walks, and will rush to the door when he sees his leash in your hand. I highly recommend buying a "Flexi-lead" of medium strength to walk your pup. You should still train him to walk on a short lead even if you use a flexi.' Oh dear! Raising a puppy is so damn confusing.
  6. i think i did! is that why he still poops inside?? haha (seriously though.. now im really worried)
  7. OMG wow. i am really REALLY really suprised by this. i have been taking douglas on walks around the block, and in the park, twice a day since he was fully vaccinated (16 weeks) he is now 19 weeks. should i stop? am i gonna break him? he seems to love it. he gets so excited when i get out his lead...
  8. I can't believe I didn't see you post ur pic She is gorgeous.. I might steal her!
  9. OMG A PUPPY CORGI!! you have made an excellent choice! let the ankle-biting begin . can't wait to see pics.
  10. also - the corgi breeder that i was lucky enough to get Doug from had him: - vaccinated - had his eyes checked - had him micro-chipped - had him registered with the canine association. I also got a bag of puppy food, a kit with some worming, scourban, a toy AND she washed him and clipped his nails before he came home! All of which is included in the price. if you do the maths, it will probably work out that you are getting the pup cheaper thought a registered breeder because you don't have to pay for that stuff, you get great advice AND the breeders have thoroughly checked the lines to ensure that your pup has the best chance of not having hereditory problems. You also know exactley what you are buying too! No chance the pup will grow into a horse! AND you get cheaper pet insurance too!!
  11. how much are you willing to spend? the WA price for corgis is ALOT cheaper than the eastern state price even if you include shipping. I could get you in contact with a great breeder which (I think) has one male pup left. You will find the waiting list is longer for the females -. they are great dogs! i have a 17 week old boy and he's brilliant. so smart - lots of character. feel free to PM me if you would like some more info! would love to help you out.
  12. I don't know what it is but it's definatley not a corgi .
  13. you posted a question in the puppy forum as well and haven't been back to respond... i wonder if you are reading our replies at all?? i am very worried about your puppy. please start some training with him and do some research into positive training methods. he is just a baby still.
  14. was a good day hey! ended on a sour note though. I tried to get doug to go to the toilet before i left but he wouldnt. We hadn't even left the car park and he had the runs all over my back seat. I put him on a towel but he missed it. ALL OVER the seat... ALL OVER him. ALL OVER THE DOOR and floor. Got lost and ended up at the dianella shops scraping dog poo off my car seat and off my poor puppa. Needless to say, i drove with the window down the whole way home in the rain. he's ok now though. i have been keeping a close eye on him. i think it was the excitement of meeting everyone that did it. i don't think my car will ever smell the same. 'toilet drive'
  15. I second what everyone else has said. Learnt so so much!. Thanks to everyone involved for making it happen (except the weather man - boo to you) :p. Was great to meet you all! Douglas said he had an great day - especially getting beaten up by the baby pug and humping the shepherd puppy! :p
  16. Wish you had an baby Norman as well as a grown up one to bring.
  17. You better not bring Norman. He's so damn cute i'll stuff him in my car and drive off with him.
  18. my thoughts too - the more i think about it the more i think you might need to rehome him OR find another place to live. can i ask where u got him from?
  19. no - that will be ME!! haha. I hope he behaves. Before I left for work this morning he was an absalute loon! that shepherd pup is gorgeous chicko !
  20. here is my list of things to bring - umbrella - rain jacket - chair - tether stake - doug - water bowl and food rewards - note pad and pen anything I am missing? I am an EXTREME beginner so am going to need all the help I can get
  21. Get a play pen or crate to put him in so that he can be confined and feel as though he has his own space. He shouldn't be on a leash that long - especially if you are out because he could get caught and easily choke. Puppies do chew/eat/whine- its what they do - he will probably continue to do so for at least another year. Are you going to training with him?
  22. Hey I completely agree with you!! It's only water!! But still, it's nice to think we're not going to get totally saturated, too I think it would be ok to be in the rain for a couple of hours but if its going to rain ALL day I would prefer to be undercover (specially since Ill have a 4 month corgi pup that's belly touches puddles when standing ) I'll be there on Saturday and will be bringing Doug - but OH will be on standby to pick him up if need be.
  23. im not sure if i HAVE registered my phone number anywhere??? i will pm it to you.
  24. was so hoping it was going to be sunny all weekend. will we all get an email sent out if the venue changes due to the weather?
  25. are they littermates? i have heard that training gets a lot harder when you have 2 pups - especially when they are littermates - and that you need to make sure that you spend some 1 on 1 time with each of them everyday for your training to be most effective. Tho - I have never had 2 pups before. I imagine it would make some things easier (such as reducing whining and seperation anxiety issues) - but others harder (toilet-training). Goodluck! Keep us informed of how it goes!
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