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Everything posted by nelsona

  1. Now I have got so many ideas Thanks a lot And speaking of chicken the lady on "Me or my dog" always uses chicken
  2. He is crazy about cabana, but I can't carry cabana with me Can somebody please recommend some treat that dogs are crazy about? I tried buying dogs' chocolates and other treats from supermarket to no avail. I would really be grateful for help.
  3. Thank you so much to everyone who responded with helpful hints.
  4. Dear Forum Members, I need your help, please. My elderly neighbour has a big barking dog to "discourage" intruders. However, sometimes she would like him to stop barking on command, yet she is afraid that perhaps it would totally eradicate his barking and he won't react if strangers approach her house. How can she go about it?
  5. my 40kg gsd: 1/2 kilo of meat or 1kg of chicken necks or chicken wings + fruits/vegies 1 cup
  6. My GSD - 500 g of meat (raw weight) + vegies/fruits (a cup)
  7. Maybe GSD breed is not for you. These dogs are very individualistic and require a lot of patience. GSD and Rotweiller - both breeds are quite strong willed. You would be better off with more placid breeds. Funny thing I thought you were a guy, when you wrote about punching your dog
  8. Thanks so much for help What is a prong and is is safe to use on a dog?
  9. Well, I bought a Halti - it was fitted by vet's nurse, who chose size 4 for my german shepherd. However when my husband went for a walk and saw another dog, it fell off. I went back and the halti was exchanged for a smaller size - 3. Apart from the above incident it is sooo much easier to walk him except I feel a bit guilty - like he doesn't look too happy and doesn't even want to sniff things on the way. It's as if he doesn't enjoy walks so much anymore
  10. I have just one question (perhaps silly one?) I don't mind if my dog stops and smells whatever attracts him - would halter allow him to do it? I was thinking that perhaps it will fall off?
  11. Yes, silly me I live in Melbourne, Eastern suburbs - Surrey Hills
  12. Where can I buy halter and does anybody know of a good trainer and an approximate cost per lesson?
  13. Thanks a lot for so many good tips. I was thinking about the choker,but am worried that it perhaps will hurt my dog? and if it doesn't , where can I get one?
  14. Thanks so much - I will try stopping and halti - is it a harness? I have a hound harness used for backseat buddy.
  15. He is lovely natured but weighs 40kg and is difficult to control when other dogs are around. He loves them and wants to play. How can I teach him not to pull and just walk by without that strong reaction I would be grateful for help, as I am desperate
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